
Paprika is a magical spice for health.

Paprika is a bright red ground spice made from peppers. These may include sweet, mild red pepper, hot chili pepper, cayenne pepper, poblano pepper, and Aleppo pepper. Since different types of pepper can be used to prepare this spice, the heating level can be different. But most people describe the taste of paprika as smoky, slightly sweet. Because of its distinctive color, pepper is also often used as a side dish to foods such as stuffed eggs or potato dishes.
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  1113 Hits

Healthy and proper nutrition during the holidays.

The holiday and weekend season is a time filled with parties, family gatherings, and an abundance of food, so it's very easy to break the diet. But don't think that you should limit yourself or skip the holidays for fear of overeating. Below are tips to help you stick to your program and at the same time not miss the holidays and still have fun.
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  1275 Hits

The health benefits of beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is a compound that is naturally found in a number of foods and is available in the form of dietary supplements. It is classified as a carotenoid, a type of pigment that helps give color to many fruits and vegetables. It is said that increasing the intake of beta-carotene can protect against a variety of health problems, especially those related to vision and the eyes in general.
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  1212 Hits

Sour cream and its health benefits

Sour cream is a dairy product that is obtained by fermenting cream. Most consumers buy sour cream at the local market, but this popular Supplement can be prepared at home. The regular sour cream produced is usually cultured, which means that it is fermented and thickened by adding lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized cream containing at least 18% milk fat. Ordinary sour cream is quite fat. It can provide nutrients such as calcium and , but it is unlikely that you consume enough of them to significantly affect the body. Sour cream can be part of a healthy diet if consumed in moderation.
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  2380 Hits

8 mistakes in sorting food

Do you think you are good at following a healthy diet? You'll think maybe. But chances are high that you eat too many certain foods. Almost everyone makes mistakes with the portion size, especially when trying to lose weight. Here is a list of foods that most of us overeat.
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  1420 Hits

Useful substitutes for junk food

Eating healthy, whether in the kitchen at home or while snacking on the road, is an easy way to eat the food that makes you "healthy" while enjoying your favorite food. The options are endless - from plant - based substitutes to heart-healthy and high-fiber ones-you only need a little inspiration and creativity.
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  1372 Hits

How to determine the maximum healthy amount of vegetables and fruits in one serving.

Dietitians and health food experts set the serving size for most fruits and vegetables at the rate of one glass. But fruits and vegetables don't always fit well in a glass, and there are differences depending on the volume. Learn about approximate serving sizes for 10 different fruits and vegetables based on recommendations. Understanding these portion sizes will help you get the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables every day.
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Recipe for mini berry chips with cereals and nuts.

These mini berry chips are great because you can easily control the amount of food you consume. You eat enough and satisfy your hunger from just one serving. Top with a ball of vanilla ice cream, or a spoonful of yogurt if you follow a diet or proper nutrition, or whipped cream if you do not limit yourself to eat a particularly delicious treat!
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  1360 Hits

The benefits of honey

Honey may seem like a natural healthy food, but the truth is that honey is a concentrated source of sugar. When used in moderation honey can complement a healthy eating plan.

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  1269 Hits

How to choose protein bars that are good for you.

If you ever visited the Department of protein bars in supermarkets, stores, sports nutrition, then you have obviously swam head. Feel like variations of these bars are endless.

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Recipe 3 nutritious smoothies for the summer

1. Banana smoothie with peanut and butter

KBZHU: 244/11/11/27

This winning combination of bananas and peanut uses several tricks to create creamy smoothies that are so delicious that it can turn into a dessert. Two key ingredients of a richer smoothies are frozen fruit and ground Chia seeds. To quickly make a smoothie, have a frozen bananas. Peel the banana, break it into 6 pieces and store in freezer in an airtight container or bag. Grinding Chia seeds in the first step of this recipe increases their thickening ability, plus you get some plant omega-3.

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  1425 Hits

How to add more fruits and vegetables in your diet

Science believes that adherence to diet rich in fruits and vegetables, promotes heart health, reduces cancer risk, improves brain function and increases life expectancy. It is believed that a person needs at least two cups of fruit and one half Cup vegetables daily. Or, easier, about five to nine servings every day.
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  1403 Hits

The use of protein bars

The process of building muscle is associated with a number of rules and prerequisites that must be adhered to. In addition to diligent training in the gym, need a special diet and carefully monitor their diet. Meals should be regular, varied and contain all the substances the body needs in sufficient quantity according to daily standards. During the day to constantly monitor the level of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals can be quite difficult. And here opens for us the use of protein bars.
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  1296 Hits

11 foods to avoid if you want to have a flat stomach

Of course, you at least once thought about a flat stomach, because this part of the body is one of the most stubborn, even for those who spends hours in the gym.
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  1314 Hits

Carbohydrates. Rules and regulations power

Carbohydrates are directly involved in building cell structures, provide osmoregulation and osmotic pressure, perform prescription option.
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  1356 Hits

What you need to know about keto diet?

Keto-diet - diet low carbohydrate, high fat and moderate protein level, which causes the body to burn fat for energy, which creates ketosis. It is effective for weight loss.
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  1594 Hits

Glycemic index: what you need to know about it dieters

That, in addition to nutritional value, we should also consider its glycemic index, found out recently, as it was originally used in the treatment of obesity. On a GI product can be found:
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  1431 Hits

Nutrition before and after workouts

Regardless of what purpose you're a keen runner, there are some very simple rules of supply, which must be adhered to. To any reasonable person these rules as axioms, we adhere to in everyday life is intuitive, however, as soon as it comes to something new and unfamiliar - get lost, turn to the Internet and received in full - a million conflicting advice.
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  1294 Hits

How to handle with hunger during weight loss?

Many people are afraid to diet because of fear constantly experience hunger. They think this feeling will haunt them always. But it's fiction! Really worth a little work on your diet and the hunger will disappear.
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  1333 Hits

Well-known bodybuilders about diets

One of the most successful athletes of the bodybuilding, in fact, allow yourself that says, relax and accumulate fat in the offseason. But still, a certain increase in the body mass present. The reason for this is the impossibility of the realization of attempts to reduce the fat to 5% in connection not only with the physiological nature, but also mental.
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  1871 Hits