
Как выполнять растяжку на бицепс.

Растяжка бицепса — отличный способ улучшить гибкость, диапазон движений, силу рук и снизить риск получения травм. Выполнение этой растяжки нацелено на двуглавую мышцу плеча (бицепс), но также полезно для раскрытия грудных и плечевых мышц в зависимости от варианта.

Гибкость является одним из пяти компонентов физической подготовки и значительно улучшается с помощью программы растяжки. Это хорошая причина включить растяжку бицепса в тренировку рук или верхней части тела. Растяжка не только дополняет тренировку, но и играет важную роль в комплексной программе упражнений.

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  721 Hits

How to properly perform an exercise on a biceps simulator.

This exercise can definitely promise you big biceps.

This is not the case when a new exercise should replace the standard biceps flexion in your training schedule, it should rather work together with it to add variety to your routine, since it affects the biceps in a different way.
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  928 Hits

How to perform the hammer exercise.

Bending the arms with dumbbells is one of the most frequently performed exercises for the upper body. The hammer is a simple type of biceps flexion that helps to engage additional muscles in the upper and lower part of the arm for greater clarity and increased strength.

Many believe that this exercise can also help to increase the stability of the wrist and improve the grip strength.

Although this exercise is almost always performed with dumbbells, it can also be performed with ropes or ribbons if dumbbells are not available. Other typical equipment for flexing the arms on the biceps, such as a barbell or a kettlebell, is not suitable for this exercise because of the need to rotate the wrist.
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  1067 Hits

6 weeks to big biceps

All you have to do is focus on the shoulder muscles you want to pump upFocus on the shoulder and radius musclesThe main flexor muscles of the shoulder include the biceps, humerus, and brachialis. But if you look at most training programs, you will rarely see any exercises focused on the...
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  1137 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Fifty dollars a hand

Summer, beach, terrain and fifty kopecks hand! And many people will never achieve this size. Having big hands is good, but big and strong is even better!Build large and strong hands will help the program that I will talk about in this article.Deltas, biceps and triceps are relatively small muscle groups,...
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  3584 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The company specializes in hand

Increasing the volume of hands is often a priority in training both experienced athletes and beginners, especially before the summer season, when Willy-nilly you have to expose them to others, defiling in a short-sleeve shirt or t-shirt.However, increasing the load on the hands, many do not achieve anything, or even roll...
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  4985 Hits