
How to increase your stamina

If you had to choose one fitness factor to improve, what would you choose? You probably think you will try to improve your strength or speed. However, there is one less valued fitness factor that actually combines several fitness components into one-endurance. If you want to get the most out of fitness, consider working on increasing your stamina.
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  1080 Hits

Health benefits of kefir

Looking at a bottle of kefir on a grocery store shelf, you might ask yourself: is it milk? Is it yogurt? In fact, kefir is a bit similar to both products. This is a fermented milk drink, in many ways similar to yogurt.

Kefir is usually obtained by fermenting cow's, goat's, or sheep's milk using a bacterial culture of polysaccharides called kefiran. As these bacteria participate in fermentation, they create high doses of probiotics and a carbonated drink that some people think is similar to beer. In taste and consistency, kefir has a liquid substance similar to drinking yogurt. Its taste is strong and sharp.

Kefir, long touted by practitioners as a remedy for everything from acne to depression, is not just for alternative medicine lovers. This creamy drink with Eastern European roots, rich in calcium and probiotics, has proven its health benefits, so everyone can enjoy it.
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  1194 Hits

Why do many people have red face when running

If you're blushing after running, you're not alone. This is a common problem, especially in women and people with fair skin. When you run, your body releases heat. Sweating helps you cool down. Your body also increases the blood supply to the skin to help regulate temperature. Your capillaries expand, so more blood can pass through them and radiate extra heat through your skin.
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  1484 Hits

How to perform a pull with a barbell up

Pulling with a barbell on top is usually considered an exercise for the back, but during this movement, the muscles of the entire body are active. The muscles of the middle and upper back (the broadest back muscles, rhomboid, trapezoid, and posterior deltoid muscles) together with the biceps provide a pulling movement. But the core, glutes,spine extensors, and hamstrings also need to work to stabilize the body while pulling the barbell up.
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  1552 Hits

Cashew and all about its useful properties

Cashews are nuts that are grown in Vietnam, Nigeria, and India,but they come from Brazil. This nut is the fruit of the evergreen cashew tree, which sprouts both the fruit (called an Apple) and the nuts (called seeds) that grow under the fruit.
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  1141 Hits

All about the benefits of collagen for your health

Collagen is a structural protein found in connective tissues throughout the body, including skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Its main function is to help tissues withstand stretching. As you age, your body produces less collagen. Some people try to restore collagen by taking supplements. Researchers studied the effects of collagen supplements on aging skin, bone density, joint health, and other factors. Although the results are promising, more research is needed to fully understand the effectiveness of supplements.
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  1122 Hits

Burn more calories with TABATA workout

High-intensity interval training is now in fashion, offering one of the most effective workouts for burning calories, losing weight, and regaining shape. These tight intervals (usually 10-60 seconds long) take you to a new level of intensity, beyond your comfort zone, when your body can burn tons of calories. A subsequent rest period (sometimes of the same length or longer than the intensity interval) allows you to recover so that you can do it all again ... and again ... and again. Traditional HIIT workouts are difficult, but if you're looking for a workout that pushes you to the absolute limit, don't look for anything other than a TABATA workout .
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  1197 Hits

How does the hunger hormone ghrelin work?

What is ghrelin and do you need to take ghrelin blockers to lose weight?

Ghrelin is a hormone that is produced by the stomach when it is empty. Ghrelin travels through the bloodstream to the brain, stimulating neurons in the hypothalamus to signal hunger. For this reason, ghrelin is often referred to as the"hunger hormone". But now researchers know that ghrelin has many other functions in the body.
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  1277 Hits

Push-UPS to increase and build real strength

Push-UPS to build real strength-learn how to do them correctly, and then make them harder!

these days, push-UPS are either ridiculed, considered useless, or, even worse, forgotten altogether. This is a huge mistake and we need to fix it as soon as possible.
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  1125 Hits

Drinking cold water will help you burn a little more calories

From almost all sources, you will see tips that you should drink enough water while trying to lose weight. Replacing sugary drinks with plain water is one way to reduce calories. Some studies say that water, especially cold water, has an additional effect on weight loss, reducing the number of calories consumed and helping to burn fat.
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  1267 Hits

The benefits of creatine for athletes

Creatine is a natural substance made up of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Creatine is produced in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas; 95 percent of it is found in the muscles, and the rest is in the brain and heart. In addition to being naturally occurring, small amounts of creatine are also found in foods such as meat and seafood. Synthetic versions are also sold as additives.
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  1056 Hits

How to properly perform a Burpee

Burpee: you either love them very much or hate them very much. If you're like most people, you probably fall into the latter group. This movement will knock out all your breath, make your legs tremble, but it will strengthen your shoulders like nothing else. In this guide to burpees, you will learn how to perform them correctly, how to avoid the most serious mistakes, when to apply them in your training, and how to adjust them for pregnant women and to avoid injuries.
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  1476 Hits

Incendiary Zumba training, what is it?

Zumba is one of the most famous fitness organizations in the world, with more than 200,000 educational institutions in 180 countries. While the brand is best known for its signature Latin dance fitness class, Zumba, the company offers a range of additional workout formats, from strength training to children's fitness classes and even water aerobics classes.
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  1285 Hits

The nutritional value of sweets and how much you can eat sweets without breaking the diet.

Sweets are delicious and adored by many people. Unfortunately, they are also full of sugar and are not nutritious. But is it always harmful to eat candy? Can you treat yourself to candy in an effort to improve the quality of your diet and maintain a healthy weight? Definitely.
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  165227 Hits

20-minute core workout.

Your core muscles are a complex set of muscles that extend far beyond your abs. These interconnected muscles, extending from the pelvis and diaphragm to the back and thighs, provide strength and stability to both the upper and lower body.
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  1273 Hits

Medicine for weak buttocks.

Signs of weakness in the gluteal muscles

When the glutes don't do their job, muscle function and movement mechanics in the hips suffer, as well as strength, power, mobility, stability, posture, and athletic performance. Here are a few signs that indicate weak or inactive buttocks.
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  1348 Hits

What to eat after a run and workout.

It matters what you eat after your run. Your body was tense, and it went all out. It is very important to make up for the loss of nutrients and fluids, especially after a longer and strenuous run.
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  1088 Hits

Nutritional value and health benefits of brown sugar.

Brown sugar is a sweetener made from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum). It is similar to white sugar and contains different amounts of molasses. Brown sugar can be refined or unrefined, but most of the brown sugar you'll find in the grocery store is refined. There are also other (less common) types of brown sugar, including turbinado sugar, muscovado sugar, and loose brown sugar.
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  1056 Hits

The difference between running and Jogging

What is the difference between running and Jogging? Is there a difference between them? And what does it matter? For some, Yes. In some groups of runners, the title "runner" is not welcome. The definition may vary, and in fact there is no strict rule that clearly defines when you run and when you jog.
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  1132 Hits

Sour cream and its health benefits

Sour cream is a dairy product that is obtained by fermenting cream. Most consumers buy sour cream at the local market, but this popular Supplement can be prepared at home. The regular sour cream produced is usually cultured, which means that it is fermented and thickened by adding lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized cream containing at least 18% milk fat. Ordinary sour cream is quite fat. It can provide nutrients such as calcium and , but it is unlikely that you consume enough of them to significantly affect the body. Sour cream can be part of a healthy diet if consumed in moderation.
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  2252 Hits