
What is the secret of the miraculous lemon water.

Lemon water is a simple and nutritious way to avoid dehydration. It is popular in restaurants, and its preparation at home takes only a few minutes. It has also become fashionable as a way to improve digestion, skin health and more.
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  587 Hits

What time of day is ideal for jogging.

Physical exercise is an integral part of a healthy and active lifestyle. While some people prefer to run immediately in the morning, others like to train in the late afternoon. Some people even train right before going to bed. Is there any benefit from exercising at certain times of the day?

This is the subject of numerous disputes among athletes, exercise specialists.
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  663 Hits

A protein breakfast is what will provide you with energy for the whole day.

Whether you're having breakfast on the go or you can sit down and enjoy a meal before the start of the day, including protein in your morning meal brings many benefits. Besides the fact that when combined with carbohydrates and high-fiber fats, protein foods can help you feel full for longer, with more stable blood sugar levels, they also help with several vital body functions, including cell repair and maintenance.
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  710 Hits

Have you ever thought about training twice a day?

Two-day workouts usually refer to the world of high-level athletes training for a particular sport or competition. It is quite difficult for the average person to find time for one workout, not to mention to carve out enough time for two a day.

But that doesn't mean you should laugh at this concept at all. Exercising twice a day has its benefits if you know how to make the right schedule to stay safe.
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  632 Hits

Is it difficult for you to choose healthy cheese? Learn about the most delicious and healthy types of cheese.

Cheese is a notoriously stringy food. It has a creamy texture, it melts in your mouth. In addition, the cheese contains casomorphin, a chemical compound of casein protein, which has a soothing and mild euphoric effect.

Because it contains saturated fats that can be dangerous to your heart health, cheese has a bad reputation as an unhealthy food. However, this is not entirely true, and cheese can be part of a healthy diet.
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  680 Hits

The main reasons why you should do strength training.

Most of us know that strength training is important, but it doesn't make it any easier to do it. It might be helpful for you to find out why strength training is so important and how it can help you look and feel better.
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  921 Hits

Dragon fruit and all about its benefits.

The dragon fruit, also called pitaya, pitahaya, is a member of the cactus family. The bright pink bulb-shaped fruit is known for its sweet, fresh taste and unique decorative appearance (prickly scales gave it its name). The flesh of the dragon fruit can be either pink or white.

It is grown mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Dragon fruit can be a healthy and delicious addition to your diet, as it contains vitamins, fiber and even iron and healthy fats (which is unusual for a fruit).
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  626 Hits

A powerful abs workout that not everyone can handle.

There are no elementary movements here — this intensive training of the press is a real find. Start with 10 reps each and see if you can increase the level to 15 or 20.

Key muscle: spinal muscles

Paired bundles of muscles and tendons that cling to the spine to protect and strengthen the entire back.
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  653 Hits

Learn about the benefits of blueberry juice and drink it more often.

Many people wonder if it is as useful to drink blueberry juice as just eating blueberries. In general, it is believed that eating whole fruits is healthier than drinking fruit juice. But you get some health benefits when you drink 100% blueberry juice.

Blueberry juice can be made from blueberries or from blueberry concentrate. Many brands of blueberry juice also add other fruit juices, such as pomegranate, blackberry, apple or cherry. Blueberry juice can also be combined with lemonade.
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  622 Hits

Stretching before going to bed, which will help you relax.

Are you ready to include a stretching ritual in your bedtime routine? Consider doing several of these stretches before going to bed for a total of 15 minutes every night. Although it is better to perform each stretch for three to five minutes (which means that at best stretching can take 20-30 minutes) to fully open the body, this may not seem feasible if you are new to stretching. In such cases, try to gradually increase the duration.
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  636 Hits

Find out why your diet needs mushrooms.

Mushrooms represent a separate kingdom from plants and animals. Technically they are not vegetables, but they are often used and served as vegetables in recipes.

Mushrooms are a low—calorie product with a high fiber content that can be used in cooking in different ways. They give the dishes a piquant taste, but contain very little sodium, which makes them a useful choice.
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  589 Hits

Often you can't lose weight because of emotional blocks. How to get rid of them.

If you've tried all the diets and exercise plans and can't lose weight, there may be a psychological block in your way. Losing weight is an uphill battle for everyone, but those who face an emotional struggle may find it harder to achieve their goal.

The first step to a healthy solution is to identify the problem. You may find that there is more than one obstacle that needs to be eliminated. However, the good news is that these obstacles are surmountable.
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  826 Hits

Do you like garlic? Its benefits will make you eat it more often.

Garlic is a product that many people either love or hate. Its strong, pungent taste is suitable for savory dishes, so it is used in traditional cuisine all over the world.

Garlic has been used to treat diseases for thousands of years. Hippocrates prescribed garlic for various diseases, and early Olympic athletes used garlic to improve performance. The benefits are mainly due to plant compounds, but garlic also contains several vitamins and minerals.
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  759 Hits

How to determine the required number of approaches and repetitions.

Your training plan usually specifies a certain number of sets and a certain number of repetitions. But what are repetitions and approaches? And how should you determine how many reps and sets you should do?
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  736 Hits

All about the benefits of hazelnuts.

A hazelnut is a tree nut with a hard shell. It is said that these nuts, also called hazelnuts or coconut, originated more than 5,000 years ago in China. Today, hazelnuts are grown mainly in Turkey, Italy and the USA.

Hazelnuts can be eaten raw, this versatile nut is also used in both sweet and salty dishes. Hazelnut oil and other products made from it are also widely available. These nuts are healthy and can be a reasonable addition to your diet.
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  658 Hits

Be careful - you may encounter muscle failure. Is it dangerous?

Muscle failure happens when you overdo it so much that the muscle can no longer contract concentrically. The muscle is simply not able to perform another repetition.

Most of those who regularly train do not train until they completely give up. Those who do this are usually bodybuilders or powerlifters, people engaged in strength training at competitions, or pursuing a specific goal to build big muscles.
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  685 Hits

What are the substitutes for wheat flour for proper nutrition?

From baking cakes, cookies and bread to thickening sauces and even as a liquid dough for frying — flour is an important ingredient for many dishes. Some of the most popular forms are universal white flour made from finely ground wheat, semolina made from durum wheat, and wholegrain flour made from whole wheat grains.
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  632 Hits

How to safely build muscle with nutrition and exercise.

Building muscle mass is a common fitness goal. Muscles not only make you look and feel stronger, but also reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

But learning how to apply the best nutrition strategy to gain lean muscle mass can be difficult. Nutrition for muscle development is different from a simple attempt to reduce body fat. Muscles are a highly active metabolic tissue that requires significant nutrients for recovery and growth, especially after heavy training.

Since most women naturally have less testosterone than men, the process of building muscle mass may be slower. Some women also shy away from eating for muscle growth due to concerns about fat gain. This misconception can lead to a restrictive diet that does not promote muscle growth and relief.
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  678 Hits

Does couscous give healthy carbohydrates.

Couscous is a popular side dish, common in North African and Oriental cuisine. It is made from small grains of wheat groats and often accompanies vegetables or stew. The caloric content and nutritional value of couscous depends on the cooking method you use, but it can be a nutritious addition to your meal.
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  844 Hits

Strength training and its benefits for mental health.

Strength training is a form of weight training that aims to increase your physical strength. Since it is clearly measurable, you can see your results in action and observe how far you have come by improving your strength.
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  619 Hits