
Протеиновый порошок в пище может быть креативным.

Протеиновый порошок — это быстрый и простой способ получить белок до или после тренировки. Добавьте мерную ложку протеина в шейкер, смешайте с водой, и все готово. Однако многим из нас пить один и тот же протеиновый коктейль изо дня в день может наскучить. Вот почему поиск новых творческих способов использования протеина может изменить ваши каждодневные привычки в пище.

Протеин универсален и вкусен, что делает его отличным дополнением к смузи, боулам, выпечке, овсянке, йогурту и многому другому.

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  609 Hits

Что будет с вашим телом, если вы будете пить протеин каждый день.

Протеиновый порошок предназначен не только для любителей фитнеса. Это удобный источник белка, который поможет вам удовлетворить ежедневные потребности в белке. А поскольку белок (как правило) универсален - он повышает чувство сытости после еды, ускоряет обмен веществ и способствует наращиванию мышечной массы - использование протеинового порошка является простым вариантом для достижения ваших ежедневных целей.

Сколько белка вам нужно ежедневно, зависит от размера вашего тела и уровня активности. Вы можете беспокоиться, что слишком много белка вредно для вас или что это приведет к увеличению веса, но, к счастью, это не так. 

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  566 Hits

Полезен ли протеиновый порошок при сбросе лишнего веса.

Если вы стремитесь сбросить нежелательный вес, вы, вероятно, включили протеиновые порошки в свой распорядок дня или, по крайней мере, подумываете об их использовании. Многие люди обращаются к протеиновым порошковым добавкам, чтобы поддержать свои усилия по снижению веса. Но работает ли этот подход?

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  483 Hits

Protein shakes. It is better before or after training.

Protein shakes are usually a favorite supplement for many, especially active people whose protein needs are higher than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Protein is one of the three macronutrients along with carbohydrates and fats and is responsible for the restoration, preservation and growth of muscles.

People often rely on protein shakes to help with various body composition goals such as building muscle, weight management, exercising, maintaining muscle mass, and simply out of convenience to help them achieve dietary protein goals.
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  748 Hits

What is the difference between vegetable and animal protein?

There is nothing better than adding a spoonful of protein powder to a smoothie, morning oatmeal or even to your favorite pastry from the dough. Numerous varieties of protein powders can increase the consumption of this trace element from both plant and animal sources.

If you often use protein powder, you may already have a favorite product. But be open-minded-powders of vegetable and animal origin have clear advantages (and several disadvantages). See how they compare in terms of nutrition, health benefits, taste and use.
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  1136 Hits

Protein shake before bed - benefits and harms.

Protein shakes remain one of the most popular health supplements among active adults, athletes, and bodybuilders. Many believe that protein can help with weight loss, build muscle mass, and improve overall health. Shakes with protein powder have become a convenient breakfast drink, and they are often consumed after a hard workout to restore muscle.
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  1481 Hits

Should you consume protein at night

Protein shakes remain one of the most popular health supplements among active adults, athletes, and bodybuilders. Many Americans believe that they can help with weight loss, building muscle mass, and improving overall health. Shakes with protein powder have become a convenient breakfast drink, and they are often consumed after a hard workout to restore muscle.
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  1283 Hits

Protein or weight gainer

Novice athletes are asking themselves this question when choosing food to increase muscle mass. The universal answer is no – consider the individuality of the particular person. What to choose, protein or weight gainer will learn from the material.
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  1634 Hits

Who and why we need protein

Most people, not understanding the meaning of the word protein, clocked myself that this is some kind of steroid, but it is not. The protein translated from the English language simply means protein. But as taught in school: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, eating in our everyday food.
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  2007 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Healthy seeds

Seeds can be very small in size, but with a very large amount of nutrients. How do I use them as a dietary Supplement?Healthy eating is not limited to the preparation of dietary products and taking a huge amount of any additives. Sometimes it is enough to add seeds to the...
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  4689 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Protein is a popular dietary Supplement in the diet of athletes

Protein is a popular dietary Supplement in the diet of athletesProtein is protein in its original form. Once in the human body, it is converted into amino acids, which are essential for growth of muscle fibers. Popular proteins in the world of sports due to the fact that this substance can...
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  3707 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Nutrition before and after exercise

Nutrition before, during, and after a workout is of great importance.You already know that sports nutrition has a huge impact on your results. The abdominal press is formed in the kitchen, we are what we eat, and so on, and so on. "Yes, of course," you mutter. "I've heard it all...
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  3796 Hits
Alex  Hammer

What is the optimal dose of protein?

Although regular physical activity increase protein requirements, more and more researchers come to the conclusion that there is a certain threshold after which excess protein can have a negative impact on the achievements of the athlete. We can assume that our anabolism is severely limited. Although proteins and stimulate them, but...
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  3168 Hits
Alex  Hammer

With the better mixing protein shake?

So, suppose that you are going to mix myself a protein shake. What to choose as the liquid base of the drink: milk or water? It depends on several factors that must be taken into consideration:Milk adds calories;Milk causes a spike in insulin;Milk enhances the flavor of the cocktail.With that said,...
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  6968 Hits