
6 распространенных ошибок в здоровом образе жизни и питании, которые допускали все.

Нас постоянно окружают «здоровые привычки», которые так и навязываются в вашу рутину. Каждый раз, когда мы просматриваем социальные сети, слушаем подкаст или смотрим телевизор, кажется, что кто-то рекламирует еще одну обязательную спортивную практику, «необходимую» пищевую добавку или список лучших и худших продуктов.

Однако, если относиться к этому так фанатично и без должного понимания сути, некоторые из этих привычек могут фактически привести к неожиданным проблемам со здоровьем.

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  488 Hits

Как звучат правила питания и как можно их нарушать.

Отношения человека с едой — это личная тема, имеющая множество нюансов. Часто это все намного сложнее, чем простое содержание тарелки перед вами — это зависит от того, как вы были воспитаны, как вы были приучены к еде и насколько доступной является еда в разные периоды вашей жизни. Эти факторы не просто влияют на то, что вы любите есть, они даже влияют на правила питания в вашей жизни.

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  459 Hits

10 тенденций питания 2023-2024, является ли мода здоровой.

Какие тенденции в питании будут определять наш рацион в этом году: от осознанного питания до безглютеновой диеты?

По мере развития мира еды развиваются заодно и его тенденции. Поскольку все больше и больше потребителей осознают важность здорового питания, диетологи и нутрициологи усердно работают, пытаясь предложить новые и инновационные способы здорового питания. Но чего нам ожидать от тенденций в питании в 2023-2024 году? Давайте взглянем на некоторые из 10 основных тенденций в области питания, которые будут формировать наш рацион в этом году.

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  573 Hits

Чем полезна клетчатка для вашего здоровья.

Многие люди знают, что им следует потреблять больше клетчатки , чтобы улучшить работу кишечника. Но диета с высоким содержанием клетчатки важна для всех. Термин «пищевые волокна» включает в себя два типа волокон, содержащихся в продуктах растительного происхождения.Пищевая клетчатка, или грубая пища, помимо регулярности кишечника, приносит ряд преимуществ для здоровья. К ним относятся лучший контроль уровня холестерина и сахара...
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  493 Hits

Как превратить диету в устойчивые привычки питания.

Поддержать свое здоровье с помощью питания – отличная цель. Некоторых людей советы о диетах и ​​ограничениях могут сбить с толку и превратить удовольствие от еды в стрессовое событие. Чтобы восстановить уверенность в своем питании и сосредоточить внимание на здоровье и благополучии, а не на отказе от еды или ограничительных мерах, поменяйте свою диету...
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  472 Hits

Как изменить состав тела при помощи питания и упражнений.

Улучшение состава тела имеет много преимуществ для здоровья, а также часто является целью тех, кто стремится изменить свой внешний вид. Некоторые люди вносят радикальные изменения в состав своего тела для участия в соревнованиях по бодибилдингу, в то время как другие просто хотят внести долгосрочные изменения в жировую и мышечную массу своего тела.

Устойчивые, долгосрочные изменения состава тела начинаются с ориентированных на здоровье привычек питания и физических упражнений, которые поддерживают общее самочувствие и физическую форму. Узнайте больше о составе тела и о том, как его улучшить, ниже.

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  607 Hits

What the expiration dates of products actually mean. Food safety.

Since the introduction of expiration dates, most people have started referring to these dates when deciding whether to leave the product or throw it away. However, the date printed on the side of a milk carton or a loaf of bread is not necessarily a guarantee of product safety or its absence. When using various labels, such as "sell before", "use before", the interpretation of the true value of the expiration date can be confusing.

Here's what different expiration dates of products really mean, how long you can store expired products and how to get the most out of your products so that no food (or money) is wasted.
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  871 Hits

Here's what happens if you don't eat after a workout.

Supporting your training goals with nutrition is vital — the food you eat provides the energy for your workouts and the nutrients you need to properly recover from them. Some people may be tempted to skip meals after a workout to increase fat loss, but this can backfire.Dietary attitudes that encourage...
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  845 Hits

How to safely build muscle with nutrition and exercise.

Building muscle mass is a common fitness goal. Muscles not only make you look and feel stronger, but also reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

But learning how to apply the best nutrition strategy to gain lean muscle mass can be difficult. Nutrition for muscle development is different from a simple attempt to reduce body fat. Muscles are a highly active metabolic tissue that requires significant nutrients for recovery and growth, especially after heavy training.

Since most women naturally have less testosterone than men, the process of building muscle mass may be slower. Some women also shy away from eating for muscle growth due to concerns about fat gain. This misconception can lead to a restrictive diet that does not promote muscle growth and relief.
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  852 Hits

Why you need to include octopus in your diet.

Octopuses are a type of mollusks that are an important source of protein. This charming sea creature is also considered a delicacy in many cultures.

Due to the high protein content and many essential vitamins and minerals, more and more people are adding octopuses to their menu. Here's a look at the nutrition, health benefits and uses of octopus.
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  848 Hits

Is it possible to eat the same thing every day.

Lovers of cooking, haters of cooking and lovers of routine have one thing in common: there is no problem eating the same dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner day after day. After all, just a few meals save time in the kitchen and provide a sense of stability in this increasingly chaotic world.

But is it really OK to eat the same foods every day?
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  928 Hits

How self-isolation affected eating behavior and how to deal with it.

Regardless of whether you work from home or have returned to the office, it is likely that the way you eat now may be slightly different from what it was, for example, before self-isolation. This is a very serious trend, in some cases both for the better and for the worse.

There are some parallels in eating behavior that show how attitudes to food have changed on a global level. Let's take a closer look at these changes, and then move on to possible solutions.
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  998 Hits

Intuitive nutrition is all you need to know.


Intuitive nutrition is a non-diet-related approach to nutrition, in which internal signals are more important than external diet rules. The lack of a diet means that the emphasis is on promoting a healthy lifestyle, a better body image and a healthier relationship with food. To help you choose food, intuitive eating helps you get back in touch with internal signals such as hunger and satiety, cravings and how we feel after eating. Intuitive eating also helps to abandon the rules of the diet, such as what, how much and when to eat, so that you can better respond to your gut.
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  888 Hits

What is a dissociated diet.

The dissociated diet, in fact, contradicts everything we have been taught about nutrition over the past few decades. It is based on a combination of products, which involves eating only certain food groups (for example, all starches or all vegetables). The diet was developed by Dr. William Howard Hay, who believed that your body should produce and secrete various digestive enzymes for alkaline and acidic foods.
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  1268 Hits

How to meet the budget with the purchase of nutrition for muscle growth.

Do you want to build muscle, but you think that quality food is not available for your budget? Many of us think so, but this conclusion is not entirely correct. Expensive protein powders and supplements are not needed to gain muscle mass.

The truth is that we can build muscle through proper physical training and eating nutrient-rich foods. All this can be done without going beyond the budget.
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  916 Hits

Why your body needs glycogen.

When your body needs energy, it can use glycogen reserves. The glucose molecules in the food you eat are mainly stored in the liver and muscles. From these reserves, your body can quickly mobilize glycogen when it needs fuel.

What you eat, how often you eat, and your activity level all affect how the body stores and uses glycogen. Low-carb and ketogenic diets, as well as intense exercise, deplete glycogen stores, forcing the body to burn fat for energy.
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  1026 Hits

What is the difference between vegetable and animal protein?

There is nothing better than adding a spoonful of protein powder to a smoothie, morning oatmeal or even to your favorite pastry from the dough. Numerous varieties of protein powders can increase the consumption of this trace element from both plant and animal sources.

If you often use protein powder, you may already have a favorite product. But be open-minded-powders of vegetable and animal origin have clear advantages (and several disadvantages). See how they compare in terms of nutrition, health benefits, taste and use.
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  1137 Hits

How many carbohydrates the body needs per day.

45-65% of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates. It may seem like a lot of carbs, but a recommendation is not just a number. Some sources of carbohydrates are better for you than others, and the amount of carbohydrates a person needs depends largely on factors such as age, weight, height, and activity level.
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  1015 Hits

What should I know about cheat miles?

How to treat yourself without breaking the diet. If you have decided to lose weight or are trying to achieve certain goals, such as increasing muscle mass or changing your body fat percentage, you can follow a structured eating plan to achieve this goal. You may be reducing your overall calorie intake or following certain recommendations, such as increasing your protein intake or cutting down on saturated fat.
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  1385 Hits

Salmon health benefits and harms.

Many people are concerned about the level of pollution and harmful substances in fish products. However, salmon is a nutrient-rich fish and can be found with minimal toxins, especially if you buy it natural and fresh from proven sources. With heart-healthy omega-3s, high-quality protein, and a high content of micronutrients, it's worth adding to your diet.
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  1108 Hits