
Должны ли вы есть углеводы после тренировки.

После выполнения тренировки — будь то комплекс высокоинтенсивных интервальных тренировок или продолжительный цикл йоги — иногда подобрать правильный перекус намного сложнее, чем кажется.

Возможно, вы слышали, что выбор лучшего перекуса после тренировки зависит от сочетания макронутриентов. Но возникла некоторая путаница в отношении того, как именно комбинировать их состав, особенно углеводы.

Есть углеводы после тренировки — хорошая идея. Читайте дальше, чтобы узнать, как, когда и почему вы должны потребить их.

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  437 Hits

Скручивания на пресс в положении велосипед.

Велосипедные скручивания — эффективное упражнение для пресса, которое затрагивает не только обычный пресс, но и глубокие мышцы, а также косые мышцы живота. Если вы хотите проработать мышцы кора, это движение — отличный выбор. Это упражнение начального уровня без оборудования, которое можно выполнять где угодно. Используйте его как часть тренировки по укреплению мышц кора или добавьте к тренировке всего тела.

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  524 Hits

5 факторов фитнеса.

Пять факторов правильности фитнеса способствуют физической форме и помогают направлять процесс получения желаемой формы. Вы уже знаете, что преимущества приходят, когда вы отдаете приоритет физической активности. Хитрость заключается в понимании того, что такое "фитнес" и как вы можете его достичь.

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  726 Hits

Стоит ли использовать мяч для упражнений в качестве стула и что это даст.

Негативные последствия слишком долгого сидения, от замедления метаболизма до увеличения риска развития диабета. Чтобы этому противодействовать, некоторые люди применяют мяч для упражнений — также называемый мячом для йоги — вместо своего обычного рабочего стула, чтобы добиться «активного сидения».

Вместо сутулости и плохой осанки, которые могут случиться из-за специальных ортопедических стульев, теория заключается в том, что вы сидите на мяче для упражнений (который по своей природе нестабилен), заставляя ваше тело постоянно вносить небольшие коррективы в корпус и нижнюю часть тела. Есть надежда, что это приведет к укреплению брюшного пресса и улучшению осанки.

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  519 Hits

Лучшая тренировка для тех, у кого высокое давление (гипертония).

Упражнения — отличный способ справиться с высоким кровяным давлением (гипертонией). Если вы физически активны, у вас, вероятно, более сильное сердце, которое перекачивает кровь с меньшими усилиями, уменьшая нагрузку на артерии. Даже если пожилой человек с малоподвижным образом жизни начнет соблюдать регулярную активность, его сердце станет намного сильнее и он станет лучше себя чувствовать.

Однако, если у вас очень высокое кровяное давление, возможно вам нужно опасаться повышения уровня активности. Важно убедиться, что занятия, которые вы выбираете, подходят для вашего текущего уровня физической подготовки.

Когда дело доходит до занятий, которые полезны для вашего кровяного давления, к ним стоит отнести езду на велосипеде, плавание, теннис и бег трусцой. Для сравнения, такие вещи, как тяжелая атлетика, сквош, подводное плавание и бег на короткие дистанции не очень хороши для вашего кровяного давления.

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  586 Hits

Get the most out of your workouts using these life hacks.

Often a person goes to the gym hoping in advance for poor or average results. You should want to squeeze 100% out of every rep, run, and hard-earned drop of sweat.
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  552 Hits

Why is it so important to do calisthenics (gymnastics).

Does "Kalistenika" make you think about military basic training or about people in retro tracksuits doing push-ups in physical education classes? For some reason, in the modern era of sports trends, the word "kalistenika" has been left behind for several decades.

But in fact, gymnastics exercises are an important part of everyone's fitness program, and, in fact, you probably already do them on a regular basis. Want more details? This article is your guide to gymnastics.
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  810 Hits

Different types of squats.

Squats are one of the best complex exercises for developing muscle strength of the lower body. Complex exercises simultaneously affect several joints and muscle groups to increase physical strength and functionality.

While squats mainly develop the muscles of the front part of the leg and the gluteal muscles, other muscles are also involved. The different position of the foot and the depth of the squat can activate other leg muscles, such as the hamstrings in the back of the thigh, as well as adductor and fine muscles along the inner surface of the thigh.
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  545 Hits

What will happen if you perform cardio on an empty stomach.

What is fasting cardio?

Fasting cardio is when you exercise on an empty stomach in a state of fasting, usually in the morning before the first meal. The theory is that exercising on an empty stomach or after a long period of fasting can lead to greater fat loss. Although there are professionals who adhere to this theory, it is still the subject of heated debate in the fitness world.

The effectiveness of the theory of fasting cardio remains controversial, and, ultimately, the decision on whether to exercise on an empty stomach or not is yours. If you decide to do cardio training on an empty stomach, it has drawbacks that you should be aware of.
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  566 Hits

Avoid the 5 biggest mistakes in training.

Sometimes those who train with the best intentions can undermine their own progress with these five common exercise mistakes. Not getting the results you're hoping for can be frustrating and confusing.

So what makes one training plan successful and the other not? There may be several factors involved. But in many cases, the cause can be traced back to one of these five errors. If your exercise plan does not produce the expected results, check if you are making one of these common mistakes in training.
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  438 Hits

7 truths about proper nutrition and training.

Going towards your nutrition and fitness goals is exciting, but sometimes it can be a little scary. One minute you feel like you're making a huge success, the next you're wondering if you should change direction or try something else.

Information about diet and exercise can come from all sides, and it's not easy to figure out what's worth spending time on, and sometimes it can be completely overwhelming. Should I avoid carbohydrates or eat them? Eat less on rest days? Exercise before you can indulge yourself? With so many rules, it can be hard to know what to believe. Here are six truths about diet and exercise that you not only need to know, but that will help dispel some common myths.
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  481 Hits

For these reasons, you won't want to miss a hitch after a workout.

The hitch is an integral part of the workout. The hitch can last from 3 to 10 minutes and includes stretching or light variations of the movements that you performed during the workout. The purpose of a post-workout hitch is to normalize your heart rate and breathing, as well as promote relaxation.

To get the most out of a workout, it's important to end it with a hitch. Learn more about the benefits of a short recovery period and how to incorporate it into your next workout.
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  458 Hits

How to do jerks with a barbell.

Barbell jerks are a hallmark of crossfit. "The most prepared people on earth" seem to effortlessly lift hundreds of kilograms over their heads, landing in squats over their heads or a power rack. The fish seem so light, but years of training have gone into perfecting this technique and learning how to quickly lift heavy loads over your head.

The barbell jerk is probably one of the most technical movements in weightlifting.

Anyone can learn how to do barbell jerks, but everyone should be ready to devote hours, days, weeks, and even years of practice to this. Achieving good results in jerks is not an easy task, but it's worth it, as evidenced by the advantages listed below.
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  539 Hits

Protein shakes. It is better before or after training.

Protein shakes are usually a favorite supplement for many, especially active people whose protein needs are higher than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Protein is one of the three macronutrients along with carbohydrates and fats and is responsible for the restoration, preservation and growth of muscles.

People often rely on protein shakes to help with various body composition goals such as building muscle, weight management, exercising, maintaining muscle mass, and simply out of convenience to help them achieve dietary protein goals.
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  503 Hits

What will happen if you train on an empty stomach.

Many people believe that weight training on an empty stomach is useful for maximum fat loss. This may be especially true for those who choose interval fasting.

There is some truth in the idea that training with weights on an empty stomach burns fat, but in fact everything is a little more complicated. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this practice.
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  554 Hits

6 interesting facts about strength training.

If you're new to strength training, it's important to understand what your body is going through. Your muscles respond to different exercises in different ways, and there are reasons why athletes structure their workouts so that they exactly match their goals. As a beginner, it will be useful for you to learn a few basic facts about your new venture in the gym.
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  650 Hits

The best pre-workout snacks that will keep you in good shape.

Training is good for the mind, body and spirit. But nothing spoils a workout more than a lack of energy to get through it. Stress and lack of sleep can complicate a workout, but the same can be said about skipping a pre-workout snack.
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  598 Hits

Here's what happens if you don't eat after a workout.

Supporting your training goals with nutrition is vital — the food you eat provides the energy for your workouts and the nutrients you need to properly recover from them. Some people may be tempted to skip meals after a workout to increase fat loss, but this can backfire.Dietary attitudes that encourage...
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  668 Hits

Are you gaining unwanted weight after training? That's why.

Have you noticed that you gain weight after training? If your goal is to lose weight, weight gain on the scales during exercise may disappoint you.

But there are several reasons why you may notice a slight weight gain after a workout. These include increased muscle mass, water retention, post-workout inflammation, the use of supplements, or even undigested food. In most cases, weight gain after exercise is temporary.
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  613 Hits

Is it possible for expectant mothers to train.

Pregnancy is a difficult time for many, both physically and mentally. Your body changes in several ways to adapt to a growing baby. In fact, carrying a child is a very responsible event, comparable to running a marathon for 9 months.
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  581 Hits