
How to master one of the most difficult exercises - push-ups planche.

Take your workout to the next level by practicing planch push-ups in combination with other advanced exercises such as handstand push-ups, pull-ups and bench press.
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  758 Hits

What is tofu good for health.

Tofu is a vegetable protein derived from soybeans. The beans are soaked, boiled and ground to a liquid state. With the help of a coagulant, the liquid thickens, turning into tofu. Tofu does not contain dairy products, gluten, cholesterol, so it is popular among people who adhere to a specialized diet. Often used as a meat substitute, tofu is high in protein but low in fat, sodium and carbohydrates.
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  1706 Hits

Do runners need strength training?

If you are new to running or have been running for many years, strength training will definitely benefit you.

Some runners hesitate to do strength training because they think it will make them bulky and slow. But strength training can make your running program more effective and enjoyable.
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  560 Hits

How to choose lean meat.

When you're shopping or dining out, it can be helpful to know which protein sources are low in saturated fat. Although you may assume that the best way to reduce saturated fat intake is to completely abandon animal products, you can still enjoy fish, beef, pork and poultry by choosing low—fat pieces and making meat part of an overall balanced diet.
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  682 Hits

History - how weightlifting developed.

It's easy to look at weightlifters today and imagine that this sport was born in the gym. However, looking back, we can say that in fact it began to appear long before there were fitness centers.

Drawings in Egyptian tombs, for example, depict various items for strength training, such as sandbags. Similar historical practices can also be found in Ancient Greece and Rome.

Although it may seem that even our ancestors also took care of their health and physique, like many of us today, it may not be so easy. One of the theories of the origin of weightlifting is that these workouts were more of a means of survival.
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  994 Hits

Why you need to include octopus in your diet.

Octopuses are a type of mollusks that are an important source of protein. This charming sea creature is also considered a delicacy in many cultures.

Due to the high protein content and many essential vitamins and minerals, more and more people are adding octopuses to their menu. Here's a look at the nutrition, health benefits and uses of octopus.
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  682 Hits

How training affects anger.

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion that everyone ever experiences. Deep emotions such as sadness, fear, or guilt can also be expressed by anger. During times of stress, we may experience anger more often than usual.

Anger brings problems when it becomes uncontrollable. Some people train to manage their emotions and frustrations.

Aerobic exercise, in particular, can help reduce anxiety, depression and hostility. A short workout can help prevent an angry mood.
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  732 Hits

Veal is the meat of calves with proper nutrition.

Veal is the meat of calves, most often male dairy calves aged from four to six months. It is usually more expensive than beef and is usually associated with Italian, French, German, Swiss, Hungarian and Czech cuisines.

The light pink color of veal is due to its dairy or artificial feeding and hemoglobin content. Since there is not as much hemoglobin in veal as in beef, there is less iron in it.
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  655 Hits

Is it possible to train every day.

Although getting gold stars in a workout tracker for a daily workout sounds good, you don't have to force yourself to practice every day. However, if you keep a few things in mind, you can safely exercise your body every day of the week.

Whatever the reason, if you exercise every day—or feel like you should—there are a few important factors you need to keep in mind. While exercising every day may be normal, a more likely scenario is that in many situations they may actually work against your health and fitness goals.
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  702 Hits

Is it possible to eat such a delicacy as lobster, with proper nutrition.

Lobster is a popular seafood choice with impressive nutritional characteristics. You may have heard that they contain a lot of cholesterol. Although it's true, lobsters are also low in saturated fat. As with other shellfish, lobster is no longer demonized as a cholesterol-boosting product. There are several reasons to think about indulging yourself with lobster the next time you plan a special dish.
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  783 Hits

How to use recovery days effectively to get the most out of your workouts.

To improve the body, you need to not only work hard in the gym, but also do the right things the rest of the time.
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  646 Hits

Why salmon is so useful.

Salmon is a delicious fish that is versatile and easy to find in most markets. Thanks to the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality protein and a rich content of micronutrients, it is worth adding to your nutrition plan. A higher intake of omega-3 is associated with a reduced risk of certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and other conditions.

Many people are concerned about mercury and other pollutants in fish. However, salmon is a nutrient—rich fish that contains minimal amounts of toxins regardless of whether you buy it farmed or wild.
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  615 Hits

How to strengthen nails quickly.

Are you ready to get toned legs quickly? Just know one thing first: in fact, there are no such muscles as "toned". Rather, through strategic exercises and diet choices, you build strength and muscle mass while reducing body fat so that your legs look toned.
Still ready to get to work?
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  719 Hits

How to give up caffeine without feeling exhausted.

It's easy to have a love-hate relationship with caffeine. Your Americano at 8 a.m. makes you look at the morning meeting with your eyes wide open and in a good mood, but also makes you nervous by the time lunch is approaching. A cup of afternoon tea won't let you doze off at your desk, but it also won't let you fall asleep early. And as soon as these disadvantages begin to outweigh the pros, you may think about giving up caffeine.

But giving up your favorite fatigue fighter shouldn't be an unpleasant experience.
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  698 Hits

How exercise can affect hunger.

Have you ever finished a workout and felt like you wanted to eat a lot of food? Did you finish your workout and feel that you are not hungry, although you thought you would be hungry? Both of these situations are real examples of how exercise affects your appetite. You might think that exercise always makes you feel hungry, but in fact it's much more complicated.

Exercise can increase or decrease your appetite depending on the type of workout, your physiology, and your current diet. Knowing how exercise affects hunger can help you plan your meals before and after a workout, as well as develop a meal strategy to speed up the fitness progress you're aiming for.
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  715 Hits

The health benefits of sour citrus lemon.

Whether sliced, squeezed or peeled, this citrus is sure to make any dish delicious thanks to its bright color and impressive set of nutrients.

Strain yourself, lemon lovers! In addition to the uplifting yellow hue and sour taste, lemons are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and many others. They can also be used in many delicious ways — and not only as a seasoning or side dish. There are facts ahead about the nutritional value of lemon, the health benefits of lemons and creative ways to use them.
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  667 Hits

Is it possible to pump muscles and lose weight at the same time.

Sometimes, when people lose weight, they lose muscle.

If you take measures to maintain muscle mass while shedding extra pounds, this will create a different set of problems. Namely, it may be harder to track your progress because the numbers on the scale won't necessarily change even if your body shape changes.
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  812 Hits

What dried fruits are really useful for.

"Eat more fruits and vegetables!" You hear it all the time — from nutritionists and, perhaps, from your mother — but many people still do not apply this advice in practice.

One way to squeeze more fruit into your diet? Choose dried fruits that are stored longer than fresh ones, and they are easier to find, pack and snack on. But are dried fruits useful? And how are they compared to the latest versions? You may be surprised.
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  682 Hits

Why your buttocks do not increase, no matter how much you train the gluteal muscles.

If you do a billion squats, but you still feel like you don't have buttocks, you may be making some of these common mistakes when training your glutes.

Firstly, you cannot selectively train one part of the body. Squats work not only on the buttocks, they also work with your quadriceps, hamstrings, core, hip flexors and back."

Therefore, if you are looking for exercises to increase your buttocks, be prepared to build more muscles throughout your lower body. However, the results of muscle building are slow, so don't be upset if you don't notice signs that your buttocks are growing immediately.
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  714 Hits

The beneficial properties of quinoa motivate you to eat grains more often.

From strengthening your immune system to boosting your energy, this tiny but mighty grain is overflowing with benefits - plus, the facts of quinoa's nutritional value are hard to beat.

Given the countless low-carb diets that have been advertised over the past few years, it may seem that macronutrients are considered public enemy number one. But carbohydrates are actually the body's preferred source of energy, and experts still recommend consuming them in healthy amounts. We need more carbohydrates than proteins or fats. Carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of our daily calories, so they are still very much needed by the body.
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  2791 Hits