
Super simple 7-minute workout.

This ultra-simple seven-minute workout consists of 10 exercises of 30 seconds each with a 10-second transition between them. It is intended for all people, can be complicated and simplified, or implemented in other training sessions.

A simple option: you can perform one whole workout to quickly cheer up, and reduce the speed and intensity of movements if you need to slowly build up your fitness.
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  942 Hits

5 simple habits for weight loss.

Sometimes the success or failure of your weight loss program depends more on your daily habits than on your food choices. The little things you do as part of your routine can affect how much food you eat and how much you move throughout the day. There are healthy habits, and there are habits that can work against you and cause weight gain.
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  1019 Hits

Dynamic warm-up before training.

Pre - workout warm-up is an essential component of a safe and effective workout. A good warm-up should not be difficult or painful, but it should increase your body temperature and provide blood flow to the muscles that you will use during the workout. This is different from post-workout stretching, which is usually used to increase the range of motion of the joint and help with post-workout recovery. The following dynamic warm-up can be used as a good starting point before practicing most sports.
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  963 Hits

Healthy and proper nutrition during the holidays.

The holiday and weekend season is a time filled with parties, family gatherings, and an abundance of food, so it's very easy to break the diet. But don't think that you should limit yourself or skip the holidays for fear of overeating. Below are tips to help you stick to your program and at the same time not miss the holidays and still have fun.
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  1108 Hits

Jumping rope is your key to fitness.

Jumping rope is a fast and portable way to improve your fitness. Skipping rope can be one of the most cost-effective ways to add high-intensity cardiovascular fitness to your regular workout routine. If you need an inexpensive and effective workout, a jump rope can be the most necessary fitness equipment. When done correctly, jumping rope can improve your cardiovascular health, improve balance and agility, and increase muscle strength and endurance, and as a nice addition, burn calories. You can use a jump rope during interval training to maintain your heart rate and give your muscles a rest between intervals with weight lifting. You can easily take a jump rope with you when you travel. Try to combine its use with simple exercises with your own weight, and you will have a reliable and portable exercise mode anywhere.
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  946 Hits

The benefits of a slow meal

In some countries and cultures, lunch or dinner can last for hours. People sit at the table with their large families and talk, eat and drink until late in the evening. In fact, the average American spends just over an hour a day eating. Some breakfasts and lunches last only two minutes. But is fast food a problem? Should we worry? The answer is yes, and there are several good reasons to learn to eat slowly.
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  939 Hits

6 myths about training

Myth 1: Fat on the abdomen or thighs can be removed with special exercises

If you want to lose weight, you should create a calorie deficit (through exercise and diet) and see how your body reacts to it. You will find that where you have a particularly large amount of fat, you will burn it last. In women, this is most often the hips and lower abdomen. In men, this is most often the stomach and waist.
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  837 Hits

The benefits of chocolate for your health

Cocoa and chocolate products have been used medically for centuries in many cultures because of their health benefits. Many of these benefits are due to flavonoids, which act as antioxidants, help lower blood pressure, and balance certain hormones in the body. Dark chocolate provides the body with a small amount of magnesium and contains a large amount of antioxidants, much more than milk or white chocolate, which do not bring the same health benefits.
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  859 Hits

How not to give in to the desire to quit sports?

How many times have you stopped exercising? If you're like most of us, maybe more than you can count. There are many reasons why we find it difficult to stick to an exercise program. Sometimes we give up for reasons beyond our control - for example, due to illness or injury. Sometimes there is no particular reason. One minute we train and think, what a great guy I am, and then we feel guilty for gaining 2-5 kg.
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  917 Hits

11 healthy snacks for runners

One of the benefits of running is that you can eat sweets and other high-calorie snacks from time to time. However, you will definitely feel better if you eat healthy and nutritious food. So the next time you feel hungry (which is often the case with runners) and reach for a bag of potato chips or a bag of cookies, consider one of these healthy snacks.
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  1081 Hits

You can't lose weight. Here are 4 reasons why.

If you're like most people, you've probably followed a diet and exercise program in hopes of losing weight. And, like many of us, you end up getting frustrated when you don't see the results you think you should already have.
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  960 Hits

The health benefits of beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is a compound that is naturally found in a number of foods and is available in the form of dietary supplements. It is classified as a carotenoid, a type of pigment that helps give color to many fruits and vegetables. It is said that increasing the intake of beta-carotene can protect against a variety of health problems, especially those related to vision and the eyes in general.
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  1068 Hits

Why you visually lost weight, but the weight has not changed.

Weighing is a typical part of trying to lose weight. Your weight is not just a number, but something that can really change your attitude towards yourself. Get on the scale first thing in the morning, and if this number is lower than it was before, you may feel better. If it is higher, your mood for the day may be ruined. But what does your weight really mean and how useful is it for tracking your weight loss progress? Getting answers to these questions can give you a completely different view of your school.
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Coffee dehydrates-myth or reality?

For many, drinking coffee is a ritual. It is a part of life deeply ingrained in people's daily lives and often necessary for some. We drink coffee to feel refreshed, to feel like people. Coffee can help us work faster and train harder. This can keep us awake after a restless night and contain mood swings.
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  1275 Hits

How to develop strength through dynamic training.

Explosive dynamic training is a workout that combines strength and speed to increase power output. Explosive strength exercises are often used by athletes who need to produce a quick burst of maximum effort. This type of workout is useful for sports, including soccer, track and field, sports fields, and even cycling.
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  1118 Hits

10 superfoods that you should eat daily.

Ask five nutrition experts to make a list of their favorite "superfoods", in some points the results will match. The reason is that each type of food gives something different and brings great benefits to your body. One of the foods on the list may be a rich source of protein or fiber, but it lacks certain vitamins and minerals. Another super food may be loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants, but is largely protein-free.
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  1163 Hits

Stretching and flexibility exercises for athletes

Stretching and flexibility go hand in hand with sports for a variety of reasons. Good stretching is not only pleasant, but also helps the athlete maintain an appropriate and balanced range of motion in certain joints. Stretching is a way to actively increase the range of motion and thereby increase flexibility.
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  1034 Hits

Should you consume protein at night

Protein shakes remain one of the most popular health supplements among active adults, athletes, and bodybuilders. Many Americans believe that they can help with weight loss, building muscle mass, and improving overall health. Shakes with protein powder have become a convenient breakfast drink, and they are often consumed after a hard workout to restore muscle.
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  1072 Hits

Why runners should consider cross-training

Cross-training is any sport or exercise that complements your main sport. Research shows that cross-training gives runners many benefits. Whether you are a novice runner or an experienced marathon runner, you should consider cross-training for several reasons.
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  1098 Hits

Sugar substitute-Agave nectar.

Agave nectar, also called agave syrup, is a sweet syrup made from the filtered juice of the agave plant native to Mexico. It can be prepared from agave salminskiy or from the blue agave plant, which is also used for making tequila.

To make the syrup, the agave juice is first extracted by grinding and pressing the collected leaves of the plant. The filtered juices are then heated to vaporize the water and break down the complex sugars into simple ones.
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  1016 Hits