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Оживите свою тренировку. 8 причин заняться фитнесом на свежем воздухе.

Застрять в одной и той же программе тренировок в помещении легко. Но повторяющийся режим упражнений может привести к тому, что ваше тело выйдет на плато, и тогда добиться прироста силы и кардио станет труднее. Хотя тренировки в помещении могут быть удобны из-за ненастной погоды или комфорта, они могут наскучить. Чтобы разнообразить тренировку и одновременно подышать свежим воздухом, тренируйтесь на улице.

Упражнения на свежем воздухе не только имеют множество преимуществ, но и пребывание на свежем воздухе может помочь вам лучше достигать своих спортивных целей. Если вы хотите улучшить здоровье сердечно-сосудистой системы, нарастить мышечную массу или получить немного дополнительного витамина D, вот восемь причин заняться тренировкой на свежем воздухе.

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  391 Hits

Фитнес после 40.

Преимущества упражнений старше 40 лет

У занятий фитнесом после 40 есть много преимуществ. Улучшение уровня физической подготовки поможет вам нарастить мышечную массу, предотвратить потерю мышечной массы, сопровождающую старение, снизить риск травм и хронической боли, а также снизить риск сердечных заболеваний и улучшить здоровье в долгосрочной перспективе. Если вы будете придерживаться программы тренировок после 40 лет, у вас также будет больше шансов сохранить здоровый вес.

С процессом старения люди теряют мышечную и костную массу, а также постепенно утрачивают баланс и стабильность. Предотвратить это поможет фитнес-программа для людей старше 40 лет. Сочетая кардио-тренировки, силовые тренировки и упражнения на баланс, вы сможете контролировать свое здоровье и улучшить качество жизни на долгие годы.
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  480 Hits

Функциональный фитнес, помогающий контролировать вес.

Функциональные фитнес-тренировки являются ключом к долгосрочной физической форме, снижению веса и хорошему самочувствию. Эти тщательно разработанные занятия не заставят вас потеть и задыхаться, но помогут сжигать больше калорий и оставаться активными в течение дня.

Так как же извлечь выгоду из функционального тренинга? Во-первых, важно понять, как выглядит этот тип тренировки и какие преимущества он дает.
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  429 Hits

5 факторов фитнеса.

Пять факторов правильности фитнеса способствуют физической форме и помогают направлять процесс получения желаемой формы. Вы уже знаете, что преимущества приходят, когда вы отдаете приоритет физической активности. Хитрость заключается в понимании того, что такое "фитнес" и как вы можете его достичь.

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  864 Hits

How a fitness trainer will help make your life more active.

Key findings

* Observing how your body reacts to activity can help increase productivity.

* Maintaining a constant routine of coming and going to work affects stress levels.

* Using tracker data can help in other ways, such as early detection of flu or reducing health risks·
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  842 Hits

Jumping rope is your key to fitness.

Jumping rope is a fast and portable way to improve your fitness. Skipping rope can be one of the most cost-effective ways to add high-intensity cardiovascular fitness to your regular workout routine. If you need an inexpensive and effective workout, a jump rope can be the most necessary fitness equipment. When done correctly, jumping rope can improve your cardiovascular health, improve balance and agility, and increase muscle strength and endurance, and as a nice addition, burn calories. You can use a jump rope during interval training to maintain your heart rate and give your muscles a rest between intervals with weight lifting. You can easily take a jump rope with you when you travel. Try to combine its use with simple exercises with your own weight, and you will have a reliable and portable exercise mode anywhere.
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  1068 Hits

Incendiary Zumba training, what is it?

Zumba is one of the most famous fitness organizations in the world, with more than 200,000 educational institutions in 180 countries. While the brand is best known for its signature Latin dance fitness class, Zumba, the company offers a range of additional workout formats, from strength training to children's fitness classes and even water aerobics classes.
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  1430 Hits

Ways to maintain physical fitness and rejuvenation

No matter how spiritually developed the person, but on mind only see off and meet all the same on clothes, appearance. And if the appearance is unsightly, even the great sage may not be able to show others that his head is growing not only in order to eat. European civilization from the earliest beginning of its development put in the basis of human relations the simple truth that in the person all should be fine. The development of modern technology provides for the maintenance of good shape a lot of opportunities with minimum costs.
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  1940 Hits

The importance of combining resistance and aerobic exercise

To have proportionally developed body – it is not easy. However, diet is not all that the body needs to get rid of extra inches. Important role in the proper development of the body play and exercise.
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  1645 Hits

How to recognize a bad fitness instructor?

When you start to do fitness, it's very important to fall into the hands of an experienced and competent instructor, who will select the most suitable course based on your objectives, characteristics of the organism and level of training. Thanks to training under the guidance of a competent professional not only faster you can make progress but also will protect yourself from injuries and health problems in the future.
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  1844 Hits

New gym, or workout at the height of fashion

Sometimes there is a feeling that just going to the gym or attend aerobic sessions today quite fashionable. Program clubs are full of obscure (and sometimes even a little intimidating!) names of varieties of fitness with each passing month it becomes more and more... not to get lost in this diversity? What "Kalari-payattu" and if you need a "Boss"? Try to understand the new trends in fitness fashion!
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  1809 Hits

Useful tips, as always, to stay in shape

Summer is around the corner and many are already thinking about how to him to prepare. Some a couple of months before beach season to buy a gym membership in hope quickly and without special efforts to get in shape. Others adhere to strict diets to lose weight. Both — it is silly and useless. In this article, we reveal effective tactics in the struggle for a slender and toned body.
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  1852 Hits

Addicted to stretching

For women, flexibility is very important not only in character but also in the body. Unfortunately, not every woman will find the time to exercise. If you wish to preserve the beauty and health for many years, thinking about it now. The emphasis should be on stretching.
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  1867 Hits

Fun fitness: what to try if the workout routine tired?

To prepare the body for the summer, many associated with tasteless oatmeal in the morning, Jogging at the stadium or training on a stationary bike, with it it is already necessary to start now in the autumn. If you have tried conventional methods of weight loss, but was not able to join the number sports people, then you need a creative fitness!
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  1968 Hits

Fitness for those who have chronic diseases

In this article you can find useful information to those who do not dare to go to the gym because it is very healthy. This article are tips that may be useful for those who have observed some chronic ailments.
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  1851 Hits

20 tips for newbies in fitness

Fitness is a great way to follow the figure, and just to strengthen health. They can do everything without exception, whether it's adult or elderly, man or woman.

But where to start and how not to throw it all in the first days?
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  1785 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to stretch your shoulders before you bench press

A long talk about how important the warm up before performing heavy exercises, I will not. But rather draw your attention to how to make it really qualitative for the shoulder girdle before executing the bench press. Before I was limited to a simple pyramid, gradually coming up to working weights...
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  2776 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Gym for beginners girls

Every girl wants to have a beautiful body. Beautiful slender legs, beautiful buttocks and, of course, an elastic stomach – all these are not the last wishes of any representative of the fairer sex. The desire for beauty is inherent in every woman, so every day in your thoughts you may...
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  3134 Hits

The cure for boredom

6 exercises 3 times a week for perfect shape!1. Squats. 3 20 times. Don't forget about the straight back and lift with your abdominal muscles.2. Inclinations in the parties. 3 20 times.3. Push-UPS. 3 20 times. 4. Lying on the floor, hands behind his head. You will pedal. For abdominal exercise,...
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  2825 Hits

Beautiful sport

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Monday, 09 March 2015 18:44
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