
Bodybuilding. Part-7. Sports nutrition — your best partner during exercise

Sweating without replacing anything lost nutrients — it's practically suicide! And if you think sugar and multi-colored "sport" water will help to correct this situation, think again.
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  1979 Hits

Especially in the female sports nutrition

The main disadvantage of the female body is that girls body accumulates fat much faster and more readily than men. And then too slow to get rid of them. Moreover, in the case of stress it with renewed energy begins to absorb nutrients. Even if the stress is physical exercise and strict diet.
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  1894 Hits

Bodybuilding. Part-8. Training bodybuilder

Talk about the training regimes of Pro.
Training advanced bodybuilder is very different from training a beginner. The differences in the training regimens include not only the weight but also the frequency of the lifting and usually the diet.
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  2214 Hits

Relax or workout for the holidays?

Ahead of the New year with its drinking traditions. To holiday office parties, and after a long weekend. I do not want to deprive yourself of a well deserved rest, but also to lose the results of training sorry. Good that you don't have to!
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  1765 Hits

Want to change the shape – change your life!

"I can't lose weight!" - this problem is faced more and more people around the world. Indeed, it is a common trend: during the diet you will lose weight, but after graduation the pounds are willing to come back, sometimes even bringing friends. All efforts are wasted. The man finally give up to lose weight and starts to blame his fullness bad heredity, environment, modern life and other factors, which he physically is not able to influence.
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  1746 Hits

Forgetting about the water during training, you can earn kidney stones

Sports, of course, strengthen the body, but if you do not follow certain rules it is possible, conversely, to harm your body. One of those rules that must be followed by all athletes, is the use of a large amount of water during workouts to avoid dehydration. Otherwise, according to the urologists, and increases the risk of the disease urolithiasis.
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  1727 Hits

How to drink less harm?

The coming new year and Christmas holidays, the human body is subjected to difficult trials. Indeed, in addition to large quantities of food, he will have to deal with the consequences of intoxication. To hangover not take you by surprise, to profuse libations to prepare in advance.
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  1782 Hits

Workout after the holidays

There are people who even in the holidays, follow a diet and training schedule. But the truth is that these are a minority. To relax sometimes too! But sooner or later the holidays are over, and the body needs loads. How to quickly get back in shape without hurting yourself? Depends on how exactly you spent a long winter weekend.
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  1573 Hits

Restore the figure after the holidays

It's time to pay for what you ate too much and drank too much on holidays. Do you have to lose weight before the New year, then, before the end of the world, to be broken in as much gluttony for a few days? For the first time after the holidays you decide to step on the scales. And sick and sad, and no one weight your to call...
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  1695 Hits

How to start a sport for fat women

Many may not dare to go to the sports club at fault existing in the society stereotypes – in the hall do only slim and beautiful visitors. We hasten to reassure you! The fitness center come completely different people – from skinny women seeking to acquire attractive curves, to donuts, dreaming to lose weight.
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  1715 Hits

Why you need to eat healthy and 5 times a day? Losing weight without diet and harm to health

One of the most important principles of a healthy diet is a balanced meal which consists of 5 parts. This method not only prevents surges of glucose, but also lowers the feeling of hunger, and also provides excellent health or excellent shape.
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  2171 Hits

How to lose weight men?

Very often you can find on the Internet articles for weight loss women is not surprising. All the women and girls tend to slim body, feminine gait that only one of their appearance to turn the head of the male gender. But what men? Most men do not particularly steamed over his physical training, why? "I'm so beautiful," thinks the man, patting his sagging beer belly. But still there are those who want to come to pack abs and powerful muscles in the hands.
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  1892 Hits

Want to quickly break down fats? Protein diet to help You

Как часто приходится слышать за столом отказы от вкусной и сытной пищи! «Я сел(а) на диету!» - неужели Вам незнакомы эти слова? Кто-то относится к диете лишь как к одноразовому мероприятию – к примеру, чтобы втиснуть свои габариты в новое платье, а некоторые делают диету своим стилем жизни, способом сохранить здоровье, красоту, и, конечно, фигуру.
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  1654 Hits

Recipes weight loss from different countries.

Christmas and new year holidays left behind not only fond memories but also some changes in the weight category. In order to lose a few extra pounds, you can use the options collected from different countries.
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  1690 Hits

Addicted to stretching

For women, flexibility is very important not only in character but also in the body. Unfortunately, not every woman will find the time to exercise. If you wish to preserve the beauty and health for many years, thinking about it now. The emphasis should be on stretching.
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  1941 Hits

Functional training in action — this is crossfit

In the modern world the pursuit of a beautiful body has become a mass phenomena. More and more people are immersed in bodybuilding, bodybuilding, and other types of physical activity can lead the body to ideal proportions. Already accustomed to gyms, there was a modern alternative to crossfit.
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  2013 Hits

Tyrosine - energy

If you feel that your strength is coming to an end, the tyrosine will help you to make up for energy losses. This amino acid helps our body to produce stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline, stimulating not only power surge, but also accelerate the metabolism and burning process fatty deposits. That's why tyrosine is contained in different supplements for fat burning.
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  1866 Hits

What exercises to do after giving birth for a beautiful press

In every woman's life, with time, comes the most important stage in life – the birth of a child. With the advent of a new family member, a young mother pays attention exclusively to him, completely forgetting about yourself. Appear on the body metamorphosis peculiar to young mothers, the main of which – a flabby stomach, sagging Breasts. Do not despair and fall in a depression, because everything is fixable, and in the article below, you will learn how.
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  1762 Hits

Useful tips, as always, to stay in shape

Summer is around the corner and many are already thinking about how to him to prepare. Some a couple of months before beach season to buy a gym membership in hope quickly and without special efforts to get in shape. Others adhere to strict diets to lose weight. Both — it is silly and useless. In this article, we reveal effective tactics in the struggle for a slender and toned body.
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  1918 Hits

Butt exercises: effective exercises, proper nutrition

To the buttocks has always been elastic, it is necessary to observe some rules. This applies not only to regular sport, but compliance with the diet. The quality of food and amount of nutrients, the muscles will begin to run properly and acquire an attractive appearance.

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  1950 Hits