
Скручивания на пресс в положении велосипед.

Велосипедные скручивания — эффективное упражнение для пресса, которое затрагивает не только обычный пресс, но и глубокие мышцы, а также косые мышцы живота. Если вы хотите проработать мышцы кора, это движение — отличный выбор. Это упражнение начального уровня без оборудования, которое можно выполнять где угодно. Используйте его как часть тренировки по укреплению мышц кора или добавьте к тренировке всего тела.

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Create a beautiful press with cross-twists.

Cross—twisting is an exercise for beginners that works on a larger group of muscles than just the anterior abdominal muscles. It also affects the lateral abdominal muscles, helping you feel more "drawn in" at the waist. Add this movement to your core workout to strengthen your midsection.
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Russian twists are a good exercise for the muscles of the core and back.

Russian twists are a good exercise that strengthens all parts of the abdominal press, especially the oblique muscles, for strong core muscles and a thin waist. By using your muscles to rotate from side to side, you activate the muscle fibers around your waist and also pull in your lower abdomen to create a strong flat stomach. Having learned how to do Russian twists, you will add another basic exercise for the core, going beyond the standard twists.
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How to perform vertical twists

Vertical twists are a great exercise for the core muscles. It is similar to basic twisting, except that the legs are perpendicular to the floor. This position increases the intensity of the exercise, so it's a good next step after you've mastered the basic twists. This will help you achieve a flatter and more attractive abs and strong core muscles. You can use this exercise as part of a basic workout or a full-body workout.
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  1972 Hits

Twisting the press

Twisting - basic exercises for abdominal muscles, especially the abdominal rectus muscles. It crunches with weights are a key exercise to create abs.If you want to stimulate growth of abdominal muscles, use the weights and number of repetitions should be about 20. For the formation of the relief is necessary to...
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