
What happens with protein deficiency.

Protein deficiency or hypoproteinemia refers to a low level of protein in the blood. This deficiency can occur if there is not enough protein in your diet to meet the needs of your body, for example, when following a diet that strictly limits protein intake.

You may also have a deficiency if your body is unable to efficiently digest and assimilate proteins from the foods you eat due to another disease.
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  547 Hits

Protein shakes. It is better before or after training.

Protein shakes are usually a favorite supplement for many, especially active people whose protein needs are higher than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Protein is one of the three macronutrients along with carbohydrates and fats and is responsible for the restoration, preservation and growth of muscles.

People often rely on protein shakes to help with various body composition goals such as building muscle, weight management, exercising, maintaining muscle mass, and simply out of convenience to help them achieve dietary protein goals.
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  680 Hits

A protein breakfast is what will provide you with energy for the whole day.

Whether you're having breakfast on the go or you can sit down and enjoy a meal before the start of the day, including protein in your morning meal brings many benefits. Besides the fact that when combined with carbohydrates and high-fiber fats, protein foods can help you feel full for longer, with more stable blood sugar levels, they also help with several vital body functions, including cell repair and maintenance.
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  831 Hits

Why do you need meat and poultry with proper nutrition?

Meat and poultry are excellent sources of protein. They also contain many other nutrients that your body needs, such as iodine, iron, zinc, vitamins (especially B12) and essential fatty acids.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat meat and poultry every week as part of a balanced diet.
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  1080 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Which fish is better?

Tuna is a source for energyIt is a rich source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are known to be essential for heart and brain function. But the benefits of tuna do not end there — the high content of protein, amino acids, vitamin B3, iron, magnesium and many other...
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  5726 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Side effects from protein

Lowering the hackneyed debate on the harm caused by protein consumption, mention should be made of some real side effects that are most often observed in bodybuilders.Proteins (the basis of protein) when consumed in the recommended amount, can cause kidney disease. However, proteins contain a lot of nitrogen, and he, in...
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  3253 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Nuts - source of protein

What are the benefits of nuts?First, nut proteins almost completely replace animal proteins and approach the so-called ideal protein.Secondly, they are 50-60% fat. However, unlike animal fats that are rich in cholesterol, there is almost no cholesterol in the composition of nut fats, but there are fatty acids that are necessary...
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  11180 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Protein. Plant or animal?

Vegetable proteinsProtein is an essential component of human nutrition. Without a sufficient amount of protein, our body simply will not be able to maintain its vital functions. This is especially true for athletes. After all, physical activity increases the natural process of disintegration and restructuring of muscle tissue, and therefore increases...
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  4681 Hits
Alex  Hammer

What is the optimal dose of protein?

Although regular physical activity increase protein requirements, more and more researchers come to the conclusion that there is a certain threshold after which excess protein can have a negative impact on the achievements of the athlete. We can assume that our anabolism is severely limited. Although proteins and stimulate them, but...
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  3100 Hits
Alex  Hammer

All about eggs

As they say, "God himself ordered" to write this article today.So.Which dish is easier to prepare? Of course-eggs! Scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, boiled soft-boiled, hard-boiled, in a bag-choose to your taste. Eggs are one of the most important products in fitness and bodybuilding. But what do we know about this product?An...
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  3699 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Crisis protein menu

Everyone knows that a person who leads a healthy and correct lifestyle, and we, athletes, are such, must correctly and competently draw up not only a training plan, but also a nutrition program, on which a huge part of our success depends.In terms of the importance of proteins in our diet...
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  2927 Hits