
Why core muscle strength is so important.

Since crop tops and bikinis have become incredibly popular, there have been many different disputes about having a flat stomach with six cubes. Listening to individual consultations about workouts and diets showed that almost every client says: "I want a press." If you go to the gym, you can see that almost half of the visitors are working on twists, bicycles, and this can make you laugh.

Don't get it wrong, because it's really important to have strong core muscles. But you need to be able to correctly assess the importance of this muscle group!
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Russian twists are a good exercise for the muscles of the core and back.

Russian twists are a good exercise that strengthens all parts of the abdominal press, especially the oblique muscles, for strong core muscles and a thin waist. By using your muscles to rotate from side to side, you activate the muscle fibers around your waist and also pull in your lower abdomen to create a strong flat stomach. Having learned how to do Russian twists, you will add another basic exercise for the core, going beyond the standard twists.
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7 Exercises to Help Strengthen your Back and Core muscles

Pullover with dumbbellsThis exercise targets both the broadest back muscles on both sides, as well as the lower body and torso, while you hold on to the bridge position. Usually, this exercise is shown on a special ball, but you can do it on the bench for more stability. 1) Lie...
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Push-UPS to increase and build real strength

Push-UPS to build real strength-learn how to do them correctly, and then make them harder!

these days, push-UPS are either ridiculed, considered useless, or, even worse, forgotten altogether. This is a huge mistake and we need to fix it as soon as possible.
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20-minute core workout.

Your core muscles are a complex set of muscles that extend far beyond your abs. These interconnected muscles, extending from the pelvis and diaphragm to the back and thighs, provide strength and stability to both the upper and lower body.
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