
4 растяжки,которые помогут избавится от боли в паху.

Боль в паху – частая жалоба многих спортсменов и любителей физических упражнений. 

Обычно люди, испытывающие боль в паху, отмечают, что болезненность усиливается, если сжать ноги вместе. Ситуация также может усугубляться, когда вы поднимаете колено на поврежденной стороне. А в более тяжелых случаях у вас могут возникнуть отеки или синяки в области паха или на внутренней стороне бедра.

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  474 Hits

How to make a bar. Proper technique, variations and common mistakes

The plank is a great exercise for abs and buttocks. It affects not only the direct abdominal muscles, but core muscles, which pass from the pelvis along the spine to the shoulder girdle. To the muscles of the buttocks remained strong, add the strap to the program of training of the press.

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  1272 Hits

Basic exercises: what is it?

Any training should consist of a base and isolation. Base is the basis for any body shape changes. It helps burn excess fat and strengthen muscles. Why basic training is responsible for the growth of muscle tissue? This is due to the fact that these exercises use a "working" weight, which contribute to muscle growth.
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  1808 Hits

What are the benefits of daily "bridge"

In childhood all like to do it is a simple exercise. But few people think about its current use.
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  2208 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Training pectoral muscles

Training the chest muscles requires a lot of energy, so it is also used to burn excess fat.The largest muscle of the chest is called pectoralis major in Latin. This muscle is attached to the humerus and is located in the direction from the chest bone to the clavicle. The main...
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  3859 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Strength training for women

The first step into the world of iron and sweat is not easy, but the results exceed all expectations. The exercises that we will discuss in this article will help you create a beautiful figure and increase your self-esteem.Dear women, it's time to leave the glamorous fitness centers and take up...
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  4433 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Dips - very important exercise

Stagnation in the development of the pectoral muscles is often explained by a banal reason - the underdevelopment of individual muscles of the shoulder girdle.Remember: bench press - the heaviest basic movement that makes you work not only and not so much the chest, but the arms, deltas, trapezes, the entire...
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  3916 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Deep squats or not?

And again about physical exercise of all times and peoples. It is made by both men and women. True, the latter are less willing, but the former persuade them, giving hundreds of promises. To the question whether to do this or not, the answer is an unequivocal "Yes". The main thing...
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  13612 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Testosterone and strength training

How to build muscle mass without sports pharmacology? Learn about the role and importance of testosterone, compound exercises, training duration, and strength training in General.Have you ever wondered why there is so much talk about compound exercises? Or why should all training programs be built around them? Meanwhile, many beginners are...
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Существует так же мнение, что для эффективного роста и во избежании застоя необходимо "удивлять" мышцы, т.е. использовать в тренир... Read More
Thursday, 14 May 2015 12:09
Да, такое мнение существует. И это не просто мнение, а действительно необходимый аспект. НО!... Это касается саркоплазматической г... Read More
Friday, 15 May 2015 00:29
  4812 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The squat: the best exercise. Peri Rader.

A bit of history about the most important exercise is the squat.The article was first published in Iron Man magazine in July 1955Without a doubt, the squat is the best known exercise for working out the entire body, improving health, increasing energy, improving the functions of internal organs, and rapidly building...
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  2931 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Delta or how to swing the shoulders

Many young athletes completely forget about the shoulders, from heavily bombed biceps, your back and doing hundreds of reps on the press. This amateurish approach to training and a lack of understanding of the proper aesthetics of the body, its frame and proportions. Of course, Delta will obtain indirect load when...
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  3294 Hits

Exercises for the waist

Twisting sittingSit up straight on a chair and fix the feet in one position, keep them on the floor during the exercise. Extend hands in front of him, then start to turn the body right and left to the abdominal area, you are "twisted". Turn as hard as you can and...
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  2543 Hits
Alex  Hammer


This exercise is very dangerous and before starting to execute well acquainted with the technique. Here You don't damage the knees like in the sit-UPS and can't drop the barbell on his chest in the bench press. But to damage your back is easily. This information is especially important for beginners....
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  2761 Hits

Standard program for mass

Day 1:Deadlift 3-4x6-10Thrust rod in the slope 3-4x 6-12The thrust of the upper block 3-4x 6-12Bench press narrow grip 3-4x 6-12Extension arms on the block 3-4x6-12Day 2 Bench barbell on an inclined(30°) or mountains. bench 3-4x 6-12Dumbbell bench press on a flat bench 3-4x 6-12Lifting barbells for biceps standing 3-4x6-12Lifting dumbbells...
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  3646 Hits
Alex  Hammer


What are these exercises and why are they so important? Research shows that the exercises that most strongly affect the production of testosterone and growth hormone: deadlift and lifting the bar with a jump up.Other exercises, especially isolating ones, have a much smaller effect. Taking into account that lifting the bar...
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  3927 Hits