Top 3 causes of failure with diet

The food in the minds of people that losing weight is the greatest evil. Accordingly, their slogan is “eat Less and move more – and the figure will fire!” Something like the sound of "universal" weight loss formula.But what is this formula that works ten times over? Why is it that an effort of will is not always enough to keep your mouth shut? Why do you purposefully go on a diet, look for some kind of nutrition system, perform a lot of physical activity, and then some other creature named "Night Dozhor" gets into you and you throw cakes, leveling all your efforts?

You see, this Dojor is also you. But this is another, shadowy part of you, your psyche, with which you are not familiar. And you put on a diet the part of you that you know well and can control. So, maybe we should get acquainted and somehow explain to this guest that he is not welcome?

Let's first understand why this guest comes to you.

Reason 1: Inability to recognize your needs.

You may often have a feeling that you want something, but you don't know what it is. And you don't find anything better than to go eat.

This strategy of behavior is usually laid in deep childhood (at 8-18 months). During this period, the child's so-called "needs structure"is formed. Since the child cannot speak well yet, it signals its needs non-verbally. Of course, parents can't correctly guess what the child wants every time. But if every time he cries, he will be fed or given a pacifier, then later in such a child any need will be associated with hunger.

Reason 2: Giving food extra value.

This reason is your companion if you:

do not allow yourself to throw away food as soon as it has expired;

you can't throw away the rest of the food (or give it to the dogs) if you feel full, but there is still something left on the plate.

you can't leave half the order in a cafe with a clear conscience if you just "don't fit".

This means that throwing away food is a subconsciously greater "crime" for you than raping your body and stuffing it with what it doesn't need. Not finishing a portion is much worse than feeling bad from overeating. Instead of food ending up in the trash, it ends up in your body.

Reason 3: Food as a source of pleasure:

Imagine that your taste buds have stopped working and you do not feel the taste of food at all: no favorite cakes, no fragrant mother's cutlets, no cinnamon rolls – absolutely nothing.

You try one, two, five,ten, and all you can feel is your stomach filling up. Tell me, would you continue to eat too much? Would you take a Supplement and eat when you're not hungry?

You see, being a fuel for the body is not the only function of food. For a person, food is also a source of pleasure. We get pleasure through taste, through smell, sometimes food even looks beautiful.

When life is not very good and it turns out to get pleasure from other sources, then you always have a win – win option-to cook a delicious dinner, bake your favorite pie, order sushi, etc. And when this image is repeated regularly, at some point you may just forget what else besides food brings you pleasure?

Food itself does not ask for you, you yourself, with your own hands, put it in your body. Although, as you can see, this does not always happen consciously. And it is to realize what motivates you to feed your body when it does not need it – this is a huge step to make a successful and last attempt to lose weight. Only by understanding where your point A is can you move from it to point B.
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