
Протеиновый порошок в пище может быть креативным.

Протеиновый порошок — это быстрый и простой способ получить белок до или после тренировки. Добавьте мерную ложку протеина в шейкер, смешайте с водой, и все готово. Однако многим из нас пить один и тот же протеиновый коктейль изо дня в день может наскучить. Вот почему поиск новых творческих способов использования протеина может изменить ваши каждодневные привычки в пище.

Протеин универсален и вкусен, что делает его отличным дополнением к смузи, боулам, выпечке, овсянке, йогурту и многому другому.

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  496 Hits

Какие ПП блюда можно приготовить в блендере.

Один из наиболее эффективных способов похудеть — готовить еду дома. На собственной кухне вы можете контролировать калории, выбирать более полезные для здоровья ингредиенты и контролировать размер порций более точно, чем в ресторане. 

Но нет никаких сомнений в том, что запекание, приготовление на гриле, и варка полноценного блюда может занять много времени. Вот тут-то и приходят на помощь быстрые и питательные рецепты в блендере.

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  479 Hits

Польза 5 - HTP.

5-HTP — это вещество, которое иногда используется в качестве добавки. Он может быть преобразован в организме в серотонин, что привело к интересу к его использованию для лечения депрессии, беспокойства, бессонницы и некоторых других состояний.

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  375 Hits

Используйте массажный валик после тренировки с максимальной пользой.

Использование массажного валика - это вид самомассажа, от которого так хорошо болит тело. Но чтобы пользоваться всеми преимуществами, вы должны делать его правильно. А еще вы должны иметь четкое представление о том, какие же преимущества вы можете получить.

Если вы решите использовать пенопластовый валик после тренировки, вам нужно понять, какова цель этого занятия, чтобы вы могли эффективно его использовать. Вот что вам нужно знать об использовании массажного валика после тренировки.

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  577 Hits

Что такое калории.

Если вы недавно начали свой путь по контролю веса, возможно, вы запутались в калориях и их важности. Несмотря на их общеизвестное злодейство, калории не являются чем-то плохим. На самом деле, они не только обеспечивают вас энергией, но и необходимы для вашего выживания. Кроме того, слишком низкое или слишком высокое потребление калорий может в конечном итоге привести к проблемам со здоровьем.

Проще говоря, калория — это единица энергии, которую мы поставляем с пищей. Наши тела используют энергию, полученную из продуктов, которые мы потребляем, подобно тому, как автомобиль расходует бензин на километр.

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  465 Hits

Способы, как превратить вашу диету в устойчивые здоровые привычки.

Поддержка вашего здоровья с помощью питания является отличной целью. Советы, которые люди слышат о диетах и ​​ограничениях в еде, могут сбивать с толку и превращать процесс наслаждения едой в стрессовое событие. Чтобы восстановить уверенность в еде и сосредоточить внимание на здоровье и благополучии, а не на отказе от продуктов или ограничениях, смените свою диету на устойчивые привычки питания.

Создание пищевых привычек, которые будут служить вам в долгосрочной перспективе, является более устойчивым подходом, чем модная диета, и чаще всего лучше для вашего психического и физического здоровья. Ниже вы найдете советы о том, как отказаться от диет и перейти к устойчивым привычкам питания, которые поддерживают ваше здоровье в целом.

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  624 Hits

When and why weight loss will be good for your health.

Approximately 73% of the population are overweight or obese, so current trends promote a healthy lifestyle and overall weight loss and out of good intentions too.

However, there is a dark side to this. Restrictive diets and unrealistic depictions of physical perfection on social media have contributed to notable problems such as eating disorders and low self-esteem.

Losing weight is not always necessary to improve health; often weight loss as a health goal simply yields to societal pressure.
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  634 Hits

8 tips with which you will lose weight with indoor cycling.

Whatever your goal of weight management is, exercise should be part of it. Exercise will help you maintain muscle mass, which is more beneficial for your body, will help facilitate weight loss in the long run.

In addition to burning 400 to 600 calories in a 45-minute session, cycling indoors also helps speed up your metabolism (your body's calorie-burning engine). This makes it possible to tone up and strengthen all the muscles of the legs, buttocks and cortex.

While leisurely cycling outside is unlikely to help you lose weight significantly, cycling indoors can help. But to get the most out of indoor cycling, you have to follow some basic nutrition and workout rules. Here's what you need to know about including indoor cycling in your weight control plan.
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  619 Hits

Top 5 Reasons why you need to include weights exercises in your workouts.

While you may prefer cardiovascular exercises such as walking, running, swimming or cycling, you may want to consider weight training as a supplement to your fitness program. Training with weights brings significant health benefits and helps to build muscle mass, which will make it easier for you to perform everyday tasks.
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  555 Hits

For these reasons, you won't want to miss a hitch after a workout.

The hitch is an integral part of the workout. The hitch can last from 3 to 10 minutes and includes stretching or light variations of the movements that you performed during the workout. The purpose of a post-workout hitch is to normalize your heart rate and breathing, as well as promote relaxation.

To get the most out of a workout, it's important to end it with a hitch. Learn more about the benefits of a short recovery period and how to incorporate it into your next workout.
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  576 Hits

Make your dish tastier with a healthy pesto sauce.

Pesto is a thick green sauce originally from Genoa, Italy. Traditionally made from garlic, pine nuts, basil, cheese and olive oil, pesto has a strong and rich taste. This fragrant sauce can be used as a sauce for pasta, pizza, salad dressing and much more.

You can find ready-made pesto, including some vegan varieties, in most grocery stores. While homemade and store-bought pesto sauces may differ in nutritional value, pesto is usually a rich source of healthy fats.

Because it is made from nutritious ingredients, pesto can be consumed as part of a balanced diet. It is also part of the Mediterranean diet.
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  629 Hits

Here's what happens if you don't eat after a workout.

Supporting your training goals with nutrition is vital — the food you eat provides the energy for your workouts and the nutrients you need to properly recover from them. Some people may be tempted to skip meals after a workout to increase fat loss, but this can backfire.Dietary attitudes that encourage...
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  794 Hits

Learn about the benefits of blueberry juice and drink it more often.

Many people wonder if it is as useful to drink blueberry juice as just eating blueberries. In general, it is believed that eating whole fruits is healthier than drinking fruit juice. But you get some health benefits when you drink 100% blueberry juice.

Blueberry juice can be made from blueberries or from blueberry concentrate. Many brands of blueberry juice also add other fruit juices, such as pomegranate, blackberry, apple or cherry. Blueberry juice can also be combined with lemonade.
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  752 Hits

How to choose lean meat.

When you're shopping or dining out, it can be helpful to know which protein sources are low in saturated fat. Although you may assume that the best way to reduce saturated fat intake is to completely abandon animal products, you can still enjoy fish, beef, pork and poultry by choosing low—fat pieces and making meat part of an overall balanced diet.
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  808 Hits

Why regular workouts are actually useful.

Do you know that exercises are useful, but do you know how useful they are? Find out how exercise can improve your life - from a good mood to an improved sex life.

Do you want to feel better, gain energy and even extend your life for several years? Just exercise.
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  1060 Hits

Health benefits of kefir

Looking at a bottle of kefir on a grocery store shelf, you might ask yourself: is it milk? Is it yogurt? In fact, kefir is a bit similar to both products. This is a fermented milk drink, in many ways similar to yogurt.

Kefir is usually obtained by fermenting cow's, goat's, or sheep's milk using a bacterial culture of polysaccharides called kefiran. As these bacteria participate in fermentation, they create high doses of probiotics and a carbonated drink that some people think is similar to beer. In taste and consistency, kefir has a liquid substance similar to drinking yogurt. Its taste is strong and sharp.

Kefir, long touted by practitioners as a remedy for everything from acne to depression, is not just for alternative medicine lovers. This creamy drink with Eastern European roots, rich in calcium and probiotics, has proven its health benefits, so everyone can enjoy it.
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  1325 Hits

Nutritional value and health benefits of brown sugar.

Brown sugar is a sweetener made from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum). It is similar to white sugar and contains different amounts of molasses. Brown sugar can be refined or unrefined, but most of the brown sugar you'll find in the grocery store is refined. There are also other (less common) types of brown sugar, including turbinado sugar, muscovado sugar, and loose brown sugar.
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  1203 Hits

Sour cream and its health benefits

Sour cream is a dairy product that is obtained by fermenting cream. Most consumers buy sour cream at the local market, but this popular Supplement can be prepared at home. The regular sour cream produced is usually cultured, which means that it is fermented and thickened by adding lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized cream containing at least 18% milk fat. Ordinary sour cream is quite fat. It can provide nutrients such as calcium and , but it is unlikely that you consume enough of them to significantly affect the body. Sour cream can be part of a healthy diet if consumed in moderation.
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  2380 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Healthy seeds

Seeds can be very small in size, but with a very large amount of nutrients. How do I use them as a dietary Supplement?Healthy eating is not limited to the preparation of dietary products and taking a huge amount of any additives. Sometimes it is enough to add seeds to the...
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  4597 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Why you need to drink more water

Water is an integral part of people's lives. Especially important it is for sports enthusiasts. Protein synthesis is impossible without water. Water moistens the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, this is especially important if the room uses air-conditioning system, which make the air dry.What is the use of water for...
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  2742 Hits