How to determine the amount of calories a day?

How to determine the amount of calories a day?
This is relevant for any athlete question – count the number of calories. It depends on many things: weight, or the opposite, reduction is associated with endurance and sports performance in General.
Now there are many modern methods of determining calorie needs, but I would like to focus on the simplest method, the calculation using the formula of Harris-Benedict. It is the second most accuracy in the world for the determination of basal metabolism, and has been used successfully since 1919.

Here is the formula for men:
Basal metabolism = 66,47+(13,75*weight in kg)+(5*height in cm)-(6,67*age in years)

For women:
Basal metabolism = 665,1+(of 9.56*weight in kg)+(of 1.85*height in cm)-(to 4.68*age in years)

The most important advantage of this formula is the lack of need for the complex process of determining lean mass, and enough to know the 3 simple measures: height, age, weight.

For men (example):
Let's calculate the basic metabolic rate for male athlete with the following data: age – 23 years, growth 176 cm, weight 82 kg. he has intense Workouts 4 times a week.
The calculation we take the above formula:
Basal metabolism = 66,47+(13,75*weight in kg)+(5*height in cm)-(6,67*age in years) (for men)

1) basal metabolism = 66,47 + (13,75 ∙ 82 kg) + (5 ∙ 176 cm) – (6,67 ∙ 23) = 1920,56 kcal.
We got the basic metabolism. To find out how much the rider has to get calories under its load, you have obtained a basic metabolic rate multiplied by a special factor.
  • If You have a sedentary lifestyle, then the coefficient is 1,2;
  • Average physical activity and light exercise 1-3 times a week ratio is 1,375;
  • High activity, intensive classes 3-5 times a week, the ratio is 1.55 V;
  • A very high activity, heavy exercise 6-7 times per week, the ratio is 1,725.
So we had a basic metabolism, and know that our athletes do intense exercise 4 times a week, so the ratio is 1.55.

2) Multiply the base metabolic 1920,65 kcal by 1.55 and get the daily calories. 1920,56*1,55=2976,87 kcal/day. Here and get the desired result.

If your goal is to gain muscle then you need to the result to add 10-15%
So get the required amount of calories to put on weight.
2) If your goal is to lose weight, of the resulting amount you need to subtract 10-15%
So you will get the number of daily calories for weight loss. If your calories are lower than you will get the result, it is likely you will not effectively lose weight.
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