
Hip flexors and their injuries

The hip flexor muscles are several muscles that bring the legs and torso together in a flexor motion. They allow you to raise your leg or knee to the torso, as well as bend the torso forward to the hip. You can stretch or tear the hip flexor muscles due to sudden movements or falls.
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  1405 Hits

Effective training crossfit or how to prevent injury?

Эффективное обучение кроссфиту или как не допустить травму?
You look like an athlete raises the bar, dragging sandbags and making the emission of large heavy balls. Intense exercise with elements of weightlifting, running and gymnastics are changed with each other at a furious pace when you practice crossfit. And that's what many of today's athletes are practicing.
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  1773 Hits

How not to lose muscle mass during injury?

Как не потерять мышечную массу во время травмы?
Often during training, for various injuries. They usually last a very long time.During this period, many muscles can be weakened as they haven't received the desired load. Some people just want to relax from the constant training, which is quite weak. In this case, muscles can also weaken, as they will also relax. If You purposefully want to relax then don't use these tips, as when performing them, the muscles will not relax so much.
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  2189 Hits

6 sports, is able to cause injury

Fitness trainers and doctors advise to pay attention to some of the exercises that beginners, inexperience, is often done incorrectly in gyms.
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  1769 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Collagen

Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Collagen-the names of these substances are known to almost every athlete and the reason for this is the increased load on the joints that athletes receive as a result of intensive training.If you want to speed up the recovery and regeneration processes, you need to take collagen-containing medications. Collagen...
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  16074 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Muscle rupture

Muscle rupture today is divided into closed and open, partial and complete. In order to be able to prevent the formation of muscle rupture, it is necessary to learn more about the various causes that can lead to such an injury.To date, the most common muscle rupture occurs as a result...
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  6105 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Pain in the elbows

Quite banal for bodybuilders, the problem is soreness in the area of the elbow joints. In the vast majority of cases, this malaise is due to resistance training.Of course, people who visit the gym are not 100% insured against such "sores" as external and internal epicondylitis ("tennis player's elbow" and, accordingly,...
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  3434 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Causes and prevention of the most frequent types of injuries when working with weights

The most unpleasant thing that can happen to a seriously engaged bodybuilder is an injury. Experienced athletes know that any imbalance in the physique can be eliminated by proper diet and appropriate training. Are you too heavy? Reduce the calories, carbohydrates or fat in your diet and wait for the appearance...
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  2993 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Rehabilitation of meniscus injuries

Active movement in the knee joint with the assistance. Assistance means that you will need to assist the movements of the healthy leg. Sitting on the simulator for leg extension and straighten the affected leg, aiding healthy foot. You need to try to the amplitude of the extension was the maximum....
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  2972 Hits