As the man to get rid of your belly

To trainings in the gym have helped you to lose weight, follow these tips:
1) Train all. You don't need separate training, one class should be involved, absolutely all the muscles. Also, no need to aim for a higher weight, the more important that the training was intense. For each exercise you need to do a few warm-up approaches, and then one main. And do not look at the others involved in the program, your task is different.

2) Train in the morning on an empty stomach. Quite a few times a month to arrange a "hungry" workout in the morning, the main thing – then not to eat "for two".

3) Most of the rock press at least twice a day. This is not particularly important number of approaches, most importantly – frequent load on these muscles.

4) Run cross. Not every day, of course, otherwise you get tired faster than you will see the results. The most optimal variant – Jogging once a week, but the maximum, i.e. so many miles as I can.

5) go for a Walk. But this advice you can use every day, as walking is very good impact on losing weight. Let you have a new good habit – before going to sleep to walk at least half an hour.

6) Dance. This is a great alternative to the gym. If it is not possible to go to the gym, go to the disco, just don't sit at the bar and immediately go into the crowd and never see you again.

7) Sign up for martial arts. Such training perfectly rounded up body fat and give you more confidence

8) have sex. This is the most enjoyable way to lose weight, the main thing – regularity.

9) Purchase an exercise bike. Here, as in the Council of the cross, daily short sessions are not suitable. Better once a week, but to fully wet t-shirt.

10) dealing with weights, choose smaller, but the number of repetitions should be higher.
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