What is the secret of the miraculous lemon water.

Lemon water is a simple and nutritious way to avoid dehydration. It is popular in restaurants, and its preparation at home takes only a few minutes. It has also become fashionable as a way to improve digestion, skin health and more.Here's what you need to know about the benefits of lemon water, how much you should drink, and its potential drawbacks.

What is lemon water?

Squeeze a whole or half lemon into a glass of water, and voila: you have lemon water. You can also just throw lemon slices into the water so that in addition to the juice you get the pulp in your drink.

Some people prefer to spice up their lemon water by adding ginger, mint, turmeric or a slice of cucumber, but you can also drink it as is.

While many lemon water lovers prefer it to be lukewarm, others drink it cool.

The potential health benefits of lemon water

Lemons do not contain cholesterol and fat, and they are low in calories: about 17 per fruit. They also do not contain gluten and sodium, but contain fiber and phytonutrients. Although it seems that adding a simple squeezed lemon to an ordinary cup of water is very simple, it can really bring health benefits.

Can improve hydration levels

Firstly, lemon water serves an obvious purpose: it helps to avoid dehydration. If you find water a little boring, adding a savory lemon can make it more enjoyable to drink, which can help you increase your overall water intake. Maintaining hydration is incredibly important for several key body functions, including fighting fatigue and keeping digestion on track.

Provides antioxidant support

Lemons are an amazing source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects your body from harmful free radicals. One lemon contains 34.4 mg of vitamin C, which is more than half of the recommended daily dose. The exact amount of vitamin C you get depends on how much lemon juice you squeeze into the water.

Citrus fruits, such as lemons, are a "treasure trove" of health benefits, and their characteristics include: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, as well as cardiovascular protective effects.

Can improve skin health

Lemon water can benefit your skin: vitamin C in lemons promotes collagen synthesis. This means it can help your skin look younger and brighter.

May improve digestion

Lemon water contains citric acid, which helps break down food and promotes digestion. In addition, consuming more water, whether lemon water or plain water, fights constipation and promotes stool regularity.

May contribute to weight loss

Although lemon water is not a magic weight loss remedy, it can help you lose a few pounds: if you use it instead of, say, a daily soda or a glass of sweet juice, you will save hundreds of calories a week. In addition, sugar—sweetened drinks are associated with weight gain and chronic diseases, so giving them up is a complete victory.

Who can refuse lemon water?

While lemon water may have many potential health benefits, it may not be the best choice for everyone.

Those with sensitive teeth

If you drink a lot of water with lemon, the acid from the fruit can stay on your teeth, damage the enamel and make you more prone to tooth decay.

To prevent this effect, it is better to drink water with lemon through a straw or rinse your mouth immediately after. Both strategies can help mitigate any impact on your teeth.

People with stomach upset or acid reflux

Lemon water may also be too acidic for some people who struggle with stomach upset or acid reflux. While lemon water can help some people with digestion and relieve acid reflux, it can also increase acidity in the stomach and esophagus, exacerbating an existing stomach upset. If you suffer from acid reflux, you can talk to your doctor to see if he recommends avoiding citrus fruits and juices, even in small amounts.

When should I drink water with lemon?

Oddly enough, some people say that drinking water with lemon in the morning makes their digestive system work, while others believe that a glass of warm water before going to bed calms them down.

When it comes down to it, you will reap the benefits of lemon water at any time of the day when you decide to consume it.

How much water with lemon should I drink?

There is no limit. How much and when you drink depends only on you.

But keep in mind how much fluid you need every day.

If drinking water with lemon helps you follow these recommendations, it's a great way to keep your body hydrated.


Adding lemon to water can be a great way to improve your health and hydration. However, consider potential situations in which plain water might be better. In addition, to protect your teeth, you can limit the amount of water with lemon to a few cups a day.
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