Supplements to increase endurance

Let's start with a definition. "Endurance is the ability to continue long-term work with the necessary intensity, without reducing the efficiency of operations and supporting increased resistance to fatigue" (H. Sozaski 1999). Power is one of the most important motor functions of humans. It can be divided into many types depending on the sport, endurance is a very important element in the sport. In this article we'll focus on what supplements will help to support it.What affects the endurance?

Strength is built into a long-term training process. Its condition is affected by the amount of oxygen that the lungs can hold, the so-called VO2max. In addition, large muscle groups should be resistant to fatigue. For this to happen, the heart must be able to pump blood fast enough to feed and oxygenate them. The level of endurance is also significantly affected by aerobic or anaerobic metabolic processes, depending on the type of effort. For example, the ability of the body to remove harmful waste. In addition, the effectiveness of thermoregulatory processes and the rate of water loss from the body.

By training endurance, we build the efficiency of the body. To this end, we must not only train hard enough to bring the body into a state of extreme fatigue many times during the training period. This leads to so-called hypercompensation, that is, to an increase in the threshold after crossing, when the body experiences extreme fatigue. We also need to ensure a sufficient supply of micro-and macro-elements, as well as regeneration. This is where they appear on the scene.

Endurance supplements


L-carnitine is a very popular Supplement that contributes to weight loss in the General consciousness of people. However, its activities are definitely broader. It has a positive effect on improving the efficiency of the body. This is because by supporting the reduction of body fat, it allows you to provide more oxygen to your muscles. Unfortunately, fat must also consume oxygen. The less fat, the more this precious element can reach the muscles, this will be a certain injection that will allow you to work longer at high speed. L-carnitine also prevents the formation of new fat reserves and affects the elimination of toxic substances from the body. Such as ammonia, heavy metal ions, or even free radicals. The truth is that the vast majority of people live with a deficiency of this substance, which can cause many diseases, such as diabetes, reduced physical activity and body functions. The main dosage of L-carnitine will differ from different manufacturers. However, research shows that the most effective portion is 2-3 grams, along with 60-80 grams of carbohydrates. It is also worth remembering that L-carnitine is better used as a means to increase the duration of physical activity than a fat-burning Supplement.


Beta-alanine is an amino acid that is a component of almost all pre-workout supplements. This is due to its ability to delay the feeling of fatigue. Its high effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies, which only increases its popularity. Beta-alanine has the ability to increase the level of carnosine in the muscles. Carnosine is particularly valuable during training because it inhibits the reduction of pH associated with the formation of lactic acid. Thus, it restores the body's acid-base balance. This is due to the possibility of longer and more intensive muscle work during training. The use of beta-alanine in doses of 4-5 g per day gives the best results in the form of increasing the duration of physical activity, increasing its intensity and slowing the appearance of fatigue.


The caffeine contained in coffee is the most popular means that affects the effectiveness . Its operation is very simple in this case. It blocks the receptors responsible for feeling tired. This also affects the increase in physical performance and concentration of athletes, so it is the main addition to the Arsenal of many athletes of different disciplines.


Creatine needs no introduction. This is by far the most studied Supplement on the market. Creatine affects the faster resynthesis of ATP, i.e. adenosine triphosphate. The faster this process occurs, the longer we are able to perform a certain type of effort. In addition, it prevents muscle acidification and supports the development of muscle mass. Its use is very wide and at the same time safe, and therefore more and more people are turning to it.

Endurance supplements-summary

We can find a lot of strength supplements. However, you should skillfully choose them by their level of training and type of physical activity. You should also remember one of the most important things. The Supplement is designed to support proper nutrition and strong training. It is impossible to build endurance without putting the body in a state where hypercompensation occurs.
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