6 weeks to big biceps

All you have to do is focus on the shoulder muscles you want to pump up

Focus on the shoulder and radius muscles

The main flexor muscles of the shoulder include the biceps, humerus, and brachialis. But if you look at most training programs, you will rarely see any exercises focused on the shoulder or radius muscles.

This is the main reason to focus on both muscle groups. You neglected them and they didn't train enough, which makes them an easy target for rapid growth.

Most people can quickly increase their shoulder size by simply focusing on the shoulder and radius muscles for six weeks. How do I do this? First, by varying the grip.

To focus on the shoulder, use a hammer (neutral) and pronated (reverse) grip. Also use a lower rate of contraction (something like two seconds up and four seconds down - especially for pronated bends. Adding isometric holds, with the forearm parallel to the floor or at the peak of contraction, will also increase the activity of the shoulder muscle.

To focus on the humerus, it is best to use any form of reverse (palms down) flexion. To increase the load on this muscle, use a higher rate of contraction (without cheating) than what you would use to target the shoulder muscle.

Good exercises for your shoulder muscles include:

1. Bending of hands with dumbbells on chest (slow eccentric)

2. The bending of the arms with a hammer on a rope (maximum compression is held for two seconds for each repetition)

3. Arms bending on the cable back (hold forearm parallel to the floor, slow eccentric)

4. Flexion dumbbells with a hammer, sitting on flat bench (hold a maximum contraction for two seconds on each REP)

A good exercise at the radial muscles include:

1. Flexion of Zottman(lifting grip palms up, lowering grip palms down)

2. Arms bending back with the EZ bar (in normal pace)

3. Lifting dumbbells ago (sitting on incline bench)

Start your bicep workout with a tight grip pull-up (this time I would prefer to use a pronated grip), then use 3-4 more exercises, choosing from the movements listed above. The remaining 3-4 exercises can be alternated if you want, and the number of repetitions should be between 8-12.

for 4-6 weeks, do not do any biceps exercises. This means any flexing of the arms with a supinated grip or palms up. Instead, focus on the shoulder and radius muscles. Don't worry, your hands will still get full stimulation from other exercises.
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