
Стоит ли заниматься спортом при боли в мышцах.

Каждый, кто занимается спортом, время от времени испытывает боль, особенно те, кто впервые занимается спортом или пробует новое упражнение. Хотя болезненность не является обязательным последствием хорошей тренировки, она все же случается.

Стоит ли снова тренироваться, пока все еще болит тело после последней тренировки, — это решение зависит главным образом от степени дискомфорта. К счастью, есть вещи, которые вы можете сделать, чтобы уменьшить боль и придерживаться своего фитнес-плана.

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  532 Hits

Безопасные упражнения для больных коленей.

Если вы испытываете боль в колене или у вас есть заболевания, связанные с коленями, существует множество безопасных для вас упражнений, в том числе упражнения без нагрузки на колени, упражнения с малой ударной нагрузкой, а также движения, легкие для суставов.

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Burning and muscle pain after training - is it true that it is due to lactic acid, and how to prevent it.

Lactic acid is formed when the body converts glucose into energy. Lactic acid production occurs at low oxygen levels, usually during high-intensity exercise. Lactic acid buildup can interfere with your workouts, so it's important to understand why this happens and how to prevent it.
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  919 Hits

Exercises with weights for back pain.

If you suffer from back pain, there is good news from a recent study on exercise and its positive effects on pain. The study was small, but the results are promising. It was attended by 27 people suffering from back pain, during which the effects of aerobic training and weight training were studied. The researchers reported that those who participated in the weight training group and lifted weights improved back function by 60%. Those who were assigned to an aerobic exercise group and who regularly engaged in activities such as walking or running improved by only 12%.
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  1031 Hits

How to get rid of pain in the sides while running.

While running (or most exercise), a sharp pain in your side, known as a stabbing pain, can cause you to lose your dexterity. If you've ever experienced side pain, medically known as transient abdominal pain associated with exercise, you know how distracting and uncomfortable it can be.
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  1348 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Pain in the elbows

Quite banal for bodybuilders, the problem is soreness in the area of the elbow joints. In the vast majority of cases, this malaise is due to resistance training.Of course, people who visit the gym are not 100% insured against such "sores" as external and internal epicondylitis ("tennis player's elbow" and, accordingly,...
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  3447 Hits