Alex  Hammer

Muscle rupture

Muscle rupture today is divided into closed and open, partial and complete. In order to be able to prevent the formation of muscle rupture, it is necessary to learn more about the various causes that can lead to such an injury.To date, the most common muscle rupture occurs as a result...
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  6055 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The importance of amino acids

To achieve results in bodybuilding, there is no way to do without proper sports nutrition. A perfectly planned training session, 100% in the gym, is only 30% successful. If you want results, eat right. The basis of nutrition in bodybuilding is protein. But no less important for rapid muscle growth and...
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  3826 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The myofibrils or sarcoplasm, which is better?

How to build muscle – the most important thing1. The more developed the strength displayed in the range of 5-10 repetitions, the more inflated myofibrils are. These dimensions cannot be built quickly, but they are the most durable of all the other components. Any training strategy that leads to a significant...
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  9369 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Trenirovki alone

You can train beyond the edge of muscle failure without the help of a partner.The importance of muscle failureThe disadvantage of training alone is that it is harder to force yourself to work hard. It is almost impossible to do these last repetitions when no one insures or encourages you with...
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  2818 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to exercise after a long break?

I think each of us for some reason was forced to take a break in the training process. For example, during a vacation, or due to injury or illness. But sooner or later you need to return to training. Almost every athlete after a break tries to get to their previous...
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  2764 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The toxins of fatigue and their neutralization in the body

Why does a person get tired during training? Why do you sometimes feel sluggish, sluggish, or unwilling to exercise at the end of your workout? All this occurs mainly as a result of accumulation of fatigue toxins in the blood."Fatigue toxins" is a collective term. In medicine, "fatigue toxins" refer to...
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  3232 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Proper Breakfast for weight loss

I think a person who set out to lose weight has often heard that a proper Breakfast is one of the main factors in the fight against excess weight. But despite this, a number of questions still arise, such as:What to eat for Breakfast to lose weight?Why is Breakfast important?How to...
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  3023 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Testosterone and strength training

How to build muscle mass without sports pharmacology? Learn about the role and importance of testosterone, compound exercises, training duration, and strength training in General.Have you ever wondered why there is so much talk about compound exercises? Or why should all training programs be built around them? Meanwhile, many beginners are...
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Существует так же мнение, что для эффективного роста и во избежании застоя необходимо "удивлять" мышцы, т.е. использовать в тренир... Read More
Thursday, 14 May 2015 12:09
Да, такое мнение существует. И это не просто мнение, а действительно необходимый аспект. НО!... Это касается саркоплазматической г... Read More
Friday, 15 May 2015 00:29
  4856 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The company specializes in hand

Increasing the volume of hands is often a priority in training both experienced athletes and beginners, especially before the summer season, when Willy-nilly you have to expose them to others, defiling in a short-sleeve shirt or t-shirt.However, increasing the load on the hands, many do not achieve anything, or even roll...
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  4929 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Classification of muscle fibers

Everyone knows that each person has an individual muscle composition, that is, only he has an inherent combination of muscle cells (fibers) of different types in all skeletal muscles.But there are several classifications of these types of fibers, and they do not always coincide. What classifications are currently accepted?Muscle fibers are...
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  9557 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The increase results in the bench press

Bench press is a very popular exercise for both bodybuilders and powerlifters. It is a kind of business card of any person who has ever trained with weights.As a rule, the performance in this exercise grows quite steadily, but there are times when the working and competitive weights of the bar...
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  3716 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Girls, do you want to look?

Everyone in the gym!
  3498 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Errors when taking steroids

Very effective drugs that give a significant and rapid increase in muscle mass are anabolic steroids. Therefore, they are widely used in bodybuilding. But alas, young and inexperienced athletes often make a number of common mistakes to achieve results.These errors do not allow you to get the most out of steroids....
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  2940 Hits
Alex  Hammer

To gain weight without gaining fat

Big, but not fat: a competent approach to gaining muscle mass.Stop swimming in fat while working on a set of weights! Learn how to approach your diet and achieve fantastic muscle growth without the side effects of useless fats.Every bodybuilder wants to be big. Unfortunately, the desperate desire to gain the...
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  2971 Hits
Alex  Hammer

My zenovka

Happy Birthday!!!
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Monday, 27 April 2015 14:44
  2563 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Testosterone boosters

This expert guide to testosterone boosters will teach you how to navigate the products on the market to increase your testosterone levels. Learn about available medications and recommended dosages for optimal results.What are testosterone boosters?Testosterone boosters are supplements used to stimulate muscle growth, increase strength and libido, and correct sex hormone...
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  4887 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Pain in the elbows

Quite banal for bodybuilders, the problem is soreness in the area of the elbow joints. In the vast majority of cases, this malaise is due to resistance training.Of course, people who visit the gym are not 100% insured against such "sores" as external and internal epicondylitis ("tennis player's elbow" and, accordingly,...
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  3387 Hits
Alex  Hammer

With the better mixing protein shake?

So, suppose that you are going to mix myself a protein shake. What to choose as the liquid base of the drink: milk or water? It depends on several factors that must be taken into consideration:Milk adds calories;Milk causes a spike in insulin;Milk enhances the flavor of the cocktail.With that said,...
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  6874 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to determine the amount of calories a day?

This is relevant for any athlete question – count the number of calories. It depends on many things: weight, or the opposite, reduction is associated with endurance and sports performance in General. Now there are many modern methods of determining calorie needs, but I would like to focus on the simplest...
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  2796 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Causes and prevention of the most frequent types of injuries when working with weights

The most unpleasant thing that can happen to a seriously engaged bodybuilder is an injury. Experienced athletes know that any imbalance in the physique can be eliminated by proper diet and appropriate training. Are you too heavy? Reduce the calories, carbohydrates or fat in your diet and wait for the appearance...
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  2960 Hits