
Какие ПП блюда можно приготовить в блендере.

Один из наиболее эффективных способов похудеть — готовить еду дома. На собственной кухне вы можете контролировать калории, выбирать более полезные для здоровья ингредиенты и контролировать размер порций более точно, чем в ресторане. 

Но нет никаких сомнений в том, что запекание, приготовление на гриле, и варка полноценного блюда может занять много времени. Вот тут-то и приходят на помощь быстрые и питательные рецепты в блендере.

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  479 Hits

7 truths about proper nutrition and training.

Going towards your nutrition and fitness goals is exciting, but sometimes it can be a little scary. One minute you feel like you're making a huge success, the next you're wondering if you should change direction or try something else.

Information about diet and exercise can come from all sides, and it's not easy to figure out what's worth spending time on, and sometimes it can be completely overwhelming. Should I avoid carbohydrates or eat them? Eat less on rest days? Exercise before you can indulge yourself? With so many rules, it can be hard to know what to believe. Here are six truths about diet and exercise that you not only need to know, but that will help dispel some common myths.
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  612 Hits

What are the substitutes for wheat flour for proper nutrition?

From baking cakes, cookies and bread to thickening sauces and even as a liquid dough for frying — flour is an important ingredient for many dishes. Some of the most popular forms are universal white flour made from finely ground wheat, semolina made from durum wheat, and wholegrain flour made from whole wheat grains.
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  769 Hits

Veal is the meat of calves with proper nutrition.

Veal is the meat of calves, most often male dairy calves aged from four to six months. It is usually more expensive than beef and is usually associated with Italian, French, German, Swiss, Hungarian and Czech cuisines.

The light pink color of veal is due to its dairy or artificial feeding and hemoglobin content. Since there is not as much hemoglobin in veal as in beef, there is less iron in it.
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  774 Hits

Is it possible to eat such a delicacy as lobster, with proper nutrition.

Lobster is a popular seafood choice with impressive nutritional characteristics. You may have heard that they contain a lot of cholesterol. Although it's true, lobsters are also low in saturated fat. As with other shellfish, lobster is no longer demonized as a cholesterol-boosting product. There are several reasons to think about indulging yourself with lobster the next time you plan a special dish.
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  943 Hits

False myths about proper nutrition and diet that you believe in.

Dieting may seem like a simple solution until you learn about the facts and myths that complicate everything. When it comes to weight loss, a lot of common myths turn out to be only partially true.
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  1057 Hits

Why do you need meat and poultry with proper nutrition?

Meat and poultry are excellent sources of protein. They also contain many other nutrients that your body needs, such as iodine, iron, zinc, vitamins (especially B12) and essential fatty acids.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat meat and poultry every week as part of a balanced diet.
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  1080 Hits

Granola is a delicious and healthy breakfast with proper nutrition.

Nutritional value of granolaNutritional value 1/4 cup (29 g) of classic granola:* Calories: 140* Fat: 9 g* Sodium: 85 mg* Carbohydrates: 14 g* Fiber: 3 g* Sugar: 4 g* Proteins: 3 gCaloric contentA serving of classic muesli per quarter cup contains about 140 calories, about the same as cookies or other...
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  1038 Hits

How to choose a balanced diet correctly.

A nutritious and balanced meal plan can bring you a number of health benefits. It can boost energy, reduce the risk of certain diseases, and improve sleep and performance at work or during exercise. A well-thought-out meal plan can also help you achieve your desired weight.
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  1097 Hits

Healthy and proper nutrition during the holidays.

The holiday and weekend season is a time filled with parties, family gatherings, and an abundance of food, so it's very easy to break the diet. But don't think that you should limit yourself or skip the holidays for fear of overeating. Below are tips to help you stick to your program and at the same time not miss the holidays and still have fun.
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  1275 Hits

low-carb foods that should definitely be in your diet

When you're on a low-carb diet, going to the grocery store can be exhausting, especially if you're trying to avoid processed foods and refined carbohydrates. At your local grocery store, it may not be easy to find a passageway dedicated to low-carb options, but if you know what to look for (and what to avoid), you can put together a shopping list that will serve as a guide.
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  1339 Hits

How to get rid of the habit of eating at night.

Are you one of those who adhere to the motto "eat all day - good", crave snacks after lunch and end up snacking on everything they want? Don't worry, you're not alone. You won't believe it, but many people who try to follow a diet or eat healthier food fall under nighttime overeating
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  1229 Hits