
Как превратить диету в устойчивые привычки питания.

Поддержать свое здоровье с помощью питания – отличная цель. Некоторых людей советы о диетах и ​​ограничениях могут сбить с толку и превратить удовольствие от еды в стрессовое событие. Чтобы восстановить уверенность в своем питании и сосредоточить внимание на здоровье и благополучии, а не на отказе от еды или ограничительных мерах, поменяйте свою диету...
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  470 Hits

11 лучших фруктов для похудения.

Эти фрукты содержат мало калорий, богаты клетчаткой и содержат полезные питательные вещества, способствующие похудению. Фрукты известны своим естественным сладким вкусом и яркими цветами, а также они являются питательной пищей. На самом деле, некоторые питательные вещества, которые люди чаще всего недополучают, такие как калий и витамин С, можно найти во многих различных фруктах. Фрукты также содержат фолиевую кислоту и клетчатку, а еще широкий спектр антиоксидантов и соединений, обладающих полезными для здоровья свойствами.

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  593 Hits

Слышали ли вы о диете по группе крови.

Что такое диета по группе крови?

Диета по группе крови основана на теории, что ваша группа крови определяет продукты, которые вы должны потреблять (и упражнения, которые вы должны делать), чтобы добиться максимальной пользы для здоровья.

Идея диеты заключается в том, что употребление в пищу продуктов с лектинами (разновидностью белка), несовместимых с группой крови человека, может вызвать слипание клеток крови, называемое агглютинацией, и привести к проблемам со здоровьем, например к болезни сердца или почек.

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  644 Hits

Способы, как превратить вашу диету в устойчивые здоровые привычки.

Поддержка вашего здоровья с помощью питания является отличной целью. Советы, которые люди слышат о диетах и ​​ограничениях в еде, могут сбивать с толку и превращать процесс наслаждения едой в стрессовое событие. Чтобы восстановить уверенность в еде и сосредоточить внимание на здоровье и благополучии, а не на отказе от продуктов или ограничениях, смените свою диету на устойчивые привычки питания.

Создание пищевых привычек, которые будут служить вам в долгосрочной перспективе, является более устойчивым подходом, чем модная диета, и чаще всего лучше для вашего психического и физического здоровья. Ниже вы найдете советы о том, как отказаться от диет и перейти к устойчивым привычкам питания, которые поддерживают ваше здоровье в целом.

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  680 Hits

Why athletes switch to a gluten-free diet and whether it is right.

Gluten-free diets are becoming increasingly popular. Many people attribute various symptoms to gluten, including fatigue, bloating and a general lack of energy. As always, athletes quickly pick up any new trend, and gluten-free diets are no exception.

If so many athletes follow a gluten-free diet, should you? And if you do, will it improve your productivity?
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  877 Hits

Learn about the beginning of the path of weight loss on a low-carb diet.

Cutting down on carbs is a popular way to try to achieve a weight loss goal. When you start eating less carbs, the way your body uses energy will change, which will make you feel different physically and even emotionally.
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  778 Hits

What can you give to a person who is losing weight.

Do you need a gift idea for those who are trying to lose weight? Weight loss gifts can be difficult extremely hard to find. Some gifts may offend your friend or family member, while others may complicate the weight loss process altogether. So try these suggestions.
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  2055 Hits

How self-isolation affected eating behavior and how to deal with it.

Regardless of whether you work from home or have returned to the office, it is likely that the way you eat now may be slightly different from what it was, for example, before self-isolation. This is a very serious trend, in some cases both for the better and for the worse.

There are some parallels in eating behavior that show how attitudes to food have changed on a global level. Let's take a closer look at these changes, and then move on to possible solutions.
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  997 Hits

False myths about proper nutrition and diet that you believe in.

Dieting may seem like a simple solution until you learn about the facts and myths that complicate everything. When it comes to weight loss, a lot of common myths turn out to be only partially true.
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  1114 Hits

What is a dissociated diet.

The dissociated diet, in fact, contradicts everything we have been taught about nutrition over the past few decades. It is based on a combination of products, which involves eating only certain food groups (for example, all starches or all vegetables). The diet was developed by Dr. William Howard Hay, who believed that your body should produce and secrete various digestive enzymes for alkaline and acidic foods.
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  1265 Hits

The best ways to lose weight in the back area.

If you are concerned about fat on your back, there are several ways to start getting rid of it. It is impossible to completely get rid of fat on your back, but you will definitely be able to change the appearance of the upper, middle and lower parts of your back.

Fortunately, fat on the back is not like fat in some other parts of the body, so there are several ways to solve this problem. But before you decide how best to get rid of back fat, first decide which part of the back you need to target.
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  1008 Hits

What should I know about cheat miles?

How to treat yourself without breaking the diet. If you have decided to lose weight or are trying to achieve certain goals, such as increasing muscle mass or changing your body fat percentage, you can follow a structured eating plan to achieve this goal. You may be reducing your overall calorie intake or following certain recommendations, such as increasing your protein intake or cutting down on saturated fat.
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  1381 Hits

How often should I eat?

Many people who want to lose weight or maintain their weight are wondering how often they should eat. This question is more complicated than it seems. Should you eat one or two large meals or many small ones every day? Does fasting help or harm you when it comes to dieting? For example, many popular diets include periods of fasting, while others do not recommend going without food for too long, so as not to put your body into "fasting mode".
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  1250 Hits

What is a diet based on baby food?

A diet based on baby food is the use of small jars of baby food to limit the intake of calories, this will lead to rapid weight loss. The original baby food diet, which was never officially published despite claims of weight loss, involved eating baby food throughout the day followed by regular "adult" meals in the evening.
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  1195 Hits

What is a high-protein diet?

A high-protein diet encourages eating more protein and less carbohydrates or fat to speed up weight loss, gain more energy, and improve athletic performance. Protein is an important nutrient for health. It is responsible for a number of important functions in the body, including hormones, enzymes, and cell repair and maintenance.
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  2009 Hits

The Mediterranean diet and how does it differ from other diets?

The Mediterranean diet is based on traditional foods common to people living in the Mediterranean region, especially in Greece. It has a lot of nutrient-rich foods, with an emphasis on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, and olive oil. Studies show that following this diet can help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other health problems.
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  1889 Hits

What is a diet for a flat stomach

The Flat Stomach Diet is a nutrition plan that promises to help you lose 7 kg in 32 days by following a nutrition program based on healthy monounsaturated fats. Consumers can buy an original flat stomach diet book, a pocket guide, or any of the books with instructions for achieving a flat stomach to learn the program.
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  1344 Hits

What is a dairy-free diet?

Milk is often an important part of the diet because it is rich in calcium, protein and other nutrients. But many people don't drink milk because of allergies, food sensitivities, or personal preferences. If you are following a dairy-free diet, it is important to know how to ensure a healthy diet without milk and other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese . Fortunately, all the useful components of milk are found in many other common products.
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  1268 Hits

What is a sugar-free diet?

When diet and nutrition experts talk about "sweet" foods, they mean foods that contain a lot of added sugar - any type of high-calorie sweetener added to foods. (Artificial sweeteners like Sucralose are not high in calories.) Sugar provides energy (i.e. calories), but does not provide additional nutritional value.
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  1542 Hits

low-carb foods that should definitely be in your diet

When you're on a low-carb diet, going to the grocery store can be exhausting, especially if you're trying to avoid processed foods and refined carbohydrates. At your local grocery store, it may not be easy to find a passageway dedicated to low-carb options, but if you know what to look for (and what to avoid), you can put together a shopping list that will serve as a guide.
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  1392 Hits