
Откройте для себя пользу сладкого ореха макадамия.

Орехи макадамии — это ядра дерева макадамии, родом из Австралии, но теперь они встречаются во многих частях мира, включая Гавайи. Орехи имеют твердую внешнюю оболочку, которую удаляют перед обработкой или делают специальные насечки. Их высушивают или обжаривают в масле, а их пищевая ценность зависит от того, как орех обработан.

Орехи макадамии продаются в качестве закуски, широко используются в выпечке и для придания вкуса таким продуктам, как мороженое. Они содержат большое количество жира, но большая часть жира в орехах макадамия — хороший мононенасыщенный жир.

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  535 Hits

All about the benefits of hazelnuts.

A hazelnut is a tree nut with a hard shell. It is said that these nuts, also called hazelnuts or coconut, originated more than 5,000 years ago in China. Today, hazelnuts are grown mainly in Turkey, Italy and the USA.

Hazelnuts can be eaten raw, this versatile nut is also used in both sweet and salty dishes. Hazelnut oil and other products made from it are also widely available. These nuts are healthy and can be a reasonable addition to your diet.
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  812 Hits

The benefits of Brazil nuts will make you buy a whole bag of them.

Brazil nuts, known as a superstar source of selenium, are also rich in beneficial nutrients that can promote heart health, strengthen bones and more.

If you like crunchy, savory snacks, you can add Brazil nuts (also known as butter or butter nuts) to your diet.
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  817 Hits

The benefits of walnut, because of which you will love it.

At first glance, walnuts may seem rather strange. They are wrinkled, oddly shaped and resemble mini-brains. But if you can forget about their peculiar appearance, walnuts are worth a try. Very nutritious, crunchy, this is at least why they should be tried. They are rich in healthy fats and antioxidants, as well as vitamins and minerals.
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  908 Hits

Cashew and all about its useful properties

Cashews are nuts that are grown in Vietnam, Nigeria, and India,but they come from Brazil. This nut is the fruit of the evergreen cashew tree, which sprouts both the fruit (called an Apple) and the nuts (called seeds) that grow under the fruit.
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  1322 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Nuts - source of protein

What are the benefits of nuts?First, nut proteins almost completely replace animal proteins and approach the so-called ideal protein.Secondly, they are 50-60% fat. However, unlike animal fats that are rich in cholesterol, there is almost no cholesterol in the composition of nut fats, but there are fatty acids that are necessary...
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  11340 Hits