Alex  Hammer

Classification of muscle fibers

Everyone knows that each person has an individual muscle composition, that is, only he has an inherent combination of muscle cells (fibers) of different types in all skeletal muscles.But there are several classifications of these types of fibers, and they do not always coincide. What classifications are currently accepted?Muscle fibers are...
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  9660 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to gain muscle mass

Currently, there is a set of factors necessary for the synthesis of protein (muscle) structures in the human body. Each of these factors is important, and only when put together do they guarantee muscle gain.Factors necessary for the growth of muscle tissue:The supply of amino acids in the body;Release of anabolic...
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  3052 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Basic principles for increasing strength.

Depending on how we train, we get a certain result. There are three main areas of development in training. It's the power, mass and muscle endurance. In this article I will talk about the principles of training for development and increase muscle strength. If the main goal is to become stronger,...
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  5633 Hits