
7 креативных способов добавить микрозелень в ваш рацион.

Микрозелень — это крошечные, богатые питательными веществами проростки овощей и трав — не просто украшение. Они набирают популярность во всем мире как питательная добавка к еде, и на то есть веская причина. Они богаты питательными веществами и приносят массу пользы для здоровья.

Возможно, вы отмахнулись от них как от красивого дополнения к своим завтракам или просто считаете их украшением, а не по-настоящему питательным продуктом.

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  585 Hits

Is it difficult for you to choose healthy cheese? Learn about the most delicious and healthy types of cheese.

Cheese is a notoriously stringy food. It has a creamy texture, it melts in your mouth. In addition, the cheese contains casomorphin, a chemical compound of casein protein, which has a soothing and mild euphoric effect.

Because it contains saturated fats that can be dangerous to your heart health, cheese has a bad reputation as an unhealthy food. However, this is not entirely true, and cheese can be part of a healthy diet.
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  896 Hits

The main reasons why you should do strength training.

Most of us know that strength training is important, but it doesn't make it any easier to do it. It might be helpful for you to find out why strength training is so important and how it can help you look and feel better.
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  1089 Hits

Cashew and all about its useful properties

Cashews are nuts that are grown in Vietnam, Nigeria, and India,but they come from Brazil. This nut is the fruit of the evergreen cashew tree, which sprouts both the fruit (called an Apple) and the nuts (called seeds) that grow under the fruit.
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  1322 Hits

Turkey nut sauce.

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A delicious salad with hazelnuts and pomegranate.

  2924 Hits