Testosterone boosters

Testosterone boosters
This expert guide to testosterone boosters will teach you how to navigate the products on the market to increase your testosterone levels. Learn about available medications and recommended dosages for optimal results.

What are testosterone boosters?

Testosterone boosters are supplements used to stimulate muscle growth, increase strength and libido, and correct sex hormone levels. The effect of boosters is due to the fact that these supplements are able to increase the production of natural testosterone in the body.

Boosters usually consist of natural plant components and vitamins, less often the composition may include synthetic substances that are also able to increase the level of natural testosterone. Currently, there are enough scientific studies that prove the positive effect of testosterone boosters on the set of muscle mass.

Who can take testosterone boosters?

Testosterone boosters will be useful to any athlete. Testosterone increases strength, speed and muscle mass, and these characteristics are valued in any sport.

Most often men start to use boosters when they want to increase lean muscle mass. The minimum age at which you can take these supplements ranges from 20 to 23 years. This is due to the instability of the hormonal system and hormone levels in a young body, and using boosters earlier than the recommended age can lead to various hormonal disorders. In addition, the level of natural testosterone in young people is sufficient without additional external stimulation. It is also not recommended to take testosterone boosters for girls, as this leads to masculinization.

Boosters have the most pronounced effect when used in men aged 30-40 years and even older. This is due to the lower physiological level of testosterone at this age, and therefore the use of boosters in this case not only promotes muscle growth, but also increases libido and potency.

Testosterone boosters are great for post-course therapy. After completing the cycle of taking steroid hormones or prohormones, to eliminate their side effects, it is enough to use testosterone boosters for a month. This helps maintain the level of testosterone and minimizes the symptoms associated with the cancellation of hormone therapy, thereby preventing the destruction of muscle tissue — the phenomenon of "rollback".

Contraindications for the use of testosterone boosters are:
Arterial hypertension
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Renal failure
The most popular testosterone boosters
In this guide, we are going to look at the most popular substances used to stimulate endogenous testosterone synthesis.

D-aspartic acid

Dosage: according to research, it is best to take 3 grams a day, in the morning, immediately after sleep.

D-aspartic acid-optimizer of testosterone secretion, which quickly gained popularity and became one of the most thoroughly studied products in this market segment. D-aspartic acid is an amino acid present in the neuroendocrine tissues of the human body and involved in the synthesis of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone.

LH stimulates the secretion of testosterone by the sex glands. D-aspartic acid is formed during a chemical process in which aspartate converts L-aspartic acid to D-aspartic acid. Conversion occurs in the testicles and other tissues of the human body.

D-aspartic acid has been shown to directly stimulate the production of testosterone in the sex glands. In other words, D-aspartic acid not only increases the secretion of testosterone, but also increases the synthesis of this hormone. It turns out a double blow to optimize the production of testosterone.

In scientific work, men aged 27-37 years received 3 grams of sodium-D-aspartate for 12 days, which led to an increase in testosterone concentration by an average of 42 %. It may not seem like a huge rise in testosterone levels, but these are controlled, scientific results obtained in healthy men. For a straight bodybuilder, a 42% increase in testosterone is a major achievement.

Tribulus Terrestris

Dosage: the standard dose is 300-600 mg per day

Tribulus Terrestris has remained one of the most popular testosterone boosters for many years. Tribulus is an extract of a plant native to Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. It contains chemical compounds called steroid saponins that increase testosterone levels. The most important of these is protodioscin.

Protodioscin is a steroid saponin found in various plant species. Protodioscin has the ability to increase the level of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone. Bodybuilders have been using Tribulus for many years in order to increase testosterone secretion, gain muscle mass, remove fat, and increase strength and endurance.

The mechanism of action of Tribulus is associated with its active component protodioscin, which increases the secretion of testosterone by stimulating the pituitary gland. The stimulating effect is associated with the activation of luteinizing hormone production, which increases the level of free testosterone.

In addition, although it is classified as a testosterone booster, protodioscin also has the ability to increase nitric oxide production. Increased nitric oxide levels lead to improved blood circulation and overall growth. Since the effectiveness of Tribulus is explained by protodioscin, it is better to look for products that are standardized and contain the active ingredient in high concentrations.

At the moment, Tribulus is listed as a potent drug and its free sale is prohibited.


Dosage: the optimal dose is one serving 30 minutes before bedtime.

ZMA is a testosterone booster consisting of three different ingredients. ZMA contains zinc (as l-monomethionine and aspartate), magnesium (as aspartate), and vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride). ZMA is useful for athletes because it protects the body from the deficiency of these three essential minerals and vitamins, which often develops after intensive and long training.

Zinc is a trace element involved in the action of several hormones, including insulin, growth hormone, testosterone, and estrogen. It is involved in more than 200 enzyme reactions. Research indicates that people who train need more zinc because they are prone to a deficiency of this trace element. ZMA usually contains 30 mg of zinc.

In 1996, the scientific paper "Zinc and serum testosterone levels in healthy adults"was published. Work has shown that a daily intake of 30 mg of zinc in the form of a Supplement by healthy men experiencing moderate zinc deficiency, for 6 months doubles the level of testosterone. As you can see, zinc deficiency can have a significant effect on the concentration of testosterone.

Magnesium is a macronutrient that is involved in more than 300 enzyme processes in our body, including glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, creatine phosphate formation, nucleic acid synthesis, amino acid activation, cardiac and smooth muscle contraction, camp formation and, most importantly for representatives of strength training, protein synthesis. Taking into account the active participation of magnesium in all these processes, a deficiency of the element can reduce testosterone levels and slow down muscle growth at many different levels. ZMA typically contains 450 mg of magnesium.

Last on the list, but not least, is vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine. B6 is an important participant in protein synthesis. In the form of coenzyme, vitamin is part of a huge number of enzymes, most of which are involved in the metabolism of amino acids. It is necessary for the catabolism of glycogen and the release of carbohydrate energy, and its ability to neutralize the action of certain catabolic steroids, in particular, cortisol, has also been proven. Vitamin B6 increases the testosterone / cortisol ratio, which has a positive effect on muscle growth. ZMA usually contains 10.5 mg of vitamin B6.

Three ZMA ingredients have been proven to increase free testosterone levels by 30 %.

Eureka longleaf (Tongkat)

Dosage: the effectiveness of a dose of 200-600 mg per day has been proven.

Eureka longleaf (or Tongkat) is another Supplement for optimizing testosterone secretion that can be taken by straight bodybuilders. Tongkat is a plant that is widely distributed in Indonesia and has been used for centuries as an effective testosterone booster.

A significant portion of the testosterone that circulates in our body is associated with a protein called SHBG (globulin that binds sex hormones). Testosterone associated with SHBG is considered inactive and does not affect muscle growth. Only free testosterone has the effects inherent in this hormone. This is an androgenic effect (masculinization and sexual characteristics, both physiological and psychological, and at the same time an increase in libido) and an anabolic effect (the construction of tissues, mainly muscle).

It is believed that the active component of Tongkat captures and binds SHBG, thereby preventing the inactivation of free testosterone. This increases the level of free testosterone, which allows you to achieve the strengthening of all the muscle-building benefits that an increased level of testosterone gives. It is also proven that Tongkat accelerates recovery after training and increases strength indicators. This is a huge plus for any athlete or weightlifter who trains to the seventh sweat.

Epimedium (large-flowered gorilla)

Dosage: due to the different pharmacological activity and effectiveness of different brands of products, you should follow the instructions on the packaging.

Goryanka krupnotsvetnaya is a deciduous plant that grows from Asia to the Mediterranean coast, which has long been used by traditional Chinese medicine. And although the name of the plant may seem funny, its effectiveness is not a cause for jokes.

Epimedium grandiflora contains the active ingredient icariin. Icariin is considered to be the substance responsible for the properties of Goryanka as a testosterone booster. Studies have shown that when rats were given doses of icariin, their testosterone levels increased 3 times. At the moment, there are no human results confirming these unique properties of mountain ash, but there is every reason to believe that it can be an effective booster of testosterone secretion.

An additional advantage of Goryanka krupnotsvetnaya is that icariin inhibits the enzyme PDE-5 and contains components similar to those that are included in medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. This leads to increased blood flow and increased libido. Look for a product containing at least 10% icariin.

LFA (essential fatty acids)

Dosage: the standard dose is 2-3. 5 grams per day of omega-3 and 7-14 grams per day of omega-6 due to dietary supplements and food.

Essential fatty acids do not seem as stylish as some other testosterone boosters, but these fatty acids are the nutrients that the body needs for normal functioning. In the body of representatives of power disciplines and bodybuilders, NLCs participate in muscle growth by increasing the level of testosterone.

In addition to being vital for the development of muscle tissue and energy generation in the body of bodybuilders and weightlifters, there is strong evidence that NLCs are essential for many metabolic processes, including improving lipid metabolism, healthy sex drive, and libido in General. And most importantly, they play a key role in the production of testosterone.

Since NLCs are actively integrated into the synthesis of testosterone, a deficiency of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can lead to a decrease in the concentration of testosterone. Even if taking NLC and does not raise the secretion of testosterone above the average level, but it will guarantee that your body is able to produce this hormone in normal quantities.

DHEA (dihydroepiandrosterone)

Dosage: the standard dose is 10-50 mg per day.

Experts debate whether DHEA can be called a dietary Supplement, or whether this substance can not be considered natural. DHEA is a hormone contained in the body and secreted by the adrenal glands. It is involved in many biological processes in the human body.

DHEA acts on androgen receptors both directly and through its metabolites, androstenediol and Androstenedione. Both substances can be converted into testosterone and estrogens. DHEA is commonly referred to as neurosteroids.

The reason for taking DHEA is that this substance eventually turns into testosterone, which leads to an increase in its concentration. Endogenous DHEA synthesis in the human body reaches a maximum at the age of 25-30 years, and then gradually decreases. In an 80-year-old person, the level of DHEA is only 5-10% compared to the concentration of the hormone in the blood at the age of 20-30 years.

This is why DHEA is often recommended for people over 30 years of age. Despite the fact that DHEA can be converted into testosterone in our body, scientists still do not agree on whether DHEA drugs can increase testosterone levels or not.

At the end of the conversation about DHEA, it should be said that since the substance is a prohormone, it is prohibited by many sports organizations. If you are an athlete participating in a competition, it is better to consult with the competent authorities whether DHEA is allowed in your sport.

What about estrogens?

Many people do not realize that men also produce estrogens, just in much smaller quantities than women. If your goal is to optimize muscle growth, you should take into account more than just testosterone. The ratio of testosterone to estrogens is also of great importance.

For optimal muscle growth, it is necessary to raise the level of testosterone as much as possible and at the same time keep the minimum level of estrogens. The problem is that at high concentrations of testosterone, an enzyme called aromatase is activated, which converts testosterone into estrogens.

In fact, this is the main mechanism for the formation of estrogens in the male body. This is exactly what you want to avoid when trying to raise testosterone secretion. Fortunately, there are drugs that minimize this conversion and reduce the presence of estrogens in the body.

Dim (diindolemethane)

Dosage: the standard dose is 100-300 mg per day.

Dim is a plant-derived substance formed after the cleavage of indole-3-carbinol. Indole-3-carbinol is found in vegetables of the cruciferous family and is partly responsible for the useful properties of this category of food.

Dim has the ability to accelerate the metabolism of potentially harmful estrogens. Accelerated cleavage reduces the exposure of estrogens in the body and promotes their excretion in the urine.

Chrysin (5,7-dihydroxyflavone)

Dosage: the standard dose is 1-4 grams per day.

Chrysin is a plant flavonoid derived from plants in the passionflower family. It is reported to have the ability to suppress the enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen.

Due to these properties, chrysin has remained a popular antiestrogen in the bodybuilding community for many years.

Can I take all the boosters listed above at the same time?

Yes, the products on this list do not interfere with each other's actions. And since there is no negative interaction between these substances, they will most likely work perfectly together. However, to test the effectiveness of boosters, it is better to start with taking one drug, without changing the diet or training program,and then evaluate the results.

Side effects of boosters

Any drug that affects the level of testosterone should be used rationally, otherwise the consequences can be very dangerous. Long-term use of testosterone boosters leads to a kind of" habituation " of the body to such stimulation, as a result of which the production of natural testosterone is reduced. Accordingly, as soon as the course of taking boosters ends, the body has a deficit of its own sex hormones. This, in turn, is the cause of significant loss of muscle mass, depression, as well as impotence and some other health problems.

The following side effects are extremely rare and practically do not occur with rational use of the drug, that is, in the prescribed doses and no longer than the recommended time. These are side effects such as irritability and aggression, fluctuations in blood pressure, acne. Even less often, hair loss, gynecomastia, feminization, testicular atrophy, and decreased testosterone secretion can occur. Almost all effects are reversible after discontinuation of the drug. If any side effect occurs, the drug should be discontinued.

Can I take boosters with other supplements?

Yes, testosterone boosters work well with other supplements. There is no interaction between any testosterone booster and other supplements for gaining muscle mass. Muscle growth medications such as creatine, beta-alanine, and BCAAs work well together with natural testosterone boosters, and you have no reason to stop taking them.


So, you are armed with knowledge! Here is a full-fledged Arsenal for the war with low testosterone levels. Regardless of whether you choose a monopreparation or a complex complex of many ingredients, you need to look for the main testosterone boosters listed in this article.
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