12 minute intense workout

12 minute intense workout
Lose the extra pounds and transform your body with a super-intense 12-minute crossfit workout.

It's time to get ready for the summer season! Are you ready to change yourself for the better? If so, this training is designed specifically for you. A super-intensive 12-minute program will increase your overall anaerobic endurance, and at the same time push your muscles and their energy systems to the limit. What about fat burning? You will burn down old stocks and turn summer 2016 into the best summer of your life!
How to do this program:
After a thorough dynamic warm-up, turn on the timer. Each minute consists of 30-45 seconds of intensive work and 30-15 seconds of rest, depending on your level of training. For example, the first minute of a novice athlete consists of 30 seconds of burpees and 30 seconds of rest; advanced athletes can perform burpees for 45 seconds, and then take 15 seconds of respite. Working segments should be extremely intensive — at the level of 85-90% of your maximum capabilities. In the end, you only have 12 minutes — you can give it your all!

Minute 1: Burpi
Minute 2: jump-out Squats
Minute 3: Russian twist
Minute 4: Alternating lunges
Minute 5-6: Rest
Some burpees

b2ap3_thumbnail_12kross-bur.in the starting position, you stand straight, feet together, hands at your sides. Bend down, put your hands on the floor and jump to move your feet back, taking the plank position. Bend your arms at the elbows and perform a push-up. Straighten your arms, jump to put your feet under you and straighten up, jumping up and stretching your arms above your head. This completes one repetition.

Air squats

b2ap3_thumbnail_12kross-pris.in the initial position, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the socks are slightly unfolded, and the hands are at the sides. Pull the pelvis back and bend your knees, crouching deep enough below the parallel line, and then abruptly rise, jump, and squeeze the glutes in the upper phase of the movement.

Russian twist

b2ap3_thumbnail_12kross-tvist. the exercise is performed while sitting on the floor with your knees bent. Join your hands together against your chest, elbows bent. Lean back, straining your torso muscles so that your feet leave the floor and you balance on your tailbone. Keep your feet still while you twist your body to the right and left, rotating your torso and trying to touch the floor with your elbows on each side. If you feel strong, do this exercise with dumbbells in your hands, as shown in the photo.

Alternate lunges

b2ap3_thumbnail_12kross-vypad. put yourself in the position for alternating lunges with a wide setting of the feet, the right leg in front. Bend both knees and drop to the floor, then jump up, switch legs in the air, and land carefully with your left foot in front and your right behind. Without pausing, proceed to the next repetition. If you feel discomfort in your knees when landing, just do alternate lunges without jumping.

Two minutes of rest and another lap
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