
The beneficial properties of quinoa motivate you to eat grains more often.

From strengthening your immune system to boosting your energy, this tiny but mighty grain is overflowing with benefits - plus, the facts of quinoa's nutritional value are hard to beat.

Given the countless low-carb diets that have been advertised over the past few years, it may seem that macronutrients are considered public enemy number one. But carbohydrates are actually the body's preferred source of energy, and experts still recommend consuming them in healthy amounts. We need more carbohydrates than proteins or fats. Carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of our daily calories, so they are still very much needed by the body.
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  4727 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Girls, do you want to look?

Everyone in the gym!
  3524 Hits
Alex  Hammer

10 reasons to take your ass from the chair

Spending all day at your Desk, but still staring at the computer monitor is not the most useful exercise for your physical and mental health. Try to vary your day to do this 20 minute break and with the help of any classes let the stagnant energy. Need someone this kind...
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  2684 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Girls, are you afraid to pump up the big muscles!?

When it comes to weight training, most women are worried about how not to pump up too big muscles. But these fears were groundless!Normal testosterone levels in males – 200-1200 ng/DL (nanograms per ten liters), and for women the norm is 15-70 ng/DL. As you can see, the level of testosterone...
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  3638 Hits
Alex  Hammer

To lose weight for beach season?

Nothing betrays the weakness and insignificance of man than the desire to lose weight for vacation. It turns out that to show his flabby ass to strangers embarrassed, and look at yourself in the mirror, to have sex with her husband/boyfriend not ashamed. What could be worse for such a degradation?...
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  2950 Hits