Learn about the benefits of blueberry juice and drink it more often.

Many people wonder if it is as useful to drink blueberry juice as just eating blueberries. In general, it is believed that eating whole fruits is healthier than drinking fruit juice. But you get some health benefits when you drink 100% blueberry juice.

Blueberry juice can be made from blueberries or from blueberry concentrate. Many brands of blueberry juice also add other fruit juices, such as pomegranate, blackberry, apple or cherry. Blueberry juice can also be combined with lemonade.Nutritional value of blueberry juice

Blueberry juice is an excellent source of vitamins C and K and the mineral manganese. Nutritional value of a glass of blueberry juice (240 ml):

Calories: 92
Fat: 0 g
Sodium: 5 mg
Carbohydrates: 23.4 g
Fiber: 4 g
Sugar: 16 g
Protein: 1.2 g
Vitamin C: 15.6 mg
Vitamin K: 31 mcg


The calories of blueberry juice come almost entirely from carbohydrates in the form of naturally occurring sugar. But the amount of carbohydrates and sugar in blueberry juice may depend on the brand you buy. Many commercially prepared blueberry drinks are mixtures made from several different types of juice, and some of them may contain added sugars.


There is no fat in blueberry juice. However, blueberry juice cocktails may contain fats if whole or low-fat dairy products (for example, milk or yogurt) or other ingredients (almond milk, protein powder or nut butter) are used to prepare the drink.


Blueberry juice can contain about one gram of protein. But some varieties of blueberry juice that you make at home or buy at the store contain zero grams of protein, since there is very little protein in berries.

Vitamins and minerals

One cup of whole blueberries contains just over 14 mg of vitamin C, or 24% of the total recommended daily intake if you consume 2,000 calories a day. You will also receive 26% of the recommended daily value of vitamin K when you consume berries. Blueberries also contain small amounts of vitamins A, E, thiamine, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, B12 and pantothenic acid.

Minerals in blueberries are not essential. You will get 0.5 mg of manganese if you eat a cup of berries. This is 25% of the recommended daily allowance. You will also benefit from a small amount of copper, potassium and other minerals.


One serving of blueberry juice contains approximately 92 calories.

Health benefits

If the juice is 100% blueberry, then it can have the same health benefits as whole berries.

Can help in the development of bones and muscles

Blueberries and blueberry juice contain vitamin C, but a full cup of juice provides only 2% of the recommended daily allowance.

Vitamin C should be consumed with food, because our body is not able to produce it. We know that vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is necessary for the good structure of bones, cartilage, muscles and blood vessels. It also promotes iron absorption and promotes wound healing.

You will also get a healthy charge of manganese when you consume blueberry juice. Manganese is important for the activation of enzymes in the body, the production of carbohydrates and proteins, the production of sex hormones and bone development.

Improves brain function and memory

Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients, blueberries can support brain function.

Helps to improve systolic blood pressure

Drinking wild blueberry juice for a short time can help lower high blood pressure and improve insulin resistance in people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Can help in the fight against cancer

Blueberries and other berries are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties that can help protect against cancer and other diseases.

Restores skin damage

The antioxidants in blueberries can also help improve skin health. The use of blueberry extract can reduce skin inflammation, as well as damage caused by environmental pollution.


Blueberry allergy is possible, but not common.

However, people with allergies to other berries may have a cross-reaction to blueberries. If you are allergic to any berries, talk to your doctor about whether it is safe to eat blueberries or drink blueberry juice.

Side effects

Due to the high concentration of manganese in blueberry juice, it can act as a negative contrast agent if you undergo an MRI of the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, you can avoid juice if you need to get tested.


Blueberry juice is sold as 100% blueberry juice, as well as as an ingredient in other berry juice mixes and smoothies. Keep in mind that berry "drinks" may contain mainly flavorings and sugar and little real berry juice.

When is it better to buy

Look for berries that are hard, dry, plump and smooth-skinned, from dark purple-blue to blue-black in color, with a silvery coating on the surface and without leaves or stems. Size is not an indicator of quality.

The season of fresh blueberries is from the end of April to the beginning of September. Frozen blueberries and bottled blueberry juice are available all year round.

Storage and security

Chill the fresh blueberries when you bring them home, either in their original plastic packaging or in a sealed bowl or container. Wash the blueberries immediately before eating them. Blueberries should be consumed or used as juice within 10 days after purchase.

Bottled blueberry juice is available all year round. See the date of use and storage instructions on the bottle.

How to cook

If you have a juicer, you can make blueberry juice at home.

If you prefer, you can add water to the juice to dilute it.

Use blueberry juice as an independent drink or add it to lemonade, sparkling water or other fruit juices for flavor.
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