
Лучшие упражнения на грудь для развития силы.

Мышцы груди важны для функциональных повседневных движений, таких как движения рук по всем сторонам. Сильные грудные мышцы обеспечивают основу для множества различных упражнений и занятий спортом.

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  531 Hits

Как увеличить силу хвата.

Сила хвата необходима для выполнения многих повседневных задач, а также для занятий различными видами спорта. Это также важно для тяжелой атлетики. То, насколько сильно вы можете хватать и удерживать штангу при выполнении силовых упражнений, может значительно повлиять на вашу производительность. 

Некоторые люди ограничены своей силой хвата и стремятся улучшить ее. Есть несколько способов улучшить силу хвата с помощью упражнений, специальных инструментов и методов хвата.

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  702 Hits

The main reasons why you should do strength training.

Most of us know that strength training is important, but it doesn't make it any easier to do it. It might be helpful for you to find out why strength training is so important and how it can help you look and feel better.
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  1041 Hits

Why core muscle strength is so important.

Since crop tops and bikinis have become incredibly popular, there have been many different disputes about having a flat stomach with six cubes. Listening to individual consultations about workouts and diets showed that almost every client says: "I want a press." If you go to the gym, you can see that almost half of the visitors are working on twists, bicycles, and this can make you laugh.

Don't get it wrong, because it's really important to have strong core muscles. But you need to be able to correctly assess the importance of this muscle group!
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  942 Hits

How to understand that you have overtraining syndrome?

Overtraining the body without rest can affect athletes and trainees both physically and psychologically and lead to a condition known as overtraining syndrome. Excessive training can cause a decrease in athletic performance, which can last a long time, sometimes it takes several weeks or months to improve.
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  901 Hits

The difference between building muscle and increasing strength.

Strength training and hypertrophy training (or muscle building) they don't necessarily have the same goal or result. Strength training is aimed at strengthening the muscles. On the other hand, building muscle mass is aimed at changing the physiology of muscle cells to make muscles bigger.
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  1035 Hits

How to develop strength through dynamic training.

Explosive dynamic training is a workout that combines strength and speed to increase power output. Explosive strength exercises are often used by athletes who need to produce a quick burst of maximum effort. This type of workout is useful for sports, including soccer, track and field, sports fields, and even cycling.
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  1285 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Frequency in training

Frequency is one of the key factors affecting continuous progress in results. The optimal cycle time is 8-16 weeks. During this time, you can go from low-intensity training with relatively small weights, to classes with extreme weights and maximum mental stress. To the question "how to pump?" - this article will...
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  4072 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The increase results in the bench press

Bench press is a very popular exercise for both bodybuilders and powerlifters. It is a kind of business card of any person who has ever trained with weights.As a rule, the performance in this exercise grows quite steadily, but there are times when the working and competitive weights of the bar...
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  3675 Hits
Alex  Hammer


This exercise is very dangerous and before starting to execute well acquainted with the technique. Here You don't damage the knees like in the sit-UPS and can't drop the barbell on his chest in the bench press. But to damage your back is easily. This information is especially important for beginners....
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  2761 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Basic principles for increasing strength.

Depending on how we train, we get a certain result. There are three main areas of development in training. It's the power, mass and muscle endurance. In this article I will talk about the principles of training for development and increase muscle strength. If the main goal is to become stronger,...
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  5517 Hits