Alex  Hammer

In a burning house, and ...

Everything has to be a limit. But if the ultimate dream of a man beyond the accepted limits? I think it's overkill. But! done work, worthy of respect.
  1571 Hits

Glutamine – sports nutrition

Glutamine is one of twenty conditionally essential amino acids. It is one of the substances that make up our body, namely blood and muscle. Therefore, the amount of glutamine in our food directly depends on the growth of muscle mass. If you decide to spend time sport, you need to remember that in our daily diet is not always necessary for effective training, the content of glutamine. Therefore, for people who lead an active lifestyle, you need to take care about additional sources of this amino acid. As a rule, athletes buy glutamine in a special health food store.
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  1304 Hits

Perfect crossfit

Lately, crossfit started to gain popularity. In many highly developed countries, firefighters and police officers are trained on the methodology of crossfit. The most important plus of crossfit is pumping the body with high intensity. During training, this method involves all muscle groups, crossfit incorporates elements from gymnastics and heavy athletics, as well as fitness, giving the body a very good workout and enables it to be harmoniously develop and strengthen all the muscles of the body.
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  1280 Hits

How to pump up the body

How to pump up your body — this question asks each squishy, after another head strong and arrogant. I want to answer with a fist to the cheek, to cracked. But how do, if can barely stand. Or how to pump up a body to please a beautiful woman.
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  1397 Hits

Effective training crossfit or how to prevent injury?

Эффективное обучение кроссфиту или как не допустить травму?
You look like an athlete raises the bar, dragging sandbags and making the emission of large heavy balls. Intense exercise with elements of weightlifting, running and gymnastics are changed with each other at a furious pace when you practice crossfit. And that's what many of today's athletes are practicing.
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  1547 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Do not Wake famously, until it quietly

And what are you doing in isolation?
  1641 Hits

How not to lose muscle mass during injury?

Как не потерять мышечную массу во время травмы?
Often during training, for various injuries. They usually last a very long time.During this period, many muscles can be weakened as they haven't received the desired load. Some people just want to relax from the constant training, which is quite weak. In this case, muscles can also weaken, as they will also relax. If You purposefully want to relax then don't use these tips, as when performing them, the muscles will not relax so much.
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  1919 Hits

The importance of combining resistance and aerobic exercise

To have proportionally developed body – it is not easy. However, diet is not all that the body needs to get rid of extra inches. Important role in the proper development of the body play and exercise.
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  1491 Hits

How to recognize a bad fitness instructor?

When you start to do fitness, it's very important to fall into the hands of an experienced and competent instructor, who will select the most suitable course based on your objectives, characteristics of the organism and level of training. Thanks to training under the guidance of a competent professional not only faster you can make progress but also will protect yourself from injuries and health problems in the future.
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  1678 Hits

Basic exercises: what is it?

Any training should consist of a base and isolation. Base is the basis for any body shape changes. It helps burn excess fat and strengthen muscles. Why basic training is responsible for the growth of muscle tissue? This is due to the fact that these exercises use a "working" weight, which contribute to muscle growth.
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  1653 Hits

Well-known bodybuilders about diets

One of the most successful athletes of the bodybuilding, in fact, allow yourself that says, relax and accumulate fat in the offseason. But still, a certain increase in the body mass present. The reason for this is the impossibility of the realization of attempts to reduce the fat to 5% in connection not only with the physiological nature, but also mental.
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  1714 Hits

How to lose weight on a separate feed

Weight loss systems developed by many, some argue that you can't eat after 6, others opposed to the carbs with fats, while others are advised to carefully count the calories even more complicating the lives of people. Supporters of separate drinking protein with carbohydrates argue that for successful weight loss enough to know how to lose weight on a separate feed and follow simple principles.
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  1652 Hits

7 weight-composing tips for bodybuilders

Sometimes, whatever severe and prolonged workout, bodybuilders can't even gain 100 grams of muscle mass. To move from the so-called dead point, the athlete needs to do something drastic.
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  1733 Hits

What are the benefits of daily "bridge"

In childhood all like to do it is a simple exercise. But few people think about its current use.
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  1973 Hits

How to grow muscle man

What you need to know about the growth of human muscle for the novice bodybuilder, it is possible to find useful information in this article. It is necessary to know not only how to lift heavy weights in the gym, but know the General physiology of behavior and human development. One word to always follow three main recommendations from famous athletes & fitness trainers: to comply with the sleep-rest, eat right and work out at the gym at least 3 times a week. That is adhering to such advice, it is possible to gain muscle mass or lose weight and give your body an attractive shape.
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  1791 Hits

How to breathe correctly during training?

At this point, you probably don't agree with the idea that you need to invest in yourself for a serious workout. You have appropriate clothing, tools for recovery of fitness and you ran past your comfort zone to include yoga in my weekly routine. But you probably thought about how to maximize one of your basic functions: breathing.
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  1614 Hits

How to make a training plan

Your personal training plan should be drawn up to ensure that you have a clear unique way of achieving your goals. This is a project that organizes all of your classes into one cohesive program for success.
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  1801 Hits

Who and why we need protein

Most people, not understanding the meaning of the word protein, clocked myself that this is some kind of steroid, but it is not. The protein translated from the English language simply means protein. But as taught in school: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, eating in our everyday food.
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  1758 Hits

Life hacks street workouts

Stay outdoors, not to mention the fitness, gives great energy, a feeling of recovery and relaxation at the same time!
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  1560 Hits

Mono vs a balanced diet?

Appearance assigns a special role in human life. It allows you to make an impression on the man, his Hobbies, lifestyle, work, preferences. Almost all tend to somehow care for themselves. And one of the ways is maintaining good form. Exercise is very important, but diet is impossible to forget. Balanced diet – the key to health.
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  1511 Hits