Do you like garlic? Its benefits will make you eat it more often.

Garlic is a product that many people either love or hate. Its strong, pungent taste is suitable for savory dishes, so it is used in traditional cuisine all over the world.

Garlic has been used to treat diseases for thousands of years. Hippocrates prescribed garlic for various diseases, and early Olympic athletes used garlic to improve performance. The benefits are mainly due to plant compounds, but garlic also contains several vitamins and minerals.Nutritional value of garlic

Nutritional value of one clove of raw garlic (3 g)
• Calorie content: 4.5
• Fat: 0 g
• Sodium: 0.5 mg
• Carbohydrates: 1 g
• Fiber: 0.1 g
• Sugar: 0 g
• Protein: 0.2 g
• Vitamin C: 0.9 mg
• Zinc: 0.04 mcg


The calories in garlic come from carbohydrates, and since the serving size and calories are very low, there are also very few carbohydrates in garlic. There is only one gram of carbohydrates in a clove of garlic.


There is no fat in garlic.


Garlic does not provide a significant amount of protein.

Vitamins and minerals

Garlic contains several vitamins and minerals, although one clove does not give much because of the small portion size. Each clove contains a small amount of vitamin C, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, vitamin K and manganese.


A 3-gram garlic clove contains almost no calories. You will add only four calories to your total diet if you eat a whole clove. Garlic calories are unlikely to have a noticeable effect on your daily diet.

Health benefits

The potential therapeutic benefits of garlic are primarily related to its biologically active compounds, including organic sulfides, saponins, phenolic compounds and polysaccharides.

Helps in a balanced diet

Garlic can support your healthy eating program or a program to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Because it's so flavorful, a small amount of it can give your food a delicious savory taste without giving fat or significant calories. Garlic can also be used as a salt substitute if you are trying to reduce your sodium intake, but you want the food to taste good.

Reduces inflammation

Garlic has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Reduces the level of lipids in the blood

Garlic reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood serum.

Protects against oxidative stress

It is believed that oxidative stress caused by free radicals is mitigated by the consumption of antioxidants. Garlic contains phenolic compounds with powerful antioxidant properties.

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Garlic extract can significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke due to its nutritional and phytochemical properties.


In some people, the use of garlic can cause an allergic reaction. The reaction may occur after ingestion, contact with garlic or exposure to garlic dust.

Symptoms range from mild (such as sneezing) to severe and may include redness or swelling of the skin, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, and skin scarring. Anaphylaxis from garlic allergy is rare.


You can find garlic in its whole form, pre-crushed and canned, or in powder form in most grocery stores.

When is it better to buy

Garlic is grown all over the world and delivered fresh all year round. Use it before it starts to brown, soften or sprout.

Storage and security

When choosing garlic at the grocery store, do not buy heads that begin to become soft. At home, store garlic at room temperature in a wire or mesh container. Avoid using plastic bags and do not close them so that the garlic stays fresh longer.

How to cook

Garlic can be prepared in different ways. Usually you need to remove the peel first. You can buy a special tubular silicone device for removing garlic peel or try shaking garlic cloves in a closed bowl or container. Or crush the garlic with the wide (flat) side of a knife to make it easier to remove the skin.

Garlic can be boiled whole, as well as chopped or crushed. Recipes may require it to be fried in oil.

Some people make garlic tea by mixing it with various ingredients such as lemon and honey. Garlic tea does not contain caffeine (unless you combine garlic tea with another type of tea) and provides certain health benefits, such as weight loss and lowering blood pressure.

Eat garlic for health!
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