Alex  Hammer

Fats for fat burning

Eat fat to burn fat. Not all dietary fat makes us fat. Up-to-date information about useful lipids will help you improve your health and melt subcutaneous fat!Once they were considered the main culprits of all health problems, but today dietary fat is amnestied! There are new and new studies proving that...
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  4463 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Why diets don't work?

Why do we gain weight? And why do many people never manage to lose weight or keep a stable result? The answer is easy to find, knowing a little more about human physiology and psychology is not difficult to understand why many diets do not work.The human body is naturally adapted...
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  3020 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Talk about fat

Fat is the body's energy reserve.Unlike carbohydrates, fats make up the body's energy reserve. Carbohydrates, which are stored in the human body in the form of glycogen, perform a more rapid function of energy supply for a short time.The average person has a fat reserve of about 13 kg, this could...
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  2757 Hits

A list of foods that speed up metabolism (and help burn calories)

- fatty fish (trout, mackerel, sardines, salmon) — the same fish oil, aka omega 3, the best "fuel" for burning calories and accelerate metabolism;- pepper of Chile — "Ooh, hot!", — I think we tasted the pepper word. And this is something we need;- seaweed — they stimulate the proper functioning...
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  4201 Hits
Alex  Hammer

To gain weight without gaining fat

Big, but not fat: a competent approach to gaining muscle mass.Stop swimming in fat while working on a set of weights! Learn how to approach your diet and achieve fantastic muscle growth without the side effects of useless fats.Every bodybuilder wants to be big. Unfortunately, the desperate desire to gain the...
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  3023 Hits