Alex  Hammer

Alcohol and fat burning

A large number of people use alcohol as a sedative for stress, as a mandatory drink for meeting friends, alcohol is a mandatory companion of any holiday, and just an "evening" glass. In this article, some facts about the effect of alcohol on the body.Drinking alcohol is part of human culture....
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  26616 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Testosterone - how to increase.

It is no secret that testosterone can be called the" Holy Grail " of male hormones. Below are safe ways to increase your testosterone in natural ways.The power of testosterone is almost mythical and there are no miracles in this, it can increase muscle and burn fat in the body in...
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  4761 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Steroids. To accept or not?

A healthy and beautiful body has always been and is in the first place for every person.In order to get in good shape and improve your health, you need to spend a lot of time in the gym, giving your best there.Well, really, what girl doesn't like athletic guys? You look...
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  4472 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Testosterone and strength training

How to build muscle mass without sports pharmacology? Learn about the role and importance of testosterone, compound exercises, training duration, and strength training in General.Have you ever wondered why there is so much talk about compound exercises? Or why should all training programs be built around them? Meanwhile, many beginners are...
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Существует так же мнение, что для эффективного роста и во избежании застоя необходимо "удивлять" мышцы, т.е. использовать в тренир... Read More
Thursday, 14 May 2015 12:09
Да, такое мнение существует. И это не просто мнение, а действительно необходимый аспект. НО!... Это касается саркоплазматической г... Read More
Friday, 15 May 2015 00:29
  4936 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Testosterone boosters

This expert guide to testosterone boosters will teach you how to navigate the products on the market to increase your testosterone levels. Learn about available medications and recommended dosages for optimal results.What are testosterone boosters?Testosterone boosters are supplements used to stimulate muscle growth, increase strength and libido, and correct sex hormone...
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  4947 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to gain muscle mass

Currently, there is a set of factors necessary for the synthesis of protein (muscle) structures in the human body. Each of these factors is important, and only when put together do they guarantee muscle gain.Factors necessary for the growth of muscle tissue:The supply of amino acids in the body;Release of anabolic...
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  3053 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Girls, are you afraid to pump up the big muscles!?

When it comes to weight training, most women are worried about how not to pump up too big muscles. But these fears were groundless!Normal testosterone levels in males – 200-1200 ng/DL (nanograms per ten liters), and for women the norm is 15-70 ng/DL. As you can see, the level of testosterone...
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  3649 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Products boosting testosterone

1. Marine products: prawns, crabs, red and white fish. The product contains such a substance as zinc – which is the main building blocks of the testosterone molecule. Particularly strong effect of stimulation of testosterone have scallops, oysters, caviar, sea urchin2. Nuts: walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews, etc. and especially Brazil nuts....
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  3264 Hits
Alex  Hammer


What are these exercises and why are they so important? Research shows that the exercises that most strongly affect the production of testosterone and growth hormone: deadlift and lifting the bar with a jump up.Other exercises, especially isolating ones, have a much smaller effect. Taking into account that lifting the bar...
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  4005 Hits