
Эти советы помогут вам быстрее восстановиться после тренировки.

Отдых и восстановление являются неотъемлемой частью любой тренировки. Программа восстановления после тренировки оказывает большое влияние на ваш прогресс и спортивные результаты, а также позволяет вам тренироваться гораздо эффективнее. К сожалению, у большинства людей нет плана восстановления после тренировок, который позволил бы предотвратить болезненность мышц и ускорить восстановление. Вот несколько советов, которые помогут вам правильно составить планы после тренировки.
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  507 Hits

Does compression underwear work for muscle recovery?

Whether you are an athlete only on weekends or professionally, muscle recovery is always a concern. Avoiding painful sensations in the muscles after training can also help you get back to your usual routine faster, as well as provide you with more comfortable conditions.
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  774 Hits

How to use recovery days effectively to get the most out of your workouts.

To improve the body, you need to not only work hard in the gym, but also do the right things the rest of the time.
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  815 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The reflection in the mirror after the holidays

Vacation time is coming to an end. All diligently preparing for the summer, spending a lot of calories and hours in training. Someone was on vacation at the beach, someone in the country or in the mountains. Everyone tried to give his patanatomy body brown in the sun. And the first...
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  3615 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Rest between workouts

One of the laws of physiology tells us that muscles grow not during workouts. This law applies to everyone. But, in this case, when they grow up? Have you noticed that coming home after a shock workout, you feel much more broken than before the gym? This is a consequence of...
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  2794 Hits