How to properly perform a Burpee

Burpee: you either love them very much or hate them very much. If you're like most people, you probably fall into the latter group. This movement will knock out all your breath, make your legs tremble, but it will strengthen your shoulders like nothing else. In this guide to burpees, you will learn how to perform them correctly, how to avoid the most serious mistakes, when to apply them in your training, and how to adjust them for pregnant women and to avoid injuries.Goals: all body

required equipment: none

Level: beginner

One guaranteed way to improve your fitness? Add burpees to the list of your training. Below you will learn about the many benefits of this exercise.

Cardiovascular endurance

Burpee is a great exercise for your cardio! We're talking about tingling in the lungs, chest bloating, dizziness with cardio - if you want it to be like that, of course. Of course, you don't have to make burpees this intense if you don't want to, but even if you do them slowly, you will improve your cardiovascular endurance.

Burpees are high - intensity, fast-paced full-body exercises that make them one of the best for strengthening the heart, lungs, and entire cardiorespiratory system. (Hint: if you hate running, just do burpees instead. They will do their job).

Muscle endurance
Addition to improving cardio endurance, burpees also improve muscle endurance. Muscle endurance refers to how long your muscles can withstand repetitive movements under a given load. In the case of burpees, the load is your body weight.


Burpees may seem simple at first glance-fall down and get up again-but they actually require some coordination. You must correctly calculate the time of movement, otherwise you may stumble when lowering. Burpee practice can improve your coordination.

Fat loss

While any exercise can help you burn fat, high-intensity exercises like burpees can help you burn more calories in less time. In fact, numerous studies show that high-intensity interval training (which you can easily include burpees in) can help you burn more fat and improve your fitness to a greater extent than traditional steady - state cardio training.

Upper body strength

Because burpees include push-UPS, they can help you strengthen your upper body, especially your chest, triceps, and shoulders.

Burpee's step-by-step instructions are
one movement, but you can break it down into parts: first, you sit on a Board; then you do a push-up; finally, you do a jump squat. Follow this step-by-step guide to complete the perfect burpee.

1. Start from a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.

2. bend Down and place your palms on the floor in front of your feet. As soon as your palms touch the floor, jump out with your feet behind your back to take a high plank pose. Keep your body tense and your spine straight.

3. Perform a push-up. Don't let your hips SAG or bend your back.

4. after you finish the push-up, jump your legs out of your arms and squat. You should land on the whole foot (not on the heels or toes), feet out and slightly behind the hands.

5. Stand up and jump with your hands above your head.

6. Land with your knees bent. When your feet touch the ground, start lowering yourself to start another REP.

Common mistake

Burpees combine several movements into one. Here are some of the most common mistakes you can make when performing burpees, and how to avoid them.


Be careful not to flop on the floor when you go down in the burpee push-up phase. People often fall when their muscles start to tire, but try to avoid this because it can lead to injury - at best, a bruised knee; at worst, a sprain or torn ligament.

Arch your back strongly

you may have seen athletes arch their backs as they move from the bottom of the Burpee to the top. Although this is common in crossfit, it's best to avoid it. In fact, this is a hyperextension of the spine, which can cause lower back pain.

Modifications and variations

If you can't do burpees due to injury, pregnancy, or any other reason, there are many burpee alternatives to choose from. In truth, any high-intensity cardio movement that involves maintaining your own weight will be enough.


A half-burpee, also called an up-and-down burpee or a no-push-up burpee, simply eliminates some of the burpee push-UPS. This is a great alternative for people who have the cardiovascular stamina to perform burpees, but don't have the strength for push-UPS yet. A half-berp is also a good alternative for pregnant women who can't fully descend to the floor.

Burpee Step

If you can't push your feet behind your back and then push them back, try the burpee step. This modification of the burpee simply replaces ballistic movements with walking, which is much softer on the joints. Follow the same steps, but take a step back to assume the plank position, and then step forward to stand up again. Like the half-burpee, the step-burpee is an excellent modification for pregnant women, as it eliminates ballistic movements.

Burpee Bar

The bar removes the rise and fall of the burpee, but at the same time increases the intensity. To do this movement, start with a plank on your elbows or hands and repeatedly bounce your feet.

Squats with a jump

Jump squats (or squat jumps) target the legs more than burpees, but they certainly cause the same heavy breathing. To perform jump squats, perform self-weight squats (also known as air squats) and jump high when coming out of the bottom.

Safety and precautions

Before your next session at the gym with burpee, keep these precautions in mind to avoid injury and get the most out of your workout.

Opening act

Don't think you don't need a warm-up because burpees don't need a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. Burpees can be just as exhausting for your body as weight-lifting exercises, running, and other exercises, so you should still go through a thorough warm-up. Be sure to focus on your hips, knees, and shoulders, as these joints will withstand most of the impact.

No hurry

You wouldn't rush into doing squats, would you? Not hurry. Burpee is a complex movement that requires attention to technique. If you are in a hurry, you may end up making some or all of the mistakes described above.

Change the intensity if necessary

Many beginners make the mistake of classifying burpee as a light exercise just because it is a movement with its own weight. However, experienced athletes know that burpees are one of the most difficult exercises - after all, there is a reason why many people despise them! If you are not ready to perform full burpees, there is no shame in switching to half-burpee, step burpee, or any other exercise in General.
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