
Drinking cold water will help you burn a little more calories

From almost all sources, you will see tips that you should drink enough water while trying to lose weight. Replacing sugary drinks with plain water is one way to reduce calories. Some studies say that water, especially cold water, has an additional effect on weight loss, reducing the number of calories consumed and helping to burn fat.
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  1492 Hits

The benefits of creatine for athletes

Creatine is a natural substance made up of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Creatine is produced in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas; 95 percent of it is found in the muscles, and the rest is in the brain and heart. In addition to being naturally occurring, small amounts of creatine are also found in foods such as meat and seafood. Synthetic versions are also sold as additives.
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  1242 Hits

How to properly perform a Burpee

Burpee: you either love them very much or hate them very much. If you're like most people, you probably fall into the latter group. This movement will knock out all your breath, make your legs tremble, but it will strengthen your shoulders like nothing else. In this guide to burpees, you will learn how to perform them correctly, how to avoid the most serious mistakes, when to apply them in your training, and how to adjust them for pregnant women and to avoid injuries.
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  1651 Hits

Incendiary Zumba training, what is it?

Zumba is one of the most famous fitness organizations in the world, with more than 200,000 educational institutions in 180 countries. While the brand is best known for its signature Latin dance fitness class, Zumba, the company offers a range of additional workout formats, from strength training to children's fitness classes and even water aerobics classes.
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  1500 Hits

The nutritional value of sweets and how much you can eat sweets without breaking the diet.

Sweets are delicious and adored by many people. Unfortunately, they are also full of sugar and are not nutritious. But is it always harmful to eat candy? Can you treat yourself to candy in an effort to improve the quality of your diet and maintain a healthy weight? Definitely.
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20-minute core workout.

Your core muscles are a complex set of muscles that extend far beyond your abs. These interconnected muscles, extending from the pelvis and diaphragm to the back and thighs, provide strength and stability to both the upper and lower body.
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Medicine for weak buttocks.

Signs of weakness in the gluteal muscles

When the glutes don't do their job, muscle function and movement mechanics in the hips suffer, as well as strength, power, mobility, stability, posture, and athletic performance. Here are a few signs that indicate weak or inactive buttocks.
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  1547 Hits

What to eat after a run and workout.

It matters what you eat after your run. Your body was tense, and it went all out. It is very important to make up for the loss of nutrients and fluids, especially after a longer and strenuous run.
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  1268 Hits

Nutritional value and health benefits of brown sugar.

Brown sugar is a sweetener made from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum). It is similar to white sugar and contains different amounts of molasses. Brown sugar can be refined or unrefined, but most of the brown sugar you'll find in the grocery store is refined. There are also other (less common) types of brown sugar, including turbinado sugar, muscovado sugar, and loose brown sugar.
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  1271 Hits

The difference between running and Jogging

What is the difference between running and Jogging? Is there a difference between them? And what does it matter? For some, Yes. In some groups of runners, the title "runner" is not welcome. The definition may vary, and in fact there is no strict rule that clearly defines when you run and when you jog.
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  1322 Hits

Sour cream and its health benefits

Sour cream is a dairy product that is obtained by fermenting cream. Most consumers buy sour cream at the local market, but this popular Supplement can be prepared at home. The regular sour cream produced is usually cultured, which means that it is fermented and thickened by adding lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized cream containing at least 18% milk fat. Ordinary sour cream is quite fat. It can provide nutrients such as calcium and , but it is unlikely that you consume enough of them to significantly affect the body. Sour cream can be part of a healthy diet if consumed in moderation.
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  2443 Hits

Will Pilates help you lose weight?

Will Pilates help you lose weight? Everyone knows that the magic combination of diet and exercise can help you lose weight faster than any other method alone. What you may not know is that self-weight and weight-bearing exercises like Pilates can be just as effective as cardio training when it comes to losing weight. Discover the simple reasons why Pilates is an effective exercise if you are trying to reduce your number on the weights screen.
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  1212 Hits

Exercises for calf training

Do you think that the growth of your calves is impossible? Not at all! Most likely, it's not your shins that are bad, but your training. Work on the calves of most athletes consists of fast, shallow repetitions ... if they do anything for calves at all. To increase them, a loaded flexion and extension of the ankle is required. Most people miss this and, as a result, miss the equally important benefit of calf training: strong feet and ankles.
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  1172 Hits

6 weeks to big biceps

All you have to do is focus on the shoulder muscles you want to pump upFocus on the shoulder and radius musclesThe main flexor muscles of the shoulder include the biceps, humerus, and brachialis. But if you look at most training programs, you will rarely see any exercises focused on the...
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  1135 Hits

6 exercises for big guys

If you are a big man, then you have a lot of weight. Athletes who weigh more than 90 kilograms and who really have to look down on guys who are 180 cm tall have to take a slightly different approach to training. Smaller people have clear advantages, but if you're a big guy, you can use your disadvantages to your advantage. Because of your weight, size, and power, exercises that can easily be performed by a 70-pound athlete can be exactly what your doctor ordered you to break out of the plateau, improve your fitness, or even increase muscle development.
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  1213 Hits

Repetitions don't matter

Reps don't Matter!do the exercises and you will successfully build muscle no matter how many reps you do.Low number of repetitions or high number of repetitions? Just repeat until you're tired.Mechanical stress stimulates muscle growth. Research shows that lifting a light load to failure leads to an increase in muscle size,...
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  1100 Hits

9 health benefits of playing tennis

Your favorite sport with rackets is a great choice for your health. Tennis is a full - body workout that involves multiple organ systems and muscle groups. This is sure to make your heart beat faster, your quadriceps and hamstrings, and your competitive spirit will be engaged - all while you spend time outdoors with a friend. In addition, tennis is a sport focused on social distancing that can be safely practiced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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  1291 Hits

10 - minute workouts that burn 100 calories

Too busy to exercise? This is easy to understand, especially if you are trying to follow the exercise instructions, which involve an hour a day most days of the week. However, experts have found that short workouts, such as two or three 10-minute workouts a day, can be just as effective as longer workouts. The main thing is to focus on intensity and use your time wisely. So how do you add intensity to your workouts? Try active activities such as Jogging, jumping rope, or plyometrics . If a strong shock load isn't for you, you can get a great workout with low-load exercises . The point is to try compound movements to work more than one muscle group, otherwise if you do cardio exercises with a low load, the speed and range of movement will definitely increase your heart rate.
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  2420 Hits

How to get rid of pain in the sides while running.

While running (or most exercise), a sharp pain in your side, known as a stabbing pain, can cause you to lose your dexterity. If you've ever experienced side pain, medically known as transient abdominal pain associated with exercise, you know how distracting and uncomfortable it can be.
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  1347 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Yay! The repair behind. The publication continues. It will be interesting!

  2237 Hits