Alex  Hammer

In a burning house, and ...

Everything has to be a limit. But if the ultimate dream of a man beyond the accepted limits? I think it's overkill. But! done work, worthy of respect.
  1716 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Do not Wake famously, until it quietly

And what are you doing in isolation?
  1802 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to stretch your shoulders before you bench press

A long talk about how important the warm up before performing heavy exercises, I will not. But rather draw your attention to how to make it really qualitative for the shoulder girdle before executing the bench press. Before I was limited to a simple pyramid, gradually coming up to working weights...
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  2776 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Quickly add in the weight of the meat 8 of the rules

Everyone knows that you can not quickly gain quality mass. For results, you need months and years of training, a diet, kilograms of supplements and liters of spilled sweat. But everyone wants to believe that there is a way to deceive nature. And here, there are 8 rules that will help...
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  4898 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Healthy seeds

Seeds can be very small in size, but with a very large amount of nutrients. How do I use them as a dietary Supplement?Healthy eating is not limited to the preparation of dietary products and taking a huge amount of any additives. Sometimes it is enough to add seeds to the...
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  4597 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to drink during the holidays?

Soon new year's holidays, corporate parties are all over the place, which means that not many people will do without alcohol. Both athletes and physical athletes are at risk of a morning hangover.For some reason, the question of how to neutralize alcohol in the body occurs after a stormy party, and...
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  4173 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Protein is a popular dietary Supplement in the diet of athletes

Protein is a popular dietary Supplement in the diet of athletesProtein is protein in its original form. Once in the human body, it is converted into amino acids, which are essential for growth of muscle fibers. Popular proteins in the world of sports due to the fact that this substance can...
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  3643 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Anabolism and catabolism as tame.

Metabolism is a set of biochemical processes that occur in any living organism – including the human body-and are aimed at ensuring vital activity. These biochemical processes allow us to grow, reproduce, heal wounds, and adapt to changing environmental conditions.Most people use the term "metabolism" incorrectly, meaning either anabolism or catabolism.The...
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  8882 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Alcohol and fat burning

A large number of people use alcohol as a sedative for stress, as a mandatory drink for meeting friends, alcohol is a mandatory companion of any holiday, and just an "evening" glass. In this article, some facts about the effect of alcohol on the body.Drinking alcohol is part of human culture....
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  26402 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Vitamins. As they are destroyed.

You can enjoy a hundred times the generous vitamin composition of a product and anticipate the beneficial effect of its consumption of various dishes. It is important not to forget that vitamins are not so permanent - they are subject to destruction. Some vitamins are destroyed by temperature, others by sunlight,...
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Recent Comments
А как насчет доп. витаминов из аптеки? Есть мнение, что они вообще бесполезны.
Friday, 07 October 2016 21:39
Alex Hammer
Это не совсем так. Это мнение, и не самое правильное. Витамины из аптеки не бесполезны, более того, они могут быть опасны. Если че... Read More
Sunday, 09 October 2016 12:06
  26066 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The reflection in the mirror after the holidays

Vacation time is coming to an end. All diligently preparing for the summer, spending a lot of calories and hours in training. Someone was on vacation at the beach, someone in the country or in the mountains. Everyone tried to give his patanatomy body brown in the sun. And the first...
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  3545 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Grip width in the bench press. How to choose.

Still wondering what the width of the grip should be every time you get under the bar? Choose a grip that will fit your goals. Let's look at the basic rules.You may never have really thought about how far apart your hands are in the bench press, but simply moving them...
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  12667 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Fifty dollars a hand

Summer, beach, terrain and fifty kopecks hand! And many people will never achieve this size. Having big hands is good, but big and strong is even better!Build large and strong hands will help the program that I will talk about in this article.Deltas, biceps and triceps are relatively small muscle groups,...
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  3489 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Work with maximum effort

All you need to know about working at your limit is the one-time maximum.Calculator for calculating the one-time maximum (here)Most people associate the maximum effort method with two things:1. Work with maximum weights, which involves performing one maximum repetition for the basic exercise.2. The Westside Barbell System.The Westside Barbell system does...
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  4463 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The myths of nutrition broscience

These popular nutrition myths for extra strength and muscle mass can lead you to the opposite result. Fortunately, this is easy to fix!The term "broscience" (fraternal science) refers to the dissemination of pseudoscientific information.Not everyone will spend time on self-education (textbooks on nutrition, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, biomechanics, etc.), and no one...
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  4054 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to survive the ketogenic diet

Getting used to a ketogenic diet is not easy, even when it's delicious. At your request, these 5 supplements will speed up your adaptation and make it easier to switch to a low-carb lifestyle.If you decide to switch to a ketogenic diet, prepare for the fact that there will be a...
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  4013 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The ketogenic diet and how to treat it

Not my favorite, but certainly effective diet. Since you ask so much, as they say - "diet in the Studio"!I suggest that you thoroughly study the low-carb ketogenic diet and its three variants: the standard, cyclic and targeted ketogenic diet. This guide includes detailed instructions for creating a nutrition plan and...
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  4839 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Calculator daily calorie intake

Calculator daily calorie intake is an excellent tool to determine the energy needs of your body depending on the mode of training. For calculations we use two formulas:Formula base metabolic rate. This formula uses multiple values, such as your height, weight, age and gender to calculate basic caloric needThe Harris-Benedict Equation....
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  3659 Hits
Alex  Hammer

12 minute intense workout

Lose the extra pounds and transform your body with a super-intense 12-minute crossfit workout.It's time to get ready for the summer season! Are you ready to change yourself for the better? If so, this training is designed specifically for you. A super-intensive 12-minute program will increase your overall anaerobic endurance, and...
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  3916 Hits
Alex  Hammer

At the limit: get the most

Everyone wants to achieve maximum results during training. But to really reach the limit in deadlift, squats, bench press, you need to develop a strategy that involves little more than a simple race for the weight you can take.Not hurrySwitching attention to training on the principle of "one repetition with maximum...
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  3913 Hits