The toxins of fatigue and their neutralization in the body

The toxins of fatigue and their neutralization in the body
Why does a person get tired during training? Why do you sometimes feel sluggish, sluggish, or unwilling to exercise at the end of your workout? All this occurs mainly as a result of accumulation of fatigue toxins in the blood.

"Fatigue toxins" is a collective term. In medicine, "fatigue toxins" refer to a whole group of substances that are intermediate or by-products of metabolism. These substances are formed in the body as a result of intensive and prolonged work. First of all, it is lactic and pyruvic acids - byproducts of glucose and glycogen oxidation in the body. Normally, when glucose and glycogen are oxidized by oxygen, they are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. With heavy physical exertion, the body's need for oxygen exceeds the ability of the respiratory, cardiovascular and circulatory systems to meet this need.

As a result, all energy substrates are not completely oxidized. Some carbohydrates are oxidized only to lactic and pyruvic acid. Moreover, an increase in the blood content of lactic acid blocks the blood systems of oxygen transport and makes it difficult to penetrate into the cells.

There is a vicious circle: the less oxygen, the more lactic acid, and the more lactic acid, the less oxygen the tissues absorb. Fatigue increases like a snowball. The fatigue build-up curve gets steeper by the end of the workout), fatigue builds up faster).

The body seeks to protect itself from lack of oxygen by activating oxygen-free oxidation. In muscles, for example, oxygen-free oxidation can increase by a factor of 1000 compared to the initial level. If the share of oxygen-free oxidation before training does not exceed 15% of all oxidative processes, then in a well-trained body with high physical activity, this share can reach 50%. However, with oxygen-free oxidation, both glucose and glycogen are oxidized only to the stage of lactic and pyruvic acids, and the concentration of lactic acid in the blood increases even more.

When even a small carbohydrate deficit occurs, the body begins to intensively oxidize fatty acids and glycerol. After 15-20 minutes of training, the mechanism of fatty acid oxidation begins to work in full force. Fatty acids are never completely oxidized when glucose is deficient. Oxidation occurs only up to the stage of ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetic acid, B-oxybutyric acid, acetoacetic and acetobutyric acids, etc.).

All ketone bodies have an acidic reaction. Lactic and pyruvic acids shift the pH of the blood to the acidic side. So-called acidosis develops. The leading role in the development of acidosis belongs to lactic acid. Lactic acid is the main toxin of fatigue. Sleepiness and lethargy after large-volume training are caused primarily by lactic acidosis, which causes inhibition in the Central nervous system and peripheral nerve centers. The heaviness in the head and the feeling of intellectual fatigue that occur after prolonged mental work are caused mainly by the accumulation of lactic acid in the brain tissue. Naturally, any measures to eliminate (utilize) lactic acid in the liver and muscles will help to improve performance and eliminate fatigue.

The processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines as a result of incomplete digestion of food also contribute to the development of fatigue. This can be caused by an incorrect diet (mixed food), an incorrect diet (eating difficult to digest food), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer), and simply overeating.

The products of putrefaction and fermentation are continuously absorbed into the blood and create a constant source of intoxication in the body. First of all, this affects the Central nervous system, as the most sensitive part of the body and, naturally, it contributes to the overall development of fatigue.

Protein metabolism also contributes to the intoxication of the body. Such toxins are various nitrogenous compounds, and primarily ammonia, which are formed in the process of amino acid metabolism. If we consider that many athletes, especially bodybuilders, are forced to consume a large amount of protein food, it becomes clear that the background of nitrogen intoxication in such individuals is clearly overstated. Especially strong nitrogen intoxication is given by meat, followed by poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs.

During intense physical activity, a large number of highly toxic free radicals are formed in the body: oxides, hydroxides and peroxides. These compounds are chemically very aggressive. They can damage cell membranes and cause a variety of disorders of the body's vital functions. Naturally, the performance is also reduced.

Free radicals are byproducts of oxygen oxidation. In small quantities, free radicals are necessary for the body, because they have a regulating effect on the synthesis of certain biologically active compounds. In large quantities, they have a damaging effect on cells. In contact with free fatty acids in the blood, free radicals cause the formation of free-radical fatty acid compounds, and the toxicity of the latter is an order of magnitude higher than that of the original free radicals. As a result, there may be a pronounced energy deficit and a significant decrease in performance.

In people with a large amount of subcutaneous fat, the content of fatty acids in the blood increases (it is directly proportional to the amount of subcutaneous and "intra-organ" heat). For such people, free radicals are especially toxic, since they cause the formation of more fatty acid free radicals.

So, we have identified 5 main groups of fatigue toxins:
Lactic and pyruvic acids.
Ketone bodies (acetone, etc.).
Products of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines.
Products of nitrogen exchange (ammonia, etc.).
Free radicals.
In addition to the negative impact on performance, fatigue toxins contribute to the formation of age-related pathology. They cause faster aging of the body. That is why the fight against the toxins of fatigue is a problem not only for sports physicians, but also for clinicians.

Naturally, the formation of such a large number of toxic substances in the body could not but lead to the evolutionary formation of powerful antitoxic systems in the body that transform, bind and remove most of them from the body.

The main amount of toxic substances is removed from the body through the intestines and kidneys, but almost all of them are "processed" in the liver. Any help to the body to remove fatigue toxins immediately has a positive effect on both overall and athletic performance.

Consider the disposal of various toxic substances in order

I. Lactic and pyruvic acids.

The body has a mechanism for maintaining and improving performance, which is called gluconeogenesis, literally-glucose neoplasm. Glucose is produced from many intermediate oxidation products, including lactic acid. As a result, lactic acid is converted from a toxic product into glucose, which is so necessary for the body during heavy physical activity. In addition to lactic acid, the body can synthesize glucose from pyruvic acid, amino acids, glycerol, fatty acids, etc.

Where does gluconeogenesis occur? Mostly in the liver. It is there that short - lived (just for a few days) enzymes are synthesized, which utilize a variety of substances with one goal-to produce a sufficient amount of glucose. At high physical loads, the kidneys begin to take part in gluconeogenesis, and at even higher loads, close to the limit, the intestines begin to take part. But the role of the kidneys and intestines is auxiliary. The main role belongs, however, to the liver.

In a normal, healthy body, 50% of all lactic acid is utilized by the liver, turning into glucose. With intensive muscle work, moderate breakdown of protein molecules is accompanied by the release of amino acids into the blood and their utilization in the process of gluconeogenesis, the formation of the same glucose. Especially well utilized amino acids such as alanine (in the liver) and glutamic acid (in the intestines).

The" power " of gluconeogenesis, the main mechanism that frees us from lactic acid, depends on how intensively the liver and other organs synthesize the enzymes of gluconeogenesis.

For normal synthesis of gluconeogenesis enzymes, it is necessary to:

First, a healthy liver. It is enough to prescribe any drug that improves the functioning of the liver, as soon as there is an increase in overall performance. This will be confirmed by any medical practitioner.

Secondly, a certain activation of the sympathetic-adrenal system and a sufficient content of glucocorticoid hormones in the blood is necessary. During intensive training, there is a strong activation of the sympathetic-adrenal system and a massive release of glucocorticoids into the blood. Glucorticoids have a catabolic effect on all organs and tissues except the liver. In the liver, under the influence of glucocorticoids, on the contrary, anabolism increases and there is a rapid synthesis of gluconeogenesis enzymes. During training, under the influence of glucocorticoids, there is a moderate working breakdown of muscle and fat tissue. The products of this decomposition are disposed of by the liver with the formation of glucose.

Third, only regular physical training can be the basis for increasing the power of gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis, like any other function of the body, can be trained. If an untrained person can increase the power of gluconeogenesis during physical work by 5 times, then a qualified athlete can increase the power of gluconeogenesis by 20 times or more. In the body of highly qualified athletes, gluconeogenesis is developed so well that its power increases in direct proportion to the increase in the amount of lactic acid in the blood.

Lactic acid formed in the muscles does not penetrate the blood well enough and is poorly utilized in the process of gluconeogenesis. In this case, the body adapts to work by reducing the amount of lactic acid formed. In highly qualified athletes, the post-training amount of lactic acid directly in the muscle tissue is more than 2 times lower than in low-skilled athletes.

The power of gluconeogenesis is one of the main factors (if not the most basic) on which endurance depends.

Since the discovery of gluconeogenesis, attempts have been made to activate it in various pharmacological ways. At first, amphetamines were used for this purpose: phenamine, pervitin, etc. Amphetamines are a powerful activator of gluconeogenesis, and under the influence of amphetamines, mainly adipose tissue is utilized in gluconeogenesis. Over time, it turned out that amphetamines can not be administered too often, because they Deplete the reserves of catecholamines in the Central nervous system. They began to be used only occasionally, during competitions, and then in limited quantities, since they were used only for the first time. even a single administration of a large dose of amphetamines can lead to a nervous breakdown, which then nothing can cure. It was only after the increasing number of tragic cases among highly qualified athletes that amphetamines were strictly prohibited in sports.

At one time, it seemed tempting to use glucocorticoid hormones, because they are the most powerful factor that activates gluconeogenesis. Even a single administration of glucocorticoids increases endurance (including strength) by 70% (!). Over time, however, it turned out that with repeated administration, the effect of glucocorticoids decreases, and their catabolic effect on muscle tissue increases. Therefore, the use of glucorticoids in the training process also had to be abandoned. However, there are " daredevils” who still use them as doping.

Anabolic steroids also activate gluconeogenesis. Especially strong activation of gluconeogenesis can be achieved when combining anabolic steroids with glucocorticoid hormones, but any build-up of muscle mass is out of the question because of the strong catabolic action of glucocorticoids, which can barely be "covered" with steroids. Since both anabolic steroids and glucocorticoids are doping, their use in the competition period is strictly prohibited. Yes, and side effects with long-term use develops a lot.

A completely new stage in the pharmacology of gluconeogenesis was opened with the invention of actoprotectors. Actoprotectors are a completely new class of substances that increase endurance. Their action is based on the fact that they selectively stimulate the synthesis of gluconeogenesis in the liver, kidneys and intestines, without affecting anything else. Actoprotectors, therefore, delay the arrival of training fatigue and allow you to perform a greater amount of physical work, including strength. Actoprotectors are low-toxic, do not cause addiction to stimulation. To performance enhancing drugs do not belong. Actoprotectors are good because they can be used both in training and in competition periods, without fear of developing any side effects. Proper use of actoprotectors increases performance by 1.5-2 times and their effect is quite comparable to the effect of glucocorticoid hormones. In addition to enhancing gluconeogenesis, actoprotectors increase the permeability of cell membranes to glucose, which has a favorable effect on the energy potential of cells.

A dozen and a half drugs are currently undergoing clinical testing, but only one actoprotector - bemitil-is currently available for sale.

Even among the long-known pharmacological agents, there are drugs that significantly stimulate gluconeogenesis. For example, Dibazol-an old known drug for high blood pressure, is also able to stimulate gluconeogenesis. Dibazol also has a weak calming effect. In order to improve athletic performance, Dibazol is taken only 1 t. per day (20 mg). Dibazol, apparently, makes sense to use for the purpose of increasing endurance for those athletes who have a tendency to increase blood pressure.

Significant activation of glucogenesis can be achieved with the introduction of large amounts of vitamin A (from 100 thousand UNITS up to 1 million UNITS). When overdosing, there are side effects (vitamin A can accumulate in the body), but they quickly pass after the drug is discontinued.

As strange as it may seem at first glance, gluconeogenesis is stimulated by small doses of alcohol (less than 250 mg per 1 kg of body weight), however, it is unlikely that alcohol has a prospect as a stimulant of performance.

Gluconeogenesis is well activated by epinephrine, as well as by any means that stimulate the adrenal glands. Very well activates gluconeogenesis such a widespread means of increasing endurance, as glutamic acid. Take it, however, in large doses from 10 to 25 g per day. Otherwise, the effect will not follow. These doses are comparable to the amounts of glutamic acid (18-20 g) that we get with food. If the acid reaction is undesirable, the glutamic acid is dissolved in water and converted into sodium glutamate, reducing with ordinary water. Especially strongly glutamic acid activates the process of gluconeogenesis in the intestine.

II. Ketone bodies

Ketone bodies are the product of incomplete oxidation of fatty acids and their accumulation in the blood during heavy physical activity causes acidosis, which in its quantitative characteristics is second only to lactic acid. Fatty acids give much more energy during combustion than carbohydrates or proteins, but their oxidation in the body is difficult, they do not penetrate cell membranes, etc. By solving the problem of fat oxidation, we could simultaneously kill 2 birds with one stone: increase the overall energy potential of the body and simultaneously "get rid" of such fatigue toxins as ketone bodies.

Currently, there is only one highly specialized tool for activating the oxidation of fatty acids and eliminating ketone acidosis. It's carnitine. We have already written in detail about this drug. Note only that carnitine is completely harmless. It increases the permeability of cell membranes to fatty acids and increases the oxidation of fatty acids inside the cell. Take it in large doses (6-8 g per day). Smaller doses do not give the effect. In fairness, it should be noted that the liver of a healthy person is itself able to synthesize carnitine. Especially well carnitine is synthesized in those athletes who train for a long time on endurance.

All means that enhance gluconeogenesis will also contribute to the complete utilization of fatty acids. First, this is because fatty acids are utilized in the process of gluconeogenesis and converted into glucose. And, secondly, glucose itself formed in the process of gluconeogenesis contributes to a more complete oxidation of fatty acids. Let's not forget that the formation of ketone bodies is the result of developing a carbohydrate deficit during training. Biochemists have an expression: fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates. The minimum amount of carbohydrates for normal fat oxidation is necessary.

It would be logical to assume that small doses of carbohydrates taken during training and competitions will contribute to a more complete oxidation of fat and increase the energy potential of the body as a whole. Sports practice fully confirms this.

Long-distance runners have been taking carbohydrate drinks for decades. At first, it was believed that carbohydrates taken at a distance are completely spent on energy needs. Then it turned out that they are not so much consumed themselves, as they increase the oxidation of fat. The mechanism of fat oxidation in long-distance runners is exceptionally well developed.

In the past few years, the use of moderate doses of carbohydrates throughout training has become widespread among power sports athletes. Sweet solution (water with jam, concentrated juice, compote, etc.) is recommended to take 100-150 ml at the beginning of training and then every 15 minutes of training. Both General and special endurance are increased, and the development of fatigue is delayed by time.

Special sports carbohydrate drinks are also available for carbohydrate loading during training, which can be purchased in specialized sports nutrition stores.

At rest, taking glucose or sugar inside blocks the process of gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis becomes simply unnecessary. However, a completely different picture is observed with high physical activity. Small doses of carbohydrates do not inhibit gluconeogenesis at all, since they provide energy for the adaptive synthesis of gluconeogenic enzymes in the liver, kidneys and intestines.

III. Products of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines

To eliminate the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines, it is necessary to focus on the complete digestion of the products consumed. To do this, you must:
Exclude overeating, if any, because the digestive capacity of the gastrointestinal tract is limited by certain limits.
The digestive capacity of the gastrointestinal tract can be increased with the help of digestive enzymes. Receiving drugs such as festal, Pancreatin, deferment etc., will enable to absorb larger than usual quantities of food.
Eliminate diseases of the digestive system, if any.
To comply with the principles of separation of power: drink just before eating, carbohydrate food take separately from protein.
Avoid coarse meat foods that contain thick muscle fibers (coarse-fiber meat). The shells of these muscle fibers are digested with difficulty, and sometimes they are not digested at all.
Avoid eating too much fiber that is not digested (cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruits).
To create a useful intestinal microflora, it is recommended to eat both lactic acid diet foods (acidophilic, etc.) and special bacterial preparations (Lactobacterin, BifiDoc, Bifidumbacterin, etc.).
Chew food very carefully and subject it to sufficient culinary processing.
IV. nitrogen exchange Products

Toxic products of nitrogen metabolism are not easy to deal with. Basically, drugs that improve the function of the liver (dixorin, Carsil, Essentiale, Liv-52, etc.) and kidneys are used. Very good detoxification effect has glutamic acid, which binds toxic ammonia and turns into non-toxic glutamine. Glutamine is already used in the process of protein synthesis. Anabolic steroids help to fix nitrogenous compounds in the body, which go to the needs of protein synthesis. But steroids are only used in very small doses, so as not to cause liver damage.

Detoxification function of the liver increases under the action of high doses of ascorbic acid and rutin (3-5 g/day), under the action of lipoic acid (up to 1 g/day), calcium Pantothenate - vitamin B5 (3 g/day), calcium pangamate - vitamin B15 (0.5-1 g/day), cobamamide - coenzyme form of vitamin B12 (up to 1 mg/day).

V. Free radicals

To neutralize the excess amount of free radicals in the body, there are powerful systems of protection, but they are sometimes not enough, and it seems appropriate to use pharmacological drugs, especially some vitamins. Ascorbic acid, p vitamins, nicotinic and benzoic acids are strong antioxidants. When administered in sufficiently large doses, they increase the resistance of cell membranes to the action of chemically aggressive free radicals. Beta-carotene, a natural pigment that gives carrots an orange color, has an exceptionally strong antioxidant effect. Citric acid is not only an antioxidant, but also a strong antihypoxant and Energizer.

The classic vitamin with an antioxidant effect is vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), which, in addition to its antioxidant action, has the ability to reduce the body's need for oxygen and improve performance.

Vitamins of the K group, nitrogenous compounds, carnosine and anserine, phospholipids (lecithin), and the trace element selenium have an antioxidant effect to a greater or lesser extent.

There is a highly specialized group of pharmacological drugs that performs an almost exclusively antioxidant role in the body. It is drugs such as dibunol, the emoxipin, Mexidol, uninon. Especially widespread in sports practice are applied emoxipin, Mexidol and opinon. Mexidol shows not only an antioxidant, but also an anti-hypoxic effect, increasing the body's resistance to lack of oxygen. As a result, endurance is significantly increased. The strong antihypoxic effect of Mexidol is due to the fact that it is a salt of succinic acid.

Antioxidants in recommended dosages are non-toxic. They not only increase performance, but also delay the aging of cell membranes, contributing to longevity, slow down the development of age-related atherosclerosis, delay the development of malignant tumors.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the nature of fatigue, and especially overwork, is much more complex than just the formation of "fatigue toxins". However, the formation of "fatigue toxins" is one of the main mechanisms and you need to know it. Know to be able to fight.
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