How to pump up the body

How to pump up your body — this question asks each squishy, after another head strong and arrogant. I want to answer with a fist to the cheek, to cracked. But how do, if can barely stand. Or how to pump up a body to please a beautiful woman.So, we make a decision — we need to make a beautiful, strong body. What does it take? To begin with, find yourself a rocking chair, fitness room, and from the bells and whistles, the cost of its services does not depend on Your success. It depends On your desire to pump the body.

We came to the hall to decide what to do next. First, you need to set a goal, you need to understand what I need to do to achieve success.

After all, You can't do push-UPS from the floor normally at first, sit down with a barbell on your shoulders. Therefore, we delve into the theory, study the exercises, and learn to perform them. But there are a lot of exercises, they are different, how do you choose the ones that will help you make yourself?

The answer is simple. Get ready to ask, learn. There are a large number of developed exercise systems for beginners. Take them as a basis. The system itself is a set of exercises that beginners should perform in order to pump up the body. As a rule, these exercises are scheduled in order, the number of repetitions and sets in each exercise is determined.

You will have to perform all the exercises that are defined by Your training system on a certain day for a certain time. It's boring and monotonous, but we want to make real men out of ourselves. Imagine, you have to come to the gym every other day at 5 PM, and perform the same lifts, presses, jerks, have a little rest and take up the same exercise again.

Where can I find the right exercise system? If You have a good gym, choose a pumped-up guy and keep an eye on him. You can ask for advice, talk about his training system, how he started his body.

If he is really pumped up, then he will help you with advice. If the guy in the gym does not have a uniform — he is either a beginner or a simple loser. Now there are many publications that promote bodybuilding, print ready-made exercise systems, tips for You, you need to read, think, consult, choose.

Then you should solve the problem-learn how to perform exercises correctly or pump up your body you will not succeed, you will not become a real man. How to do exercises correctly. Each of them has a description. The task is to learn how to squat correctly. This is a basic and effective exercise, it is performed with weights, but your body weight will do for a start.

It will be useful for You only if you correctly learn how to perform each repetition — this is a full-amplitude movement starting with the correct stand, then bending your knees. We lower the body to the bottom point and already rise up to the full straightening of the body. A set is a certain number of repetitions that are performed without interruption a certain number of times.

After completing the set, you should rest, but not much. After that, several more sets are performed. The number of sets and reps is set in each training system.

In addition, the time during which You should rest between sets and exercises is defined. So doing one exercise and then chatting on the phone for half an hour will not pass. You have chosen a training system, noticed that classes are scheduled by day, for a start, 3 days a week are defined, this is enough to start with. We noticed that the exercises are arranged in order, the number of sets and repetitions in each set is determined. So you will have to adhere to the discipline and do everything in order. And as You thought, otherwise it is cool not to pump up the body.

But if you thought that you would come and wave a couple of months of weights, and everything will grow as if by leaps and bounds — it will not work. In the first months, you will have a result, because the muscles will be given an unprecedented load, they will thicken, become stronger. But then... remember, the muscle itself never wants to grow, in General, it does not like the idea of pumping itself up, to be honest — it is against it. You want it to grow.

So You have to repeat this to her every training day, make her work, yell at her to grow-and do a new exercise.

And at this time, you will need motivation — this is what will make You go to the gym, do each approach correctly, get tired, but get up and go again. Think of a beautiful girl whose attention You want to get or a guy from whom you don't want to get a slap.

The next reason that causes muscles to grow is weight. It must be extremely large, with which you can perform each approach correctly, marriage does not count. The weight must always grow, by a kilogram, by two, five, otherwise you will not pump up the body.

The intensity of classes-guys, if you think that you will pump up your body when you walk around the gym in a wreck, talk, joke — nothing will work. Magazines, conversations about disco, movies, jokes in the locker room, before classes, but not in place of or with Seth. If you don't want to be distracted, buy a player and listen to aggressive music, it will help you perform the last replay.

Let's move away from the hall and the iron, remember, to become strong, you need to eat. Not just to eat, but to absorb food and not sweets and doughnuts, but to prepare real food for men: meat, fish, porridge, eggs, dairy, it's all seasoned with herbs, black bread. In General, food is a separate broad topic of conversation. But the main idea must be understood — the muscles grow not from the fact that their torment in iron, and what then these muscles will get a lot of protein, which will make the body pumped a lot of new muscles and they will grow.

And remember You are a beginner, You need to learn to pump your body, and the result will be, but not in a month... this is a case for a Realy Man, not a girl's whim.
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