
Польза 5 - HTP.

5-HTP — это вещество, которое иногда используется в качестве добавки. Он может быть преобразован в организме в серотонин, что привело к интересу к его использованию для лечения депрессии, беспокойства, бессонницы и некоторых других состояний.

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  447 Hits

Можно ли заменять приемы пищи добавками.

Возможно, вы задавались вопросом: могут ли добавки заменить приемы пищи? 

Короткий ответ: да. Но стоит ответить немного более подробно. Есть больше, чем просто несколько причин, по которым люди захотят заменить приемы пищи добавками. К счастью, существует множество вариантов здоровых заменителей полноценного питания, которые позволят людям по-прежнему поддерживать свои конкретные цели. Однако главное не делать это на постоянной основе, потому что человеку необходимо сбалансированное питание. 

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Athletes often turn to performance-enhancing products to change their body shape, energy levels and muscle volume. One of the ingredients of such supplements is inosine, a nucleoside contained in muscle tissue. The potential benefits of inosine are related to the fact that it acts as a building block for DNA and RNA, helping healthy nerve branches grow from nerves damaged in the brain and spinal cord. It can also help in preserving adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main form of useful energy in your body. However, its real clinical benefits are still being studied.
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  1031 Hits

Will a thermo booster help you lose weight?

Thermo Booster is an innovative supplement that helps to improve the rate of fat burning in the body. It increases your body's metabolic rate, which leads to an increase in the energy level in your body. This helps to lift your mood and make you active during the day, and, consequently, get rid of accumulated fats. This leads to healthy weight loss. The supplement is available for sale in online stores and sports nutrition stores.
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  1545 Hits

Are pre-workout supplements really effective?

Pre-workout supplements designed to improve your athletic performance and provide additional support during exercise have become popular among gym visitors and trainers. As sales of sports nutrition supplements continue to skyrocket, many fitness experts have begun to wonder if these pre-workout products really work, or are they all just hype?
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  1040 Hits

What is an isotonic and what is it for?

Vigorous exercises can strengthen the health of the heart, lose weight and improve the shape, but also because of them, from one to three liters of fluid comes out with sweat during an intense workout.

Although sweating is a way to maintain a normal internal body temperature (the body cools down), sweat leaches out a large amount of important minerals and dehydration can occur. Isotonic drinks allow you to quickly restore the loss of elements, which prevents some injuries and weakness as a result of training.
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  1147 Hits

The health benefits of Coenzyme Q10.

Coenzyme Q10 is a compound that is naturally found in your body. It is known that it has an antioxidant effect, it is also necessary for the proper functioning of your cells; one of its main tasks is to help in energy production. Studies show that coenzyme Q10 can help treat or prevent various diseases, from diabetes to migraines and Alzheimer's disease, as well as eliminate the signs of aging.
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  1075 Hits

Sports nutrition - everything is on the shelves.

Sports nutrition is constantly changing and has become a dynamically developing field of clinical research. Research continues to offer improved nutritional recommendations and support for both active adults and competitive athletes. Science considers sports nutrition "the core of the athlete's diet".
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  1166 Hits

If you want to improve your sports results, then these useful and effective supplements are necessary for you.

Make an informed decision before buying a bunch of supplements that are believed to create a fitness miracle. The following supplements confirm the improvement of sports results and they are in high demand due to their effectiveness in improving athletic form
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  1054 Hits

What supplements can be used to increase muscle mass.


Pyruvate supplements have become popular among bodybuilders because they are believed to reduce body fat, increase energy and improve the ability to exercise endurance. Pyruvate supplies the body with pyruvic acid, a natural compound involved in energy metabolism.

Pyruvate is not an important nutrient. The body can produce everything it needs without additives. This substance is contained in food products only in small quantities, its best source is apples.
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  1089 Hits

What are amino acids and which ones are necessary for you.

Athletes engaged in strength training pay close attention to the consumption of amino acids. Some even take supplements to increase their intake and get the right balance of amino acids, especially BCAA amino acids.

It is useful to know the facts about these important peptides and understand what they can and cannot do in your body in order to balance your nutrient intake and achieve your health and fitness goals.
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  1092 Hits

All about the benefits of collagen for your health

Collagen is a structural protein found in connective tissues throughout the body, including skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Its main function is to help tissues withstand stretching. As you age, your body produces less collagen. Some people try to restore collagen by taking supplements. Researchers studied the effects of collagen supplements on aging skin, bone density, joint health, and other factors. Although the results are promising, more research is needed to fully understand the effectiveness of supplements.
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  1317 Hits

The benefits of creatine for athletes

Creatine is a natural substance made up of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Creatine is produced in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas; 95 percent of it is found in the muscles, and the rest is in the brain and heart. In addition to being naturally occurring, small amounts of creatine are also found in foods such as meat and seafood. Synthetic versions are also sold as additives.
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  1243 Hits

ZMA the best natural anabolic Supplement

ZMA is a universal tool which consists of a complex of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. Does not apply to natural products as obtained through the synthetic way.
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  1476 Hits

Pre-workout Supplement: appointment, composition and characteristics of choice

Any bodybuilder planning your workouts so that they were effective to the maximum. But constantly endure the tremendous physical load is difficult, in the end, any athlete will get tired. To ensure body strength and endurance athletes drink special pre-workout Supplement.
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  1376 Hits

Rules of creatine supplementation is an effective means for athletes!

Creatine is produced not only in capsule form but also as powder. Often athletes and people who are seriously engaged in the gym, I prefer to make a powdered version of the tool. This is due to the fact that it is not only cheap, but very effective. The powdered drug has only one drawback – the product should be dissolved in water, which is not always convenient. But capsules are most effective, but will cost a bit more.
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  1303 Hits

Liquid fat burner

L-carnitine – a substance that is very popular in the sports environment. The purpose of L-carnitine – improving the permeability of cell membranes to free fatty acids. This maintains a continuous process of fat burning.
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  1366 Hits

The results of creatine supplementation in bodybuilding

Few ingredients sports nutritional Supplements along with a well-known protein drinks can boast undeniable evidence base confirming the effectiveness. From the first publications in scientific and sports journals in the early 1990s, creatine gets a positive assessment of independent studies and athletes worldwide. What is he unique?
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  1586 Hits

Popular in the bodybuilding amino acids

Consumed by the body the protein is not absorbed directly by muscle cells for the restoration work. For synthesis of protein received by the protein disintegrates into constituent amino acids, they penetrate muscle cells and are used for immediate needs. Just count 2 ten amino acids to a greater or lesser extent affect the regenerative processes in the body. But which ones play a key role for the athlete?
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  1815 Hits

Supplements to increase endurance

Let's start with a definition. "Endurance is the ability to continue long-term work with the necessary intensity, without reducing the efficiency of operations and supporting increased resistance to fatigue" (H. Sozaski 1999). Power is one of the most important motor functions of humans. It can be divided into many types depending on the sport, endurance is a very important element in the sport. In this article we'll focus on what supplements will help to support it.
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  1327 Hits