Grip width in the bench press. How to choose.

Grip width in the bench press. How to choose.
Still wondering what the width of the grip should be every time you get under the bar? Choose a grip that will fit your goals. Let's look at the basic rules.
You may never have really thought about how far apart your hands are in the bench press, but simply moving them along the neck to the center or to the pancakes can give a stunning result. Thus, you can redirect training stimuli from the upper to the lower or from the internal to the external parts of the chest muscles. The width of the grip even affects the range of movement and how much working weight you can lift.

b2ap3_thumbnail_zhim4. the distance between the hands within 25-30 cm is suitable for bench press with a narrow grip during hand training. It perfectly loads the triceps, and at the same time the internal fibers of the chest muscles. The forearms in this position are not strictly perpendicular to the floor; they form a slightly sharp angle (less than 90 degrees). For most people, this grip corresponds to a distance that is slightly less than the width of the shoulders.

b2ap3_thumbnail_zhim01. when you put your hands as close as possible to the pancakes, the angle of the forearms becomes blunt, and they are again not perpendicular to the floor. The emphasis is shifted to the chest muscles, especially their external parts: the load on the shoulders increases. In this position, the triceps perform a much smaller amount of work, but you can lift more weight, because you load the chest more actively and reduce the trajectory of the barbell. However, many people notice that this increase in strength has to pay for the pain in the shoulders.

b2ap3_thumbnail_zhim3. the standard choice for a bench press is an intermediate position between a narrow and wide grip. When the bar is at its lowest point, the forearms are almost perpendicular to the floor. For most athletes, this is the most comfortable width. And the best grip for the overall development of pectorals is the one where you can train comfortably from day to day, isn't it?

b2ap3_thumbnail_zhim2. the fourth option is the reverse grip of the bar. In order for this grip to produce results, the forearms should be positioned strictly perpendicular to the floor, and the elbows should be as close to the sides as possible. This modification actively recruits the triceps, but also loads the upper bundles of pectoral muscles.

The eternal question is: Which grip should I use?
There is a time and place for each option, and it depends on your goals. Do not think that only the standard grip is suitable for the main sets, and the rest are only suitable as an extension. You can use a reverse or narrow grip for one or two cycles. For example, you can use variations of the grip in your training programs:

For triceps: narrow or reverse grip
For the top of the chest: reverse grip
For the bottom of the chest: narrow grip
For maximum weight: wide grip
For external parts of the chest: wide grip
Gentle for shoulder joints: standard or narrow grip
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