
Этот волшебный и всем необходимый витамин D.

Витамин D, также известный как «солнечный витамин», является важным питательным веществом, которое можно получить под воздействием солнца, из некоторых пищевых источников и добавок. Этот витамин играет ключевую роль во многих аспектах здоровья, включая здоровье костей, иммунную функцию и многое другое.

Тем не менее, многие люди упускают этот витамин из виду: почти 48% населения мира имеют уровень витамина D в крови ниже рекомендуемого. Добавки витамина D3 могут быть безопасным и удобным вариантом, который поможет вам удовлетворить ваши потребности, особенно если вы подвержены риску недостаточности или дефицита питательных веществ в организме.

В этой статье мы расскажем, как витамин D3 может принести пользу вашему здоровью и как вы можете удовлетворить свои потребности в этом витамине.

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  439 Hits

Познакомьтесь со спортивной добавкой - Ашваганда

Ашваганда родом из Индии и Юго-Восточной Азии и является одной из самых важных трав в Аюрведе, системе медицины, зародившейся в Индии более 3000 лет назад. Его ботаническое название — Withania somnifera, она также известна как «индийский женьшень» и «зимняя вишня». Название на санскрите означает «запах лошади».

Ашваганда обычно используется в Индии как домашнее средство и как афродизиак для пожилых людей. В настоящее время она широко доступна во всем мире, и ее рекламируют для использования по разным причинам, включая антистресс, облегчение тревоги, трудности с концентрацией внимания и проблемы надпочечников. Трава продается в нескольких формах, включая капсулы, чаи и порошки.

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  406 Hits

Добавьте клетчатку в ваш рацион при помощи здоровых и полезных добавок.

Клетчатка полезна для кишечника, помогает контролировать вес и даже может обеспечить некоторую защиту от хронических заболеваний. Но получаете ли вы достаточно клетчатки в своем рационе? Вероятнее всего, у вас не получается потреблять достаточно, так как за клетчаткой сложно уследить.

Если вы, как и большинство людей, не получаете достаточно клетчатки, вы можете рассмотреть возможность добавления клетчатки в свой ежедневный рацион. Добавки с клетчаткой безопасны для большинства людей и могут принести пользу тем, кто не может удовлетворить свои потребности в пищевых волокнах из-за проблем со здоровьем или необходимости соблюдать специальную диету.

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  4261 Hits

Польза 5 - HTP.

5-HTP — это вещество, которое иногда используется в качестве добавки. Он может быть преобразован в организме в серотонин, что привело к интересу к его использованию для лечения депрессии, беспокойства, бессонницы и некоторых других состояний.

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  375 Hits

Линолевая кислота в вашем рационе.

Замена насыщенных жиров и углеводов на линолевую кислоту — основной полиненасыщенный жир, содержащийся в растительном масле, орехах и семенах, — снижает риск ишемической болезни сердца.

Линолевая кислота, на самом деле, имеет ряд преимуществ для здоровья.

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  576 Hits

Learn about the melatonin supplement.

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the body. It regulates night and day cycles or sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin in dietary supplements is usually produced in the laboratory.

Darkness causes the body to produce more melatonin, which signals the body to sleep. Light reduces the production of melatonin and signals the body to be awake. Some people who have trouble sleeping have low melatonin levels. It is believed that adding melatonin from dietary supplements can help them fall asleep.

People most often use melatonin to treat insomnia and improve sleep in various conditions, such as jet lag. It is also used for depression, chronic pain, dementia and many other conditions.
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  907 Hits


Athletes often turn to performance-enhancing products to change their body shape, energy levels and muscle volume. One of the ingredients of such supplements is inosine, a nucleoside contained in muscle tissue. The potential benefits of inosine are related to the fact that it acts as a building block for DNA and RNA, helping healthy nerve branches grow from nerves damaged in the brain and spinal cord. It can also help in preserving adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main form of useful energy in your body. However, its real clinical benefits are still being studied.
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  945 Hits

Check yourself for iron deficiency!

Iron deficiency occurs when there is not enough mineral iron in the blood. If left untreated, it can lead to iron deficiency anemia, that is, a decrease in the number, size and function of red blood cells.

Athletes, especially women, usually suffer from iron deficiency. It is vital for athletic performance because it helps transport oxygen to your cells. It is also important for brain health and immune function. Knowing the symptoms of iron deficiency can help you prevent it from getting worse and turning into anemia.
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  909 Hits

What is niacin and what products does it contain?

Niacin is a vital nutrient that is used by all tissues of the body. Eating foods high in niacin is a good way to make sure you are consuming enough of this important vitamin. Niacin can be found in both animal and plant foods. It is also available as part of B vitamins and other supplements.
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  898 Hits

Will a thermo booster help you lose weight?

Thermo Booster is an innovative supplement that helps to improve the rate of fat burning in the body. It increases your body's metabolic rate, which leads to an increase in the energy level in your body. This helps to lift your mood and make you active during the day, and, consequently, get rid of accumulated fats. This leads to healthy weight loss. The supplement is available for sale in online stores and sports nutrition stores.
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  1443 Hits

Are pre-workout supplements really effective?

Pre-workout supplements designed to improve your athletic performance and provide additional support during exercise have become popular among gym visitors and trainers. As sales of sports nutrition supplements continue to skyrocket, many fitness experts have begun to wonder if these pre-workout products really work, or are they all just hype?
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  975 Hits

What is an isotonic and what is it for?

Vigorous exercises can strengthen the health of the heart, lose weight and improve the shape, but also because of them, from one to three liters of fluid comes out with sweat during an intense workout.

Although sweating is a way to maintain a normal internal body temperature (the body cools down), sweat leaches out a large amount of important minerals and dehydration can occur. Isotonic drinks allow you to quickly restore the loss of elements, which prevents some injuries and weakness as a result of training.
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  1075 Hits

Why your body needs glycogen.

When your body needs energy, it can use glycogen reserves. The glucose molecules in the food you eat are mainly stored in the liver and muscles. From these reserves, your body can quickly mobilize glycogen when it needs fuel.

What you eat, how often you eat, and your activity level all affect how the body stores and uses glycogen. Low-carb and ketogenic diets, as well as intense exercise, deplete glycogen stores, forcing the body to burn fat for energy.
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  968 Hits

The health benefits of Coenzyme Q10.

Coenzyme Q10 is a compound that is naturally found in your body. It is known that it has an antioxidant effect, it is also necessary for the proper functioning of your cells; one of its main tasks is to help in energy production. Studies show that coenzyme Q10 can help treat or prevent various diseases, from diabetes to migraines and Alzheimer's disease, as well as eliminate the signs of aging.
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  1007 Hits

If you want to improve your sports results, then these useful and effective supplements are necessary for you.

Make an informed decision before buying a bunch of supplements that are believed to create a fitness miracle. The following supplements confirm the improvement of sports results and they are in high demand due to their effectiveness in improving athletic form
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  993 Hits

Muscle building with prohormones benefits and harms.

Drugs that improve athletic performance are often used inside the walls of the gym, during bodybuilding competitions and by athletes in everyday life. A popular remedy that can be purchased as an additive is prohormone, a chemical compound also known as an androgen, which is sold without a prescription. Manufacturers claim that supplements with prohormone build muscle and burn fat, and, unlike steroids, they are allowed to be used. Many weightlifters, bodybuilders and other athletes turn to steroids and hormonal supplements, such as prohormone, to improve their athletic performance and / or increase muscle size. Learn more about prohormones and the risks associated with using these dietary supplements.
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  1365 Hits

The benefits of BCAA.

Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a type of essential amino acids involved in protein synthesis in the body. Available in some foods (including meat, dairy, and legumes), branched-chain amino acids include valine, leucine, and isoleucine. They offer many health benefits and improve athletic performance. BCAA amino acids are sold separately as supplements.
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  1054 Hits

What supplements can be used to increase muscle mass.


Pyruvate supplements have become popular among bodybuilders because they are believed to reduce body fat, increase energy and improve the ability to exercise endurance. Pyruvate supplies the body with pyruvic acid, a natural compound involved in energy metabolism.

Pyruvate is not an important nutrient. The body can produce everything it needs without additives. This substance is contained in food products only in small quantities, its best source is apples.
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  1012 Hits

What are amino acids and which ones are necessary for you.

Athletes engaged in strength training pay close attention to the consumption of amino acids. Some even take supplements to increase their intake and get the right balance of amino acids, especially BCAA amino acids.

It is useful to know the facts about these important peptides and understand what they can and cannot do in your body in order to balance your nutrient intake and achieve your health and fitness goals.
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  1024 Hits

All about the benefits of collagen for your health

Collagen is a structural protein found in connective tissues throughout the body, including skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Its main function is to help tissues withstand stretching. As you age, your body produces less collagen. Some people try to restore collagen by taking supplements. Researchers studied the effects of collagen supplements on aging skin, bone density, joint health, and other factors. Although the results are promising, more research is needed to fully understand the effectiveness of supplements.
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  1259 Hits