
Как увеличить ваш ежедневный расход энергии и сжигать больше калорий.

Если вам кажется, что вы больше сидите чем двигаетесь, возможно, вы ищете простые способы сжечь больше энергии. К счастью, есть несколько способов повысить общий ежедневный расход энергии, и не все из них требуют формальных тренировок. Просто больше двигайтесь, возьмите собаку на дополнительную прогулку или даже почистите ванну, чтобы повысить количество сожженных калорий.

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  686 Hits

Burn more calories on the treadmill-the 10% Rule.

Many people use a treadmill to burn calories, help achieve weight loss goals, and help with cardio training. But how accurate is your method of estimating calories burned on the treadmill? When tracking the number of calories burned during a treadmill workout, there are many factors to consider. From your age and body weight to the intensity and speed of exercise, there are many ways to influence your final calorie burn mark.
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  1188 Hits

The secret to speeding up your metabolism.

Metabolism-what comes to mind when you hear this word? If it's frustration and anxiety, then it's time for you to take a fresh look at your metabolism. Remove all emotional connection with the word and just look at the metabolism from a scientific point of view.What is metabolism?Metabolism is a chemical...
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  2008 Hits

Burn more calories with TABATA workout

High-intensity interval training is now in fashion, offering one of the most effective workouts for burning calories, losing weight, and regaining shape. These tight intervals (usually 10-60 seconds long) take you to a new level of intensity, beyond your comfort zone, when your body can burn tons of calories. A subsequent rest period (sometimes of the same length or longer than the intensity interval) allows you to recover so that you can do it all again ... and again ... and again. Traditional HIIT workouts are difficult, but if you're looking for a workout that pushes you to the absolute limit, don't look for anything other than a TABATA workout .
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  1378 Hits

Drinking cold water will help you burn a little more calories

From almost all sources, you will see tips that you should drink enough water while trying to lose weight. Replacing sugary drinks with plain water is one way to reduce calories. Some studies say that water, especially cold water, has an additional effect on weight loss, reducing the number of calories consumed and helping to burn fat.
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  1494 Hits

10 - minute workouts that burn 100 calories

Too busy to exercise? This is easy to understand, especially if you are trying to follow the exercise instructions, which involve an hour a day most days of the week. However, experts have found that short workouts, such as two or three 10-minute workouts a day, can be just as effective as longer workouts. The main thing is to focus on intensity and use your time wisely. So how do you add intensity to your workouts? Try active activities such as Jogging, jumping rope, or plyometrics . If a strong shock load isn't for you, you can get a great workout with low-load exercises . The point is to try compound movements to work more than one muscle group, otherwise if you do cardio exercises with a low load, the speed and range of movement will definitely increase your heart rate.
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  2423 Hits