
Что такое дроп-сет и как они помогают наращивать мышцы.

Часто бывает такое, что ваш прогресс в тренировках остановился, или вам просто может захотеться чего-то новенького. В этой статье мы рассмотрим дроп-сет — мощный подход к тренировкам, популярный среди постоянных посетителей тренажерного зала и любителей силовых тренировок.  

Дроп-сеты способны совершить революцию в ваших тренировках и могут не только помочь нарастить мышечную массу и силу, но и сделать ваши тренировки более увлекательными.

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How to safely build muscle with nutrition and exercise.

Building muscle mass is a common fitness goal. Muscles not only make you look and feel stronger, but also reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

But learning how to apply the best nutrition strategy to gain lean muscle mass can be difficult. Nutrition for muscle development is different from a simple attempt to reduce body fat. Muscles are a highly active metabolic tissue that requires significant nutrients for recovery and growth, especially after heavy training.

Since most women naturally have less testosterone than men, the process of building muscle mass may be slower. Some women also shy away from eating for muscle growth due to concerns about fat gain. This misconception can lead to a restrictive diet that does not promote muscle growth and relief.
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The difference between building muscle and increasing strength.

Strength training and hypertrophy training (or muscle building) they don't necessarily have the same goal or result. Strength training is aimed at strengthening the muscles. On the other hand, building muscle mass is aimed at changing the physiology of muscle cells to make muscles bigger.
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Muscle building with prohormones benefits and harms.

Drugs that improve athletic performance are often used inside the walls of the gym, during bodybuilding competitions and by athletes in everyday life. A popular remedy that can be purchased as an additive is prohormone, a chemical compound also known as an androgen, which is sold without a prescription. Manufacturers claim that supplements with prohormone build muscle and burn fat, and, unlike steroids, they are allowed to be used. Many weightlifters, bodybuilders and other athletes turn to steroids and hormonal supplements, such as prohormone, to improve their athletic performance and / or increase muscle size. Learn more about prohormones and the risks associated with using these dietary supplements.
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